
Reborn to love:when you're mine

The book name has been changed to 'Reborn to love:when you're mine' {Sneak peek} "Why don't you pay your debt now?". Nu Yanyan raised her head confusingly"how?". "By getting married to me" Nu Yanyan:"..." ~~~ LJ:{I don't mind pursuing you} Who is LJ?,Nu Yanyan pondered for a minute until she finally realized that she got her phone from Lu Jingze. He must have sneakily implant his number in her phone. Was he serious. Nu Yanyan decided to test him. Yanyan:{Ok,then. Pursue me ~~~ After being used by her sister,betrayed by her husband,deserted by her parents and maltreated by her inlaws. Nu Yanyan faced a lot of humiliations,even after conceiving, she still didn't get to give her child a better life than hers. Soon she was taken away by the cold hands of death. Nu Yanyan got reborn and soon began her plan of revenge against everyone that killed her and did injustice to her innocent child and surprisingly uncovered a lot of secrets. Along the line came the man who changed her life. Also both the male and the female got reborn. PS:Book cover isn't mine

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86 Chs

Chapter Sixty-two_ Have fallen hard for you (3)

Sister..."Hearing the high pitched voice,Nu Yanyan faced back and saw Nu Liyu.

She still didn't stand up as Nu Liyu walked towards her with a half smile,Nu Yanyan however didn't even return the fake smile.

"Let's get this over with"she said and Nu Liyu sat down.

Then they heard click clack of shoes,Nu Yanyan first thought was Qin wei but the sound wasn't the same as high heels shoes.

She turned back and saw He Duming in a black suit, perfectly styled hair and black leather shoes.

He didn't even glance at Nu Liyu,his whole gaze was on Nu Yanyan as he walked downstairs. Nu Liyu clenched her fists in anger.

What do they see Nu Yanyan that makes them like her, she thinks, standing up and walking upto He Duming.

She hugged his arm and tugged his shirt to divert his attention"Duming,am going to be your wife soon but you're looking at her"She said with Jealousy. He Duming for some reason didn't want Nu Liyu to be sad,he maintained his poker face and sat down with Nu Liyu,no longer looking at Nu Yanyan.

So, they slept in the same house,Nu Yanyan thinks as she stared at them with indifference.

"Yanyan, you're here"

Finally the mother and daughter duo is complete.

Nu Yanyan smile got wider,she stood up as she saw her mother. "It's nice to see you again"Nu Yanyan said.

He Duming on the other hand gulped as his adam apple bobbled down slowly. He didn't mean to look at Nu Yanyan but when he saw when she stood up. Her shape was the only thing in his mind.

He had noticed what she was wearing but she wasn't that fat and didn't expect the cloth to fit her perfectly but now he realizes how wrong he was.

Her curves was driving him crazy, she placed her arm on her waist as she spoke making her look like a seductress,her voice was the most sexiest thing he has ever heard.

Nu Liyu gritted her teeth in anger but didn't speak, she could only watch as He Duming watches Nu Yanyan lustfully.

Qin wei slowly came down and wanted to hug Nu Yanyan but Nu Yanyan moved back, she was quite accustomed to their tricks. Maybe her mother wanted to plant something to frame her.

Qin wei wasn't bothered, she retracted her arm and pretended that nothing happened,then sat near the couple.

"We're here to discuss your father's unfortunate death, his family are all in the country side and won't be able to make it until the burial..."Qin wei started when Nu Yanyan coughed"Isn't this supposed to be a family meeting, strangers are not allowed"She emphasize on the word'strangers'.

Nu Liyu tightly hugged He Duming arm"he's not a stranger, we'll soon get married"she blushed as she said it,Qin wei smiled and nodded"Right,Nu Yanyan,when will you bring your fiance over"

"I don't have a fiance for now"As she said this,He Duming eyes lit up. He still have a chance.

"How much do you need for my father's burial"The whole reason for this meeting is to get money from her which she's not going to give.

Giving them false hope and then shattering it was a beautiful thing. They had all done it for her before, Nu Liyu and Qin wei will butter her up for money and latest designer clothes,her father will pay her a 'visit' for business opportunities while He Duming would show her love when her parents were around.

And when they don't feel the need to use her anymore,they would discard her like pile of dust, shattering that false hope and to be frankly honest,she had always hold on to that glimmer of hope thinking that one day they would care about her.

Now she realized how stupid she was,well,she now have a second chance to refuse all this.

While she was remembering all this,Qin wei happiness knew no bounds. She glanced at Nu Liyu and they both nodded at each other.

"We should talk over some lunch at He Duming and Nu Liyu new restaurant"Qin wei said with a proud smile.

Nu Yanyan nodded, she could already guess their plans. They want to drug her and have her give them all the money they want,they couldn't do it here because she would suspect them.

They decided to do it in the shameless couple restaurant,Nu Yanyan wouldn't be able to blame them because they were sitting with her and wouldn't be able to drug her while having lunch with her.

If they don't do that, she would have immense respect for them.