

I always hate water.. And I don't know why I scare of water .That's why I don't take shower for long time or everyday ..I catch cold so early then others. I like summer I don't feel so hot even on 45°C tampere. 

I like planting..there everywhere plants in my room..I mean too many..

BUT WHY?...?

It's not usual..why I'm like that..

Rain scene....

This is first time I'm walking in rain..I'm fully wet ..

But I feel good..I wanna dance now ...Wait why I suddenly feel pain.? What is that ...? Who is he ..? White hair, blue eyes....

No .. get out of my head...

Sis ...pichu..who are they..

Suddenly become dark everything.. I'm falling down..

7 hours later...

I'm so happy..ha ..ha..ha..! 

I'm running, jumping on trees to trees ..

And swimming under the river..

Someone calling me..




I Didn't see clearly there face..but I awake up..

I'm in my room..Someone change my clothes.

Ah..!ah..! My head hurts..!.. what's these things..who are these people....ah...! Again that bloody hand..get out ....ma..ma...ma..! Help me .my head hurts..ma..pa..pa..

My mom came and asked " what happened dear?"

I said, with tears" Ma please help me, I don't wanna feel that things ,so pain.."

What pain..did you get hurt..?

No..I don't know..but that's hurt..

My parents took me to the hospital...

Doctor gave me some medicines. so I'm fall asleep..