
Reborn: To Save My Students

My class got transported into another world however I watched as my students died by those that summoned us. My name is Ryan and I was their teacher back in our world. They had their whole lives ahead of them but they died due to my incompetence. Somehow I was given a second chance and was reborn back into the world, back to the very platform they summoned us on. I will have my revenge and save my students because I AM THEIR TEACHER. Follow a teacher who died and reborn to do one thing and one thing only, to save his students. Join his journey as he takes upon himself to give what his students had given him... hope. Please note that this story is filled with mature content. An interesting story with complicated topics. I'll try to upload whenever I can. If you like this story please vote through power stone and add this book. I will also have others stories up soon to. Leave a review and let me know what you think. Don’t forget to vote, vote, vote! You can add and follow me on facebook - @GuanKitAuthorAu Current works Amazon/Kindle Pride within the Firestorm Webnovel Reborn: To Save My Students King's World Note: I'm new to writing and make mistakes but know that I will try my hardest to fix any of them and make my stories a fun adventure to be immersed in. Disclaimer: The cover art is not mine. It's rights goes to the owner and not me. If your the owner, notify me for removal.

GuanKit · Fantasy
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97 Chs

A Demon King’s Castle Tour

Cerbi's all three heads looked up to Lucifer with a curious expression.

It was surreal to know that Cerbi was in fact a summoned.

{"Master, now that Bal has learnt to summon, he will be of an assistance to us in the future, don't ya think?"}


{"As the leader of a company that's solely comprised of magic users of course. You've already got a network of foot soldiers like the Knight's Order and the elites that is Baihu and the shadow protectors, us, the Shadow Legion. Master, we still could have companies with roles that's needed to be filled. A group of magical users would be the best next choice for your next company and maybe a group of healers for the one after. Our little princess has developed a rather intricate system for her champion. She's doing all she can not only for her family but for you too. Let's give back to her as much she's given us, given you. Her heart."}

I looked towards Barrel who was conversing with his new summoned, Shyvana.

{"You love her, don't you?"}

"Yes." I answered as if it was on instinct.

{"Good because we the Shadow Legion will follow you and our little princess and will watch over you two. Isn't that right Gambi?"}

{"Of course."} Gambert answered as he appeared next to us. Gambert turned his head to me. {"Master, I think we should get going and look for that secret boss before the other group does."}

"Okay." I said as I turned my head around to the group back pass the pond.

{"Bal! Now that you've learnt to advance summon, it would only get harder from here. Luckily for you that your first advance summon has a strong sense of morality, I wouldn't say that for all your next summons. If in the future you've summoned an unreasonable summon, the best way is to stay calm, have a steady mind and look pass yourself and think of the summoned. A summoned is not a slave, it was once alive after all, so please be respectful to them."}

"Yes, thank you for the guidance, mentor!"

Lucifer nodded his head like a proud mentor.

{"Since our little training have finished. Come on, lets head back to the group and get this whole thing started!"}


The three of us walked our way back to the group. Gambert went back into my shadow and Shyvana was recalled. Cerbi skipped around us as we walked.

I told the group that will go for the secret boss first. They all agreed with my decision. Lilith guided us out of the garden courtyard and through the castle that was once her home.

She guided us like we were on a tour, and she was our tour guide. As we walked, she told us the history of this castle and her family.

The fact that her family was the ones that created demon's land was mind boggling. They have also protected demon's land from all invaders since its inception is simply astonishing.

Lilith led us through an open walkway that led us out into an open courtyard within the castle.

{"What do you think of my home so far, master?"}

I pondered what she had asked and wondered.

I would never deny to anyone that I am an otaku, a weeb. To say that I'm a bit overwhelmed by the prospect that I'm in a demon lord's castle.

It's like the age-old question, what would you tell your younger self about his own future?

If there is a chance of going back in time, and you meet your younger self, would you say as it is or would you sugar coat things…

If I told my younger self that I would be touring within the demon lord's castle with Lilith as my guide and Lucifer walking beside me, my younger self would tell me; maybe dreaming of becoming a teacher isn't your thing, with that kind of a imagination, maybe you should try and become a writer…

"Oh? What is this?" Zilma's voice echoed through the courtyard. "Are you coming for me? Or are you going after the heroes?"

I looked to Lucifer who were clenching his fists at my side.

{"He's up to something…"} Lucifer whispered to me.

"Luckily for you humans, you have a guide to lead you to me, but I wouldn't say those other humans weren't so lucky!"

Zilma laughed airily as if his voice was carried off by the wind.

I looked at the map that popped up right in front of me.

The other groups dots were moving through a corridor below us.

He's lying.

"What do we do now? Do we look for them or go for the secret boss?" Whispered one of the other guild members in our little group.

"We go for the secret boss," I replied.

"We're not going to save the other group?" Asked Namise in a shocked hushed tone.

"They're fine. They're currently heading their way to the throne room as we speak."

At least I think that's where they are headed, they're below us and the throne room is on our floor. Zilma is in the throne room as indicated on the map, but we have no way of knowing where the secret room is. The secret boss isn't showing up on the map which worries me but Lilith seemed to be confident in knowing a place where they could be and it's close to the throne room as well.

"How do you know that?" Inquired Pyrus.

"It's one of my abilities. I could sense where they are."

"Interesting." Pryus replied curiously. "You're full of surprises Ryan."

"What's all this whispering?" Zilma's sudden voice slipped into our quiet conversation jolted us into attention. "I hope you all didn't forget that I'm still here, right? Like your friends, it's inevitable to lower your guard when you forgot that this is my castle."

Oh no…

{"Be on Alert!"} called out Lucifer.

My head swerved to Lucifer who was on edge.

Was this an ambush?

Floating red orbs appeared out of nowhere and started to fill up the space around us. The red orbs glowed brightly before transforming itself into a figure with red eyes.

{"Marlya!"} I heard Lilith shouted. {"What happened to you?"}

I swerved my head to Lilith who was calling up to a rather small girl with a maid's uniform on. She has small horns on the top of her head and pointed ears.

The girl didn't respond but judging from her expression, it seemed like she wasn't there to even respond.

As more and more of the red orbs turned into demons, they all had the same expression. A blank expression. Lifeless.

{"Hami? Tanna? Chef Bosa? Talk to me!"} Lilith's voice cracked, almost as if she was on the verge of crying.

Lucifer walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her.

{"They're gone… everyone here is dead…"} Lucifer broke the news to her, and Lilith broke.



{"Where's father?!"}

Zilma maniacal laughter echoed all around us.

"Don't worry. You'll see him soon."

{"What did you do to him?!"} Lilith screamed.

"Calm down little princess. Like I said, you two will be reunited soon. That is if you can destroy the reminisce of a shell that is your family and friends."

We were surrounded by demons at all sides. I could tell simply by their attire that the majority were staff of the castle. There were only a few nobles amongst the sea of cooks, housekeepers, and servants.

Wait… everyone here was a staff member. Where are all the soldiers?

{"You monster!"}

Lilith cry for her family and friends was met with only laughter from Zilma.

"Little princess. I'm not a monster. I am a king! Now let the fun begin!"

The demons started to rush forward. They had no conventual weapons or anything remotely that could hurt us badly. The cooks carried pans and spatulas whilst the maids and housekeepers carried things like brooms, feather dusters and wash cloths. The gardeners had shovels and the librarian had a book in his hand.

We were about to get ready for a rather big fight when Lilith said, {"We're not going to fight them."}

"What do you mean?" Asked Namise with fear in her eyes.

{"I didn't recognize it earlier, but this is one of my father's spells. It's called absolver and it's one of my father's most powerful spells. Every demon within demon's land is connected by the fact that well… we are demons. It's a spell that turns everyone that's a demon and are alive into a soul spirit. The red orbs we saw before they transformed back into their original demon form was the soul spirit. I bet somehow Zilma found a way to control the soul spirit. We need to break that control."}

"How do we do something like that?" Namise squeaked as the horde of demons came closer and closer towards us. They were moving slowly which gave us a bit of time to discuss our options.

What do we do?

Wait… control?

A majority of my ultimate are control based, maybe I can overwrite Zilma's control and place them under my control.


"I'll give it a try." I stated as I looked at how many demons I had to convert.

Everyone except for Lilith and Lucifer all turned their heads to me.

I just bit my lips nervously before uttering two words, "'Mass Converter."