
Reborn to be the strongest God

After Centuries of being the Demonlord, Gerar quits. Why must he torture men when it's no longer fun? Why must he conquer the world when there's nothing to gain from it? Why must he be the demon lord when there's nothing left to challenge? So, he decides to quit and just dies. But instead of being reborn as a weak demon or even a human, he gets reborn as an Angel and thus his journey to supreme godhood begins! . .. ... Hi, Yet here- So, this is a fantasy story but there are also sci-fi elements. There's a harem but Mc's not particularly into romance. This story is basically a culmination of the things I find interesting and hopefully, you guys will find it interesting too (It'll keep on evolving into different coherent stories as the volumes pile up). This'll also be my largest planned novel yet, so let's see how that turns out. I'll try to keep the updates regular and will release bonus chapters if I can. In return, I expect votes. Oh yeah, I do have a server. https://discord.gg/vnnbHCJ4Sn Thank you for reading; I wish you a good day.

Nr_Yet1208 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Well then

The west coast-

As the name implied consisted of the whole west of heaven. Abandoned nearly eight centuries ago, the place was infested with Fallen.

The area was large, and if anything was bigger than even the area the supreme gods owned.

"It's massive…" Rose mumbled.

Decaying land as far as the eyes could see.

The light did reach this place however, it was much dimmer compared to the rest of the heaven.

And the shriveled coat-like things floating about- it gave this place a deathly sight.

"It is," Sarveisa said. "However, with those things around, I'm not sure-"

"Hear me, peasants!" Mihael spoke.

His words carried far.

Almost all the floating things just stared his way, unmoving,

The fallen.

"I've come to take over!"

"Take over?" Rose mumbled. "Seriously, what is up with him?"

"Why are you asking me?" Sarveisa hissed. "First attendant…?" She mocked.

Rose winced but- "Hmph!"

The floating things without a question just stared and stayed put.

"Now, go- bring more of you! For I shall make an empire with you as my eternal slaves. All those who resist, shall perish!" Voice reverberating throughout the lands.

"Huh?" Sarveisa stared, awkward. "Slaves… eternal? Perish!?"

The floating things bowed, and merrily went away.

"That should keep most of them away for now," Mihael shrugged. "You could build a house or village around here, if you want."

"You did that to chase them away?" Rose wondered.

"Yes. Despite how they look, they can understand words and they are also intelligent. And they know, no sane god would venture into the null, chasing them one by one."

"Well, you're not entirely sane yourself, you're not forgetting that right?" Sarveisa said under her breath.

Mihael ignored her, about to float closer to his land when-


Almost all the darn things came back- and with a whole lot more of them, totalling to a staggering seventy thousand!


Bowed anew before Mihael.

One of the coat things came forward- "My lord… we've been waiting for you all this time!" Voice devoid of life, deep, shiver inducing.

Eyes, red-

Color- dark brown-

With a purple hue-

A fallen.

"Weren't you chasing them out? How're they back?" Rose whispered.

Mihael didn't look at her.

"Good, they've passed my test. Go rebuild this land for me," Mihael commanded. "And once you're done, I shall rule over you all!"

"As you wish, my lord…"

They disappeared.


Mihael turned around. "Let's go home for now. You can go home too…" He bade Rose goodbye.

Incidentally both girls happened to be snickering behind his back for some reason….


A few days passed by.

Mihael's domain happened to be flourishing.

The floating things had built him a palace made of pure black marble.

A few thousand floors tall, some kilometers wide-

And they'd also paved the whole domain with black linings and brought all sorts of dangerous and deadly monsters for his pleasure.

"Well… um…" Rose was at a loss for words.

Just like three days ago, they were hovering in the sky, watching the domain.

The very different domain.

Technically this place was still in heaven.

And yet it looked worse than the null.

"Let's go in?" Sarveisa said.


So, they descended.

Even the plants and grass happened to be black.

Some were purple but those were different.

Mostly just charcoal black.

There were of course other areas which weren't black but instead crystalline. Blue crystals mountains and caves. And purple trees.

"My lord-" The same wraith like floating thingy bowed before Mihael.

"Good work."

"Ah, it pleases my soul to hear such wondrous words from my master…."

"Who are you again?" Mihael wondered.

"Ah-" The thing almost appeared to be hurt… "It's me my lord… Bartholo," it pleaded.

"Yes, Bartholo the throat stabber, I remember you… General." Mihael vaguely remembered something.

"My lord!!!" It could not shed tears but it still squealed in joy.

"Throat stabber?" Rose whispered.

"One of my previous generals. He was said to be the third strongest demon alive." Mihael said… "Probably."

The demon still took great pride in hearing that.

"D-demon!?" Rose whimpered.

"Oh yes, Mihael happens to be the previous demonlord. And you didn't even know that First attendant?" Sarveisa smiled, mocking.

Hundreds of Fallen just floated by behind them.

Of course, none dared to venture in Mihael's field of view.

Rose grumbled. "Shut up second attendant…"

But Sarveisa still giggled anyway.

"Yes, that explains his mixed aura-" The crab said.


They entered the dark hellish palace.

The interior happened to be just as dark as the outside.

There was light, and they could see.

Yet every corridor, every turn, every room seemed like pits of darkness.

A weird hue in the walls-

A sound coursed through the whole place, as though millions were screaming at the same time, yet not-



"How… how will people live here?" Rose asked. Goosebumps all over her body. Heart racing.

She didn't like this place, no.

"As you can see, the Fallen would stay here," Sarveisa said. "But with that, our problems are taken care of. What say, we bid goodbye to your parents and head down?"

The palace was big and had many floors.

But there was nothing here.

"Hmm… Bartho-"

"Yes, my lord."

"What will you and your underlings be doing here?"

"Whatever you command my lord."

For the first time ever, Mihael's eyes drooped, mouth curled like a new moon- "Well then-"

So, I really am in a bind.

Things going horribly wrong.

I need a lot of money right now.

But writing is the only thing I can do.

And so, I'll write and try to write a lot more than usual.

I'm writing 3 novels right now and I plan to update them all daily from today onwards.

That's a lot of work.

I would really appreciate getting some help. Gifts, golden tickets, power stones, anything. Even just encouragement.

Thank you for reading, I hope everything goes well for you and have a great day.

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