
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Housing for the Free

Having given his orders to the patrolling guards, Michael quickly returned to the estate. He needed to locate suitable housing for the freed people as soon as possible. He was not going to allow them to sleep on the streets while he had a home perfectly large enough to house them for the time being. Had there been even one or two fewer, he could have sheltered them indefinitely.

He wouldn't have imagined there to be over a dozen individuals hidden beneath that tarp. Now that he had seen them, he could not turn a blind eye. As he was mulling over the blueprints and occupancy of the city, Alice made her way into the study and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this worked up. Something happen on your walk?"

Without a pause in the task at hand, Michael managed to answer the best he could without losing focus.

"I encountered a slave trader today. After banishing him from the city, I had the guards free those that were enslaved and offer them a healthy meal. Now, I need to sort out their other problem."

"They need a place to stay right? How are you going to have them pay for it?"

Alice raised a question that Michael hadn't thought about thus far. After deliberating the issue for a moment, a smile formed on his face. He was reminded again as to why he had approached her in the beginning.

At the time, he had merely suspected that she was a calculated person. After all, not every person would be able to pull off the feat of assassinating a Duke and live to tell the tale. Still, she walked away unscathed.

Over the past two years, she had continuously pointed out areas he had overlooked. She never shied away from speaking her mind and always improved on his line of thought. She quickly became irreplaceable in his life.

Even if mutual feelings of romance had not formed between the two before now, it was merely a matter of time before one or the other had spoken up about them. After all, what man and woman can interact for hours on end, day after day, and not have a spark form between them.

"I think I'll devise some form of payment system for them. Depending on the number of persons entering the home and the size of the building itself, I'll arrange the agreement to suit them best. I'll also be turning to you on occasion to assist in these matters."

"I'd be upset if you didn't come to me for help. I'm not just a show piece that you can attach to your arm in public after all. "

The two chuckled at the statement. Alice was right. She was exceptionally beautiful, but she was also highly intelligent. Something Michael appreciated and made sure to take advantage of in moderation. The two had come to support each other unconditionally long before they wed.

After another hour had passed, a knock came from the front door. After the two made their way out of the study and down the stairs, Alice proceeded to open it. Kneeling just on the other side was the patrolling guard that Michael had instructed to handle the matter of the newly freed slaves.

"My lord, all of the freed slaves have been adequately fed. The matter of housing has yet to be arranged. For the time begin, the guards are prepared to house the men of the group. We have all come to an agreement that it would be inappropriate to house the woman as well."

Approaching the guard, Michael stopped just before him before speaking.

"You and the other guards have done well. May I inquire who it was that came up with this solution?"

Fearing that the housing arrangement could have upset Michael, the guard lowered his head before speaking.

"The suggestion was proposed by myself, lord. The Captain on duty has also agreed with the arrangement. It was also I who was unable to find a solution regarding the woman of the group. That is why I am the one before you."

With his hand, Michael raised the guard to his feet with a gentle smile sitting comfortably on his face.

"I appreciate the hard work that your unit has been putting in. You have dedicated yourselves to the security and peace within the city. Tell me, what is the name of the guard before me?"

"The name of this humble guard is Aaron, my lord."

"Well, Aaron, allow me to express my utmost thanks for the suggestion you proposed to your Captain. This has saved me many difficulties for the time being and will allow for more time in devising a permanent solution to the men.

Inform the newly freed men that should they wish it, they are free to join the city guards. They will receive the same training and treatment as the lot of you have no matter where they originated from.

Return now to make this proposal and have the woman escorted here. I have failed to establish a means to house them for the evening. For my inability, I will feed and house them here until either myself or my dear wife manages to find a solution."

Having issued and order, Michael turned to reenter his home. As his back turned, he saw that the Aaron was already down the path and exiting the estate. With the door closing behind him, he turned to Alice who had remained silent during the entire interaction.

"You seem to have something on your mind. Are you unsettled by the arrangement for the evening?"

"Not in the slightest. Rather I'm proud to have married a man who is kind enough to not only free slaves but also house them within his own home for a short while. I'm simply worried that one or two of them will misunderstand your personality. After all, I'm certain that they have all experience some rather inhumane situations in the past."