

Hello..I'm "TITEL".I'm only 17 years old..I'm so fat and ugly. So I don't have so much friends. I have only few they are so good to me and most importantly I don't have any male friend. Also I don't want any because I don't know why I feel like someone waiting for me..

Blah ...blah...!

Well I have one little brother. He is very handsome although he is only 15. Well..so annoying...

My family love me very much..they always treat me like a princess..So I'm so happy person. 

But ..

It's become already 2 years..Now it happens almost everyday..

Now 2 pm of night..

I saw those bloody right hand again...

Whenever I saw those dream I feel scared, feel so sad ,so cold, Also I cry ..I saw in the drama people cry in their dreams because of their sad past life.

Well I don't believe in reborn..

But these dreams make me feel pain 

1 month later... 

Life is hard because of study. Again I'm not good at study .but my brother is toper ...

Why is he my brother...a..a..a...! Annoying...!

Right Now I'm in my class .Teacher talking about something pylam,subpylam,class ..blah ..blah..! I'm not interested...haha..!

Ah..sky become cloudy..

After finishing my school I'm going back home..

So dark outside.. Anytime can rain .I started running..

Wind start flowing ..

Ah...I can't balanced myself...Ah...!...Ah..!