
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

3zy · Sports
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: New Beginnings

The sun's first light crept through the thin curtains of Jae-Hoon's small room at the orphanage, casting a warm glow on his determined face.

Today was the day he would start his official day at Seonghwa High, a school known for its struggling taekwondo team.

He had spent the previous night tossing and turning, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As he got dressed in his new school uniform, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension.

The uniform felt stiff and unfamiliar, a stark contrast to the worn, comfortable clothes he was used to.

He glanced at the mirror, taking in the sight of his dark slacks, long-sleeved collared white shirt, silver tie, and navy blue sweater.

Despite his nerves, he couldn't help but admire the outfit. "Wow, these uniforms do look good," he murmured to himself.

Downstairs, Mrs. Kim was already bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

The smell of freshly cooked rice and kimchi filled the air, a comforting reminder of the stability she provided in his chaotic life.

"Good morning, Jae-Hoon," she greeted with a warm smile. "Are you ready for your first day at Seonghwa High?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, trying to mask his nerves with a confident smile. "Yes, Mrs. Kim. Thank you for everything."

She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with pride and concern.

"Remember, Jae-Hoon, no matter what happens, you have a family here. We're all rooting for you."

After a quick breakfast, Jae-Hoon grabbed his duffel bag and headed out the door. The crisp morning air filled his lungs as he walked towards the bus stop.

The bus ride to Seonghwa High was uneventful, giving Jae-Hoon time to reflect on his journey so far.

The Taekwondo System had given him a second chance, and he was determined to make the most of it.

He thought about his potential new teammates – Jin-Woo, Yoon-Seo, Dong-Wook, and others– and the bonds he hoped to form with them.

They were all underdogs, each with their own strengths and challenges.

As the bus pulled up to Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon took a deep breath and stepped off.

His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him: blue and silver flags fluttered in the breeze, and the bustling campus stretched out invitingly.

Entering the school grounds, Jae-Hoon spotted a familiar face. Jun-ho, the captain of the Taekwondo team, waved him over. "Morning, Jae-Hoon!" he called out. "Ready for practice later?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, falling into step beside his new teammate. "Definitely. I've been looking forward to it all day."

As they walked to their homeroom class, Jun-ho's expression turned serious. "You know, the coach is coming for the first day.

He barely shows up for practices, let alone games, but maybe that might change this year."

Jae-Hoon raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this information. "Really? Why do you think he's coming today?"

Jun-ho shrugged, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice. "Word is, he heard about some promising new recruits. I think he wants to see for himself what we're working with this year."

"That's... interesting," Jae-Hoon replied, trying to keep his tone neutral despite the flutter of anticipation in his stomach.

"Does he usually take such an active interest?"

"Not really," Jun-ho admitted. "But we've been struggling in competitions lately. I guess he's hoping for some fresh talent to turn things around."

As they walked, Jun-ho filled Jae-Hoon in on the team's goals. "We've got a lot of work to do if we want to make it to the regionals this year. But with new talent like you, I think we have a real shot."

[Relationship Update: Jun-ho - Teammate (Bond Level: 20%)]

As he arrived at Room 1-3, his homeroom, Jae-Hoon took in the familiar faces of his classmates. Seo-yeon, the Hapkido practitioner, caught his eye and gave a small wave.

Min-joon was already engrossed in something on his laptop, while Eun-ji was adding to the doodles covering her notebook.

Sung-ho's booming laugh echoed through the room as he amused his friends with a story.

Mr. Choi, their homeroom teacher, entered the room and the chatter died down. He cleared his throat and began, "Good morning, class. I hope I don't have to remind anyone again after yesterday about our school rules and policies. Let's start the day off right."

Mr. Choi cleared his throat, scanning the room to ensure he had everyone's attention.

"Now, we need to select our class representatives. These individuals will be responsible for communicating between the students and the school administration, organizing class events, and representing our class in various school activities. Who would like to volunteer?"

Two hands shot up, Eun-ji's and Min-joon's. Mr. Choi nodded, acknowledging them.

"Alright, we have Eun-ji and Min-joon volunteering. Does anyone else want to put their name forward?" He paused, looking around the room.

When no other hands were raised, he continued, "In that case, let's have a quick vote. All in favor of Eun-ji and Min-joon as our class representatives, raise your hands."

The majority of the class raised their hands, including Jae-Hoon. He figured Eun-ji's artistic flair and Min-joon's tech-savviness could be a good combination for organizing class events.

Mr. Choi smiled, "It's decided then. Congratulations, Eun-ji and Min-joon. Please stay after class so we can discuss your responsibilities."

He paused, "Now, for today's announcements. First, the school administration has decided to implement a new recycling program.

Starting next week, you'll notice new color-coded bins in the hallways and classrooms. Please make sure to sort your waste properly."

Mr. Choi continued, "Secondly, due to the upcoming renovations in the east wing, some club activities will be temporarily relocated. Please check the bulletin board outside the main office for updates on your club's meeting place."

Jae-Hoon listened attentively, making mental notes of the changes. As the homeroom session wrapped up, he couldn't help but feel a mix of familiarity.

The morning classes flew by, with Jae-Hoon finding himself more at ease in his new surroundings. When lunchtime arrived, he joined the Taekwondo team at their usual table.

Yoon-Seo slid into the seat next to him, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"So, Jae-Hoon," she began, "where did you train before coming here? Your form yesterday was impressive."

Jae-Hoon hesitated, "I mostly trained on my own," he said carefully. "But I've always been passionate about Taekwondo."

Yoon-Seo nodded, seeming to sense there was more to the story. "Well, whatever you did, it worked. I'm looking forward to sparring with you again."

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Jae-Hoon felt a surge of excitement. It was time for Taekwondo practice.

He quickly gathered his books and headed to his locker in the main hallway. The corridor was bustling with students eager to leave for the day, his mind already on the upcoming practice.

He reached his locker, a standard metal cabinet painted in the school's navy blue color.

Opening it, he exchanged his textbooks for his Taekwondo uniform and gear. The familiar weight of his dobok in his hands brought a smile to his face.

Jae-Hoon made his way to the boys' locker room, located in the basement level of the school's sports complex. As he walked, he passed by the school's pride and joy—the baseball field. Seonghwa High was known throughout the district for its powerhouse baseball team, with several championships under its belt. 

The contrast between the well-maintained field and the modest facilities for other sports was stark.

The air grew cooler as he descended the stairs to the basement, the smell of sweat and deodorant growing stronger.

The locker room was a large, tiled space with rows of lockers lining the walls and wooden benches in the center. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a harsh glow on the slightly damp floor.

Finding an empty spot on one of the benches, Jae-Hoon began to change donning his crisp white dobok.

As he tied his belt, he could hear the chatter and laughter of his teammates echoing off the tiled walls.

"Hey, Jae-Hoon!" Jun-ho called from a few lockers down. "Ready to show Coach Kim what you've got?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination. "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied with a smile.

With his uniform on and his gear packed, Jae-Hoon made his way out of the locker room and up the stairs to the main level of the sports complex.

The gym was located at the end of a long hallway, its double doors propped open invitingly.

As he walked through the sports complex, he noticed various other sports teams practicing.

The volleyball team was occupying the main court, their coach shouting instructions as players dove for the ball. The basketball team was practicing layups on the adjacent court, the sound of bouncing balls and squeaking sneakers filling the air.

Jae-Hoon finally reached the gym, where the Taekwondo team was relegated to a smaller corner.

The familiar sounds of feet hitting practice mats and the rhythmic counting of warm-up exercises greeted him.

The familiar scents of leather gear and the faint trace of cleaning solution used on the mats wafted out to greet him.

Taking a deep breath, Jae-Hoon stepped into the gym. The large space was bathed in natural light from the high windows, the blue and silver banners of Seonghwa High adorning the walls.

Practice mats covered most of the floor, with various training equipment neatly arranged along the edges.

Coach Kim was already there, clipboard in hand, observing the students as they warmed up. Jae-Hoon's teammates were spread out across the mats, some stretching, others practicing basic forms.

"Alright, everyone, gather around," Coach Kim called out, his voice echoing through the gym. The students quickly formed a semi-circle around him, their expressions a mix of anticipation and determination.

"Before we start today's practice, I want to officially introduce our team members for this year," Coach Kim began, looking at each student in turn.

"We have a diverse group, and I expect everyone to work together and support each other."

He pointed to the first student, a petite girl with a high ponytail. "This is Lee Hye-Rin, our Flyweight in the women's division.

She's new to Taekwondo but has a background in gymnastics that gives her an edge in flexibility and agility."

Hye-Rin bowed slightly, her face showing a mix of shyness and determination.

Next, Coach Kim gestured to a tall, slender girl with a confident smile. "Choi Yoon-Seo, our Featherweight in the women's division. She's skilled in Taekwondo and one of the top students in her class."

Yoon-Seo nodded, her eyes meeting Jae-Hoon's briefly with a friendly glint.

"Kim Seo-yeon, our team manager," Coach Kim continued, pointing to a girl with short hair and bright eyes. "She practices Hapkido and brings a unique perspective to our team."

Seo-yeon waved, her enthusiasm evident.

Coach Kim then moved on to a girl with a strong build and a determined expression.

"Kang Min-seo, our Welterweight in the women's division. She comes from a family of martial artists and has a solid foundation in the basics."

Min-seo bowed deeply, her eyes filled with resolve.

"And finally, Park Ji-soo, our Heavyweight in the women's division," Coach Kim said, indicating a tall, muscular girl. "Ji-soo's powerful kicks are her strongest asset."

Ji-soo smiled warmly, her presence commanding respect.

Turning to the boys, Coach Kim pointed to Jae-Hoon. "Lee Jae-Hoon, our Flyweight in the men's division. He's shown impressive skills and determination."

Jae-Hoon bowed, feeling the weight of expectations on his shoulders.

"Kim Dong-Wook, our Featherweight in the men's division," Coach Kim continued, pointing to a sturdy second-year student.

"He's skilled but still has room for improvement."

Dong-Wook nodded seriously, his eyes focused.

"And Jin-woo, our Heavyweight in the men's division," Coach Kim concluded, pointing to a gentle giant of a second-year student.

"Despite his size, Jin-woo is surprisingly agile and uses his reach to great advantage."

Jin-woo smiled shyly, his demeanor contrasting with his imposing figure.

"And of course, our team captain, Kim Jun-ho," Coach Kim added, nodding towards the familiar face. 

"Jun-ho competes in the Welterweight division and is a key leader for our team."

Jun-ho stepped forward, his presence commanding respect. "Let's give it our all this year," he said, his voice filled with determination.

With the introductions complete, Coach Kim clapped his hands together.

"Alright, enough introductions. Let's begin with some partner drills. Pair up and show me what you've got!"

Sorry for the low quality chapters at the beginning, I'm still new to this. Starting from this chapter every single chapter will be high quality.

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