
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Rising challenges

The days following Jae-Hoon's sparring match with Yoon-Seo were filled with intense training sessions.

The entire team was pushing themselves harder than ever before, driven by the looming inter-school tournament.

As Jae-Hoon entered the gym for afternoon practice, he noticed a palpable tension in the air.

Coach Kim was in deep conversation with Jun-ho, the team captain, their expressions serious.

The other team members were huddled in small groups, whispering among themselves.

"What's going on?" Jae-Hoon asked Dong-Wook, who was stretching nearby.

Dong-Wook's face was grim. "You haven't heard? Daehan High's team is coming for a joint practice session next week. Apparently, it's some new initiative to 'foster cooperation between schools.'"

Coach Kim clapped his hands, calling everyone's attention.

"Listen up, team. I know you've all heard the rumors. It's true - Daehan High will be joining us for a practice session next week.

This is an opportunity for us to learn from one of the best teams in the country."

Murmurs rippled through the group.

"But," Coach Kim continued, his voice stern,

"this is also a chance for us to show what Seonghwa High is made of. We may not have their resources or reputation, but we have heart and determination.

I expect each of you to give your absolute best during this session. Understood?"

A chorus of "Yes, Coach!" echoed through the gym.

As they began their warm-up exercises, Yoon-Seo sidled up to Jae-Hoon. "What do you think about this joint practice?" she asked, her voice low.

Jae-Hoon considered his words carefully. "It's going to be tough," he admitted. "But I think it's a good opportunity for us to see where we stand and what we need to improve."

Yoon-Seo nodded, a determined glint in her eye. "You're right. We can't back down from this challenge."

The practice that day was more intense than ever. Coach Kim pushed them to their limits, refining their techniques and working on their stamina.

"Dong-Wook," Jae-Hoon called out during a break, "try rotating your hip a bit more on that roundhouse kick. It'll give you more power."

Dong-Wook looked surprised but nodded, trying the kick again with Jae-Hoon's advice. His eyes widened as he felt the difference.

"Wow, thanks Jae-Hoon! That feels much better."

As they were cooling down, Jun-ho gathered the team.

"I know everyone's nervous about next week," he said, his voice steady. "But remember, we're a team. We face this challenge together."

Later that evening, as Jae-Hoon was walking home, he received a message from Min-Jae:

"Heard about the joint practice with Daehan High. Be careful, Jae-Hoon. Their team doesn't play nice. Remember what we learned about reading opponents?"

Jae-Hoon smiled, appreciating his friend's concern. He typed back a quick reply:

"Thanks for the heads up. We'll be ready for them. How's training at Hansung going?"

As he approached the orphanage, Jae-Hoon noticed a group of younger kids playing in the yard. Among them was Sung-Min, the young boy he'd been mentoring.

"Jae-Hoon!" Sung-Min called out, waving excitedly. "Can you show us that cool kick again?"

Jae-Hoon grinned, setting down his bag. "Alright, but just once. It's almost dinner time."

As he demonstrated the kick for the awestruck children, Jae-Hoon felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Mrs. Kim, her expression a mix of amusement and concern.

"Jae-Hoon, it's time for dinner," she said. "And you know the rules about practicing kicks in the yard."

"Sorry, Mrs. Kim," Jae-Hoon replied, lowering his leg. "I was just showing them a basic form."

Mrs. Kim shook her head, but there was a hint of a smile on her face. "Basic, he says. That looked pretty advanced to me. Come on, all of you. Wash up for dinner."

As the children scampered inside, Sung-Min lingered behind. "Jae-Hoon, do you think I could ever kick like that?"

Jae-Hoon ruffled the younger boy's hair. "Of course you can. It just takes practice and dedication."

"Will you teach me?" Sung-Min asked, his eyes wide with hope.

Before Jae-Hoon could answer, Mrs. Kim called from the doorway. "Jae-Hoon! A moment, please."

Jae-Hoon gave Sung-Min an apologetic smile. "We'll talk later, okay?"

As he approached Mrs. Kim, she lowered her voice. "I heard about the joint practice with Daehan High. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Jae-Hoon straightened his posture. "Yes, Mrs. Kim. Our team has been training hard."

She studied his face for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. Just... be careful, okay? And remember, your studies are just as important as Taekwondo."

"I will," Jae-Hoon promised.

As they entered the dining room, the chatter of the other children filled the air. Jae-Hoon took his usual seat, his mind already drifting to the upcoming practice with Daehan High. 

He knew it would be challenging, but as he looked around at the familiar faces of his makeshift family, the joint practice wasn't just about proving himself anymore.

It was about showing what Seonghwa High – and kids like him – were capable of. With that thought, he dug into his dinner.

As Jae-Hoon ate, Sung-Min slid into the seat next to him, eyes wide with curiosity. "Is it true you're going to practice with Daehan High? They're supposed to be really good, right?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, swallowing a mouthful of rice. "They are. But we've been training hard too."

"Do you think you can beat them?" Sung-Min asked, his voice a mix of awe and concern.

Before Jae-Hoon could answer, Mrs. Kim's voice cut in. "Now, Sung-Min, it's not about beating anyone. It's about doing your best and learning from the experience."

Jae-Hoon caught Mrs. Kim's eye and nodded gratefully. "She's right. We're going to learn a lot from this practice, no matter what happens."

As dinner wound down, Jae-Hoon helped clear the tables. The clink of dishes and the scrape of chairs filled the air as the younger children scampered off to play.

Mrs. Kim approached him as he was stacking the last of the plates.

"Jae-Hoon, a moment please," she said, gesturing towards the kitchen.

Once they were alone, Mrs. Kim's expression softened. "I know this joint practice means a lot to you. Just remember, it's an opportunity to learn and grow, not a competition."

Jae-Hoon nodded, appreciating her perspective. "I understand, Mrs. Kim. Thank you."

As he headed upstairs to his room, Jae-Hoon's phone buzzed with a message from Jun-ho:

"Team meeting tomorrow before school. 7 AM sharp. We need to discuss our approach for the joint practice."

Jae-Hoon typed a quick reply confirming his attendance.

As he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, Jae-Hoon couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about the joint practice.

It wasn't just about him anymore – it was about his team, about Seonghwa High.

Unable to sleep, he decided to explore the Taekwondo System more thoroughly.

'System, show me detailed information,' Jae-Hoon thought, curious if the system could respond to his mental commands.

To his surprise, a translucent blue screen materialized before his eyes:

[Taekwondo System]

[User: Lee Jae-Hoon]


Strength: 25

Speed: 29

Endurance: 27

Flexibility: 25

Spiritual Energy: 31


Basic Punch (Level 5)

Basic Roundhouse Kick (Level 5)

Basic Front Kick (Level 5)

Evasion (Level 2)

Advanced Kick (Level 3)

Advanced Spinning Kick (Level 2)

Counter Attack (Level 2)

Teamwork (Level 3)

[Special Skills]

Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae) (Level 2)

Predictive Analysis (Level 2)

Competitive Spirit (Level 2)

'Can the system read my thoughts?' Jae-Hoon wondered.

[Affirmative. The Taekwondo System is directly linked to your consciousness and can interpret your thoughts as commands.]

Jae-Hoon's eyes widened in surprise. This was a new development. He hadn't realized the system could respond to unspoken queries.

Intrigued by this discovery, Jae-Hoon focused his thoughts on the 'Harmonic Flow' skill. 'System, explain Harmonic Flow.'

[Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae): A unique skill developed through synergy with Min-Jae.

Increases coordination and effectiveness when training or competing alongside Min-Jae.

Current boost: 5% to all stats when in close proximity to Min-Jae.]

'Interesting,' Jae-Hoon thought. 'What about Predictive Analysis?'

[Predictive Analysis: Enhances ability to read opponents' movements and predict their actions.

Current effectiveness: 10% increase in reaction speed during combat situations.]

'System,' Jae-Hoon thought, 'what exactly are you?'

A translucent blue screen materialized before his eyes:

[The Taekwondo System is a construct designed to aid in the mastery of Taekwondo and personal growth.]

Jae-Hoon furrowed his brow. Even after all this time, the system remained a mystery.

'Can you tell me anything more about yourself?' he pressed.

[Information restricted]

This cryptic response only piqued Jae-Hoon's curiosity further. He had so many questions: Who created the system? Why was he chosen? Were there others like him?

But it seemed the system wasn't ready to divulge its secrets. Instead of answers, Jae-Hoon received another notification:

[Focus on your immediate goals. The joint practice with Daehan High approaches. Your growth and that of your team should be your priority.]

Jae-Hoon sighed, recognizing the system's way of redirecting his attention. It was right, of course.

The mystery of the system's origins could wait. For now, he needed to concentrate on the challenges ahead.

With that thought, Jae-Hoon finally drifted off to sleep, the mystery of the Taekwondo System still swirling in the back of his mind.

The next morning came all too quickly. Jae-Hoon's alarm blared at 6:30 AM, jolting him awake. He quickly silenced it, not wanting to wake the other children in the orphanage.

As he got dressed, his mind was already racing with thoughts of the team meeting and the upcoming joint practice with Daehan High.

He made his way downstairs quietly, grabbing a quick breakfast before heading out. The streets were still quiet, the early morning mist hanging low as he jogged towards the school.

As he approached the gates, he saw Jun-ho and a few other team members already gathered. They nodded in greeting as he joined them.

Dong-Wook was leaning against the gate, his eyes half-closed and stifling a yawn. "F*ck, I don't want to be here," he muttered to himself. "This is too early."

Next to him, Yoon-Seo looked more alert, her eyes bright with anticipation despite the early hour. "Come on, Dong-Wook," she whispered, nudging him. "This is exciting!"

Jin-Woo, usually boisterous, was uncharacteristically quiet, nursing a large thermos of what Jae-Hoon assumed was coffee. "I swear, if this isn't the best coffee I've ever had, I'm going back to bed," he grumbled under his breath.

In contrast, Hye-Rin seemed fully awake and energized, bouncing slightly on her toes. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," she said softly, a mix of nervousness and excitement in her voice.

Jun-ho, his eyes scanning the group as they assembled. "Good morning," he said, his voice low. "Let's head to the club room. We've got a lot to discuss."

As they walked towards the school building, Jae-Hoon could sense the mix of emotions from his teammates - nervousness, excitement, and a touch of early morning grumpiness.

As they filed into the small club room, the air thick with anticipation.

Jun-ho cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, team. As you know, we have the joint practice with Daehan High coming up. This is a big opportunity for us to learn and improve."

Jae-Hoon listened intently as Jun-ho began outlining their approach for the practice. He couldn't help but think about how different this was from his past life, where he had often faced such challenges alone.

"Jae-Hoon," Jun-ho said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You've shown some impressive skills in our regular practices. Any suggestions on how we can make the most of this joint session?"

Jae-Hoon paused, carefully considering his words.

"Well," he began, "from what I've heard about Daehan High, they're known for their advanced techniques.

I think we should focus on observing and learning from their form and execution. We could also use this as a chance to test our own skills against more experienced practitioners."

Jun-ho nodded approvingly. "Good thinking. This isn't about winning or losing, it's about growth. Let's all keep that in mind during the practice."