
Reborn To The Sky

Lin Tian, ​​an Immortal King of the Immortal Realm, because of a Mysterious Scroll he found, he was betrayed by his lover, and his disciples. The hundreds of thousands of practitioners in the Immortal Realm who knew about it immediately surrounded and chased after him. A fierce battle that shook the heavens and earth ensued, blood flowed for millions of miles, useless human corpses lay on the ground. For months, finally Lin Tian who was dubbed the Immortal King began to be cornered and chose to destroy the soul and everything together. A thousand years after his death, he suddenly wakes up in the body of a young man with the same name. All of his past memories, and even the Mysterious Scrolls also followed suit. "Ling Yueyin, Immortal Monarch King, you wouldn't have thought, that I Lin Tian not only perished but also obtained a precious secret!" "Wait! I Immortal King Lin Tian will come soon and take the heads of all of you!"

Taishan_SV_6809 · Eastern
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36 Chs

Two young men

"Lin Lin, now close your eyes and don't fight back." Lin Tian looked at Lin Lin gently and said.

Lin Lin looked at Lin Tian and heard about closing his eyes, he felt confused to close his eyes at this time.

Although confused and wanted to ask, Lin Lin still closed his eyes and followed Lin Tian's words.

When he closed his eyes, Lin Lin felt his body being thrown very quickly and then stopped.

It happened so fast, Lin Lin only felt his body being thrown away in the blink of an eye and then stopped. Lin Lin was surprised and curious. He wanted to open his eyes, but he had to wait for Lin Tian's next direction and could only hold the curiosity in his heart.

"Open your eyes."

Just as Lin Lin was curious, Lin Tian's voice was heard.

When Lin Lin opened his eyes, what he saw in front of him was not a room in his room anymore, but an open space had appeared. The room was 20 square meters wide, bordered by a gray border around it and there was a Black Pagoda standing in the center of the room.

"This is…" Lin Lin was so shocked by the scene in front of him, he felt like he was in another world and was speechless.

"This is Young Master's secret. Lin Lin was the first to know about it, so Lin Lin must keep it a secret." Lin Tian stood in front of Lin Lin, and said in a serious tone.

Lin Lin didn't speak, he just nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Good, come with me." Lin Tian nodded slowly, said and walked towards the Star Pagoda.

Lin Lin nodded slowly and followed behind Lin Tian.

Seeing Lin Tian walking in front of him and saying that he was the first to see his secret, this showed that Lin Lin had a meaning in Lin Tian's heart, which made him deeply moved in his heart.

Lin Lin felt extremely happy in her heart and looked at Lin Tian with eyes filled with adoration.

Lin Lin was brought into the Pagoda.

The two of them entered the Star Pagoda and stopped at the rock in the center of the room.

"Sit on this rock." after stopping, Lin Tian looked at Lin Lin and said.

Hearing Lin Tian's words and seeing the black stone in the middle of the room, Lin Lin didn't ask much, nodded and immediately sat down.

Not knowing when, a bowl of sticky green soup appeared in Lin Tian's hand.

"Drink." Lin Tian said and directed the soup in front of Lin Lin.

The soup in the bowl was the same medicine that Lin Tian consumed the day before yesterday to remove the poison in his meridians.

In the many years they had shared food, Lin Lin also frequently ate the poison porridge from the Lin family's kitchen, thus, he also did not escape the poison that had settled between his meridians.

Yesterday Lin Tian had also left a bit for Lin Lin to use in the future. he was actually waiting for the time when Lin Lin was willing to train, but now that Lin Lin asked to become a warrior, automatically the poison that had accumulated in his meridians for years and blocked the flow of aura in his meridians needed to be removed.

In fact, if the poison in his meridians didn't harm his body for the time being, if you wanted to practice on the path of cultivation, all the meridians in the body had to be clean and free of impurities.

If there is a blockage in the meridians, the heaven and earth aura that is absorbed into the body and flows into the dantian will be disrupted. In order to become a cultivator, the meridians were more important than the dantian to be noticed first. The meridians are like a small river and the Dantian is the ocean where the streams of the small rivers end. If there is a problem with the flow of the river, it will automatically disturb the ocean and not infrequently it will threaten the life of the cultivator himself.

Now is a suitable time to clear Lin Lin's meridians.

Seeing the sticky soup in the bowl, dark green in color and a strange smell emanating from it, Lin Lin slightly raised her eyebrows and felt a little nauseous.

Even if they shared food with Lin Tian in the past and didn't feel disgusted, they were still food. As for the soup in front of him, it didn't look like food, the texture looked odd and there was also a pungent smell emanating from it.

Is this really edible?

"Young Master, is this really edible?" With doubts in his heart, Lin Lin couldn't help but ask.

"If it's not edible, do you think it's poison?" Lin Tian did not answer, but asked back.

Lin Lin didn't answer in his mouth, but nodded his head.

Seeing Lin Lin's head nod, Lin Tian was amused.

"Lin Lin, if you don't want to drink it, I'll hit your ass and forcefully tell you to drink it. You're right, the soup in that bowl is poison. after you finish drinking it, your body will fall asleep like last time and in the end you will only be meat on the cutting board, which only I can play with." Lin Tian couldn't help but said to Lin Lin at length, and smiled like a criminal.

"Not." Lin Lin immediately screamed in fright, but then remembered what happened last time and immediately continued: "Young Master stinks, Young Master is bullying Lin Lin again." Lin Lin pouted, looked at Lin Tian with an angry look and said in a slightly harsh tone.

Lin Lin's sullen look was like a little girl who was angry, and was joking with her parents.

Seeing Lin Lin's overreaction, Lin Tian had a big smile on his mouth, his heart warmed and suddenly felt like he had a sister.

In the past, Lin Tian lived alone. No relatives or family.

When Lin Tian could remember something, he could only remember, he had lived in the forest with a wild wolf around and was raised by the wild animals in the forest. Just when Lin Tian was 10 years old, he was found by an old man, took him to the outside world and saw the real world.

The old man was the first human he had ever met, being his only relative and making him feel the affection of a family.

It's just that fate said otherwise, the happiness of a simple family was destroyed by a human who called himself a cultivator.

As an ordinary human, Lin Tian could only curse and harbor anger in his heart. At that very instant, for the first time, Lin Tian met the fateful Ling Yueyin.

With the goal of becoming strong and being able to avenge him, the two boys walked step by step and eventually became peak existences in the immortal realm. but Lin Tian never expected, that the woman who grew up together would stab him in the back and tell his secret to others.

Lin Tian's thoughts drifted to the past and there was a hint of sadness in his heart, but it quickly disappeared.

Looking back at Lin Lin's innocent face in front of her, Lin Tian hoped that she wouldn't be the second Ling Yueyin and would only always be her family.

"Young Master, are you all right?" seeing Lin Tian only seeing him smiling not speaking and his gaze looking blank, Lin Lin asked with a bit of worry.

"It's okay, I'm just reminiscing a little from the past. You'd better drink the soup soon." After regaining consciousness, Lin Tian said to Lin Lin and had a gentle smile on his mouth.

Seeing the soup in his hand, Lin Lin hesitated and didn't drink it immediately.

"Drink, it is a good thing for you."