
Reborn to Rule: The Rise of the Underworld Empress

Jiang Yan was at the peak of power and success in the business world. But her hidden enemies had finally caught up to her. In a shocking twist of fate, she was betrayed and killed along with everyone close to her. Jiang Yan thought it was the end, but fate had some other plans. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in her 18-year-old body, a decade in the past. This was her second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. Armed with the knowledge of her future, she set out to rebuild her empire and take revenge on those who wronged her. "I will rule over everyone," she declared, her voice laced with determination. "I will make them all pay." But as Jiang Yan navigated the treacherous waters of the business world, she discovered that not everything was as it seemed. She had thought her ex-husband, Feng Yuansheng, hated her. However, his love for her went beyond life and death. As she uncovered the truth, she began to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. Suddenly, a popular superstar appeared before her, declaring, "Jiang Yan, you are my goddess!" A sports star chimed in, "You are my master!" and a certain bigshot said, "You are my saviour!" But the ruthless CEO, watching all of this unfold, simply stated, "Backoff, she is my wife." The unknown person lurking in the shadows, retorted, "Really? We will see!" As she worked tirelessly to rebuild her empire and take revenge, Jiang Yan was plagued by the memory of the unknown person who had saved her life. Who were they? Why had they intervened? But as the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together, Jiang Yan realized that the truth was much deeper than she ever could have imagined. As the identity of the unknown person was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with a shocking realization. The person she had despised the most was actually working to protect her all this time. But as she tried to wrap her head around this revelation, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there were still things hidden from her. The truth behind was even more complex than anyone could have ever imagined. As the past was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with the ultimate test of her character. Would she be able to protect everyone close to her? In this thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, Jiang Yan would uncover shocking revelations about herself and those around her. Join her journey to uncover the mystery of her rebirth and the true purpose of her second chance at life. *** Jiang Yan stormed into Feng Yuansheng's office, her eyes burning with fury. "What the hell, FENG YUANSHENG? Your men just attacked my business rival! I had my own plans for him," she demanded, her voice sharp and biting. Feng Yuansheng reclined in his chair, his gaze locked onto hers. "I couldn't let anyone harm you, Yan. I had to take action," he replied, his voice low and smooth. Jiang Yan's fists clenched, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I don't need your protection, Yuansheng. I can handle myself," she retorted. Feng Yuansheng's expression softened as he realized his error. "I'm sorry! I overstepped. It won't happen again," he said, his hand reaching out to take hers. As Jiang Yan looked into his eyes, she saw his sincerity and felt her anger dissipating. "Okay, I'll let it go this time. But don't think you can do as you please," she said, giving him a playful smile. Feng Yuansheng grinned back, pulling her into his embrace as he plotted how to hid his actions from her in the future. "I won't repeat the same mistake," he thought, amused by their game. Note: This novel is part fantasy and sci-fi! With multiple power couples, and the best kind of twist ever! Also, find me on Instagram @kashin_san to see the previews of this book! Book Cover Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/471189179770284164/

Kashin_san · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 6: Unfilial

Aunt Lin was happy with the ruckus she had created. This time she was sure to trap Jiang Yan completely. Just then one of the village women approached Aunt Lin, she asked, "What's going on here? Why are you all shouting at that girl?" Aunt Lin was waiting for this opportunity to tarnish that girl's reputation thorougly.

"Oh, it's just this foster child of ours," Aunt Lin said, her voice filled with fake concern. "She's been staying out late at night and ruining her own life. She's so disrespectful and ungrateful. She even steals from our house!"

The village woman looked shocked and concerned. "That's terrible! How can she do that?"

Aunt Lin continued to cry, "I just wish she would be more filial and respectful. She's ruining Ning Yue's reputation too with her behaviour."

Ning Yue nodded in agreement, adding, "It's true. Jiang Yan's behaviour is unacceptable, and it's affecting our entire family."

The villagers listened intently, and Aunt Lin continued to manipulate the situation to her advantage, hoping to turn the village against Jiang Yan.

The village woman, Aunt Shi supported her, "She's a disgrace to our village," she said. "She doesn't deserve to be here."

Aunt Lin wiped away her fake tears and continued her tirade, "And now that she's gone back to the Jiang Family, who are so rich and powerful, I can't do anything to stop her. We just have to endure her disrespectful behaviour until she decides to leave on her own."

Ning Yue nodded again, adding, "Yes, we're all just victims of her selfishness. But mom please don't cry anymore, just let her be. After she is bored, she will leave on her own."

As Jiang Yan stepped out of the house, the villagers' eyes quickly turned towards her. They saw the bag in her hand and immediately jumped to conclusions. Accusations of theft were hurled at Jiang Yan.

Aunt Lin and Ning Yue exchanged glances, silently congratulating each other on their successful plan to turn the villagers against Jiang Yan. They watched with satisfaction as the other women berated Jiang Yan, their words harsh and unrelenting.

One of the villagers charged, "You think just because your family is rich, you can do whatever you want? You're nothing but a thief!"

The villagers murmured in agreement, and another person chimed in. "She's right. You think you're better than us just because you have money? You don't belong here. Go back to your own family and leave us alone!"

But despite the onslaught, Jiang Yan remained surprisingly calm. She listened quietly to their accusations, her eyes never leaving the ground. And when the villagers had finally exhausted their anger, she lifted her head and spoke with a voice that was steady and clear.

"Grandma Lui is in the hospital," she explained, her voice steady and clear. "She is badly injured and the doctor said she needs to be under observation for a week."

Jiang Yan's tears flowed freely down her cheeks, as she pretended to be vulnerable and weak in front of the villagers. She was well aware of Aunt Lin and Ning Yue's plan to tarnish her reputation and make her look like a thief. But Jiang Yan was no ordinary 18-year-old girl; she was a shrewd and cunning businesswoman, a leader in her own right at the age of 28. Did they think that she won't be able to act?

Through her tears, Jiang Yan recounted her harrowing experience of searching for her missing grandmother in the forest. "Grandma Lui usually comes back before dark, so when she didn't, I went to look for her," she explained. "I found her lying at the bottom of a cliff, battered and barely conscious. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to act fast to save her."

Jiang Yan wiped her tears, trying to compose herself as she continued, "I climbed down the cliff, and managed to carry Grandma Lui up to safety. Right now, she is in the hospital. I came back to the house just now to gather some of her belongings so I could stay with her and take care of her."

Her clothes were tattered and smudged with mud, evidence of her desperate efforts to save her grandmother. Jiang Yan wasn't sure if she was still acting or if her tears were genuine as the memory of her grandmother's bruised body weighed heavily on her heart. The villagers could see the truth in her words, and their accusatory shouts and scolding softened as they realized their mistake.

The other villagers murmured among themselves, some of them nodding in agreement with Jiang Yan's story. Aunt Lin and Ning Yue looked on helplessly, realizing that their scheme had backfired.

"I believe her," said an elderly woman, her voice firm. "Jiang Yan has always been a respectful and honest young woman. I don't think she would ever steal from anyone."

"I know I'm not related to Grandma Lui by blood, but she has been taking care of me for the past 14 years. I owe her my life, and I want to do my filial duty for her, no matter how small," Jiang Yan said, her voice breaking with emotion.

She then turned to Aunt Lin and Ning Yue, "I don't understand how you can sit here and chat while Grandma Lui is missing. I had to go out and look for her myself. Where were you two?"

Aunt Lin and Ning Yue exchanged a worried glance, realizing that they had been so engrossed in their gossip that they had not even noticed that Grandma Lui was missing. They had assumed that she had gone to bed early.

But now, with the villagers turning against them, they realized that they had made a grave mistake. They tried to make the villagers believe that Jiang Yan was lying, but the more they spoke, the more the villagers saw through their lies.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves!" one of the villagers scolded Aunt Lin and Ning Yue. "Jiang Yan is doing her best to take care of Grandma Lui, and all you two can do is gossip and spread rumours. You should be grateful to have her here."

Aunt Lin attempted to salvage the situation. "I didn't know-" she started, but the villagers were not willing to hear any further excuses.

"How could you not know where your own mother-in-law is?" an accusive villager questioned. "It's your responsibility to take care of her when your husband is not around."

An elderly woman chimed in, "Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could have helped you."

Jiang Yan wiped her tears and explained, "I didn't want to burden anyone. I just wanted to take care of Grandma Lui and make sure she was okay."

Aunt Lin and Ning Yue exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that their plan to damage Jiang Yan's reputation had backfired. Aunt Lin attempted to save the situation by asking, "Well, why didn't you say something when you returned? We believed that you were stealing from us."

Jiang Yan shot back, "I was in a hurry and didn't have time to explain. But now that you know the truth, I hope you'll let me go back to the hospital and take care of Grandma Lui."

The other villagers murmured in agreement, and Aunt Lin and Ning Yue hung their heads in shame. They knew they had been caught in their lies, and they had only themselves to blame.

The villagers began to whisper among themselves, and it was clear that they were on Jiang Yan's side. They praised her for taking on the responsibility of caring for Grandma Lui, even though she was not related to her by blood.

Jiang Yan could feel the tension ease as the villagers began to understand the truth. She wiped away her tears and stood up straight, feeling empowered by the support of the community.

"I am grateful for your kind words," she said to the villagers. "But I must go now and take care of Grandma Lui. Thank you for your understanding."

The villagers nodded understandingly as Jiang Yan made her way out of the house. Aunt Lin and Ning Yue stood back, feeling the weight of the villagers' disapproving stares. They had underestimated Jiang Yan and it had cost them dearly.

As she walked away, Jiang Yan couldn't help but smile to herself. She had shown Aunt Lin and Ning Yue that she was not to be underestimated, and she had won the respect of the village. It was a small victory, but it was a victory nonetheless.
