
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Diverging Paths

The morning air is crisp as I stand at the gates of the orphanage, a small duffel bag slung over my shoulder.

Five years have passed since that fateful tournament, and today marks the beginning of a new journey - my first day of high school at Seonghwa High.

Mrs. Kim approaches, her eyes misty. "I can't believe how fast you've grown, Jae-Hoon. You're going to do great things, I just know it."

I smile, embracing her tightly. "Thank you for everything, Mrs. Kim. I couldn't have made it this far without you."

As we pull apart, I notice a small figure lurking behind her. It's Sung-Min, the young boy I've been mentoring for the past few months. His eyes are wide with a mix of admiration and sadness.

"You're really leaving?" Sung-Min asks, his voice small.

I kneel down to his level, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I am, but I'll be back to visit. And don't forget what I taught you - practice every day, okay?"

Sung-Min nods solemnly. "I will. I'm going to be as strong as you someday!"

[Relationship Update: Sung-Min - Protégé (Bond Level: 35%)]

With one last hug for Mrs. Kim and a fist bump for Sung-Min, I turn towards the street.

My phone buzzes with a message from Min-Jae:

"Good luck on your first day! Wish we could face this together. Don't let Seonghwa High know what hit them!"

I smile, feeling a pang of sadness. Min-Jae had been accepted into Hansung Academy, one of the most prestigious schools in the city.

It was an incredible opportunity for him, but it meant we'd be facing our high school years apart.

As I walk towards Seonghwa High, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Without Min-Jae by my side, everything feels more daunting. But I remind myself of how far I've come, of the experiences and knowledge I carry from my past life.

Seonghwa High comes into view as I round the corner.

It's larger than I expected, with worn but well-maintained buildings and a modest sports complex. Students mill about the entrance, their excited chatter filling the air.

I pause at the gate, taking a deep breath. In my mind's eye, I see flashes of my past life,

But I also see the new memories I've made in this life - training with Min-Jae, mentoring Sung-Min, the pride in Mrs. Kim's eyes.

"I'm ready," I whisper to myself, my voice firm with determination. "Whatever challenges come my way, I'll face them head-on."

As I step through the gates of Seonghwa High, I feel the system hum.

[New Arc Initiated: High School Challenges]

[Objective: Make the Seonghwa High Taekwondo Team]

[Rewards: ???] [Punishment: ???]

The familiar blue screen flashes before my eyes, reminding me of how far I've come and how far I still have to go. 

As I make my way through the crowded hallways, a voice crackles over the intercom: "All new students, please report to the auditorium for the opening ceremony and club introductions."

Following the flow of students, I find myself in a large auditorium. The excitement in the air is palpable as we take our seats. The principal, a stern-looking woman with graying hair, steps up to the podium.

"Welcome to Seonghwa High," she begins, her voice carrying across the room. "I am Principal Park, and I want to start by congratulating each and every one of you for making it here.

You're about to embark on a crucial chapter of your lives, and I urge you to make it count."

She pauses, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"At Seonghwa High, we believe in three core principles: Excellence, Perseverance, and Community.

Excellence isn't just about grades; it's about striving to be your best self in everything you do.

Perseverance is the key to overcoming the challenges you'll face, both in your studies and in life.

And Community... well, that's about supporting each other and contributing to the world around you."

Principal Park's expression softens slightly.

"I know many of you come from different backgrounds. Some of you may face more obstacles than others.

But here at Seonghwa, you're all equal. You all have the same opportunity to shine, to grow, and to prepare for your futures."

She leans forward, her voice becoming more emphatic. "Take advantage of everything Seonghwa has to offer. Join clubs, participate in school events, seek help when you need it.

Your teachers are here to guide you, but ultimately, your success depends on your own efforts."

"And remember," she concludes, "high school isn't just about preparing for college or a career. It's about discovering who you are and who you want to become.

So dream big, work hard, and make these next three years count. Welcome to Seonghwa High. Let's make this year a great one."

As Principal Park steps back from the podium amidst polite applause, I find myself nodding along with her words.

Excellence, Perseverance, Community - these align perfectly with the principles of Taekwondo.

An energetic teacher takes the stage next. "Alright, freshmen! It's time for the exciting part - club introductions!" One by one, representatives from various clubs come forward to present.

There's a wide range - from academic clubs like debate and science, to cultural ones like traditional dance and calligraphy. But I'm waiting for one in particular.

Finally, a tall, athletic boy steps up. "I'm Kim Jun-ho, captain of the Taekwondo team," he announces, his voice confident.

"We're looking for dedicated members who aren't afraid of hard work. If you think you've got what it takes, come find us at the dojang after school."

As Jun-ho steps down, I can feel the eyes of several students on me.

Word of my performance at the youth tournament years ago must have spread. I keep my expression neutral.

The club introductions continue, but my mind is already at the dojang. This is my chance to start building the foundation for my journey to the Elite 8.

As the ceremony concludes and we're dismissed to explore the club booths set up in the courtyard, I make a beeline for the Taekwondo team's station.

As I approach the Taekwondo team's booth, I notice Jun-ho talking animatedly with a group of students. He spots me and his eyes light up with recognition.

"You're Lee Jae-Hoon, right?" he asks as I reach the booth. "I've heard about you. That youth tournament a few years back was impressive."

I nod, trying to stay humble. "Thanks. I'm looking forward to trying out for the team."

Jun-ho grins.

"Glad to hear it. We could use some fresh talent. Tryouts are after school today. Don't be late."

[Relationship Formed: Kim Jun-ho - Taekwondo Team Captain (Respect Level: 40%)]

As I turn away from the booth, I bump into someone. "Sorry, I didn't see-" I start to apologize, but the words die in my throat as I recognize the girl in front of me.

It's Yoon-Seo, a slender girl with proportions in the right places. Arguably one of the top-notch beauties of the school. Yoon-Seo in my past life, became my first crush and one of my closest friends.

Seeing her here, young and full of life, sends a jolt through me.

"No worries," she says with a smile. "I'm Choi Yoon-Seo. Are you joining the Taekwondo team too?"

I nod, still a bit dazed. "Yeah, I'm Lee Jae-Hoon. Nice to meet you."

[Relationship Formed: Choi Yoon-Seo - Classmate (Bond Level: 10%)]

We chat briefly about our interest in Taekwondo before heading to our respective homerooms. As I find my seat, I can't help but marvel at how different things are already.

In my past life, I didn't meet Yoon-Seo until our second year of high school.

The first bell rings, its shrill sound echoing through the hallways. I take a deep breath and step into my homeroom class.

The room is a buzz of nervous energy, filled with students trying to appear cooler and more confident than they feel.

Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Choi, is a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor. He starts by having us introduce ourselves one by one.

"State your name, one interesting fact about yourself, and your goal for high school," he instructs.

As my turn approaches, A mix of nervousness and excitement. When Mr. Choi nods at me, I stand up, feeling all eyes on me.

"I'm Lee Jae-Hoon," I begin, my voice steadier than I expected.

"I've been practicing Taekwondo since I was young, and my goal for high school is to help lead our school's team to the national championships."

A murmur of interest ripples through the class. Mr. Choi nods approvingly.

"An admirable goal, Jae-Hoon. We'll be expecting great things from you."

[Relationship Formed: Mr. Choi - Homeroom Teacher (Respect Level: 30%)]

As I sit down, I notice a few students looking at me with increased interest. One of them, a girl with short hair and bright eyes, leans over.

"I'm Seo-yeon," she whispers. "I do Hapkido. We should compare techniques sometime."

I nod, offering a small smile. 

[Relationship Formed: Kim Seo-yeon - Classmate/Martial Artist (Bond Level: 15%)]

The introductions continue, there's Min-joon, a computer whiz who dreams of creating his own video game.

Eun-ji, an aspiring artist whose sketchbook is already covered in doodles. Sung-ho, a baseball player with a booming laugh that earns him a stern look from Mr. Choi.

The morning classes fly by in a blur of introductions and syllabi reviews. By lunchtime, my head is spinning with new names and faces.

As I enter the cafeteria, the noise and bustle momentarily overwhelm me. It's a discord of voices, clattering trays, and scraping chairs.

The room is packed with students, some confidently navigating the cafeteria while others looking as lost as I feel.

I take a deep breath, centering myself like I would before a Taekwondo match. This is just another form of combat, I remind myself.

Scanning the room, I notice different social groups forming. There's a table of athletes, their letterman jackets marking them as upperclassmen.

In one corner, a group of students pour over textbooks, likely the academic overachievers.

Near the windows, I spot a mix of students from various clubs, their conversations animated as they discuss their interests:

"Did you see that new kid signing up for the Taekwondo team? I heard he's some kind of prodigy."

"Doesn't matter. No one can beat Yong-Soo from Daehan High. He's on a whole other level."

Keeping my head down, I hesitate unsure where to sit but my mind is racing. Yong-Soo's reputation has clearly grown over the years.

That's when I hear a familiar voice.

"Jae-Hoon! Over here!"

It's Yoon-Seo, waving me over to a table where she sits with a few other students. Relief washes over me as I make my way to them.

"Thanks," I say, sliding into an empty seat. "It's a bit overwhelming in here."

Yoon-Seo smiles understandingly. "First days always are. Let me introduce you to everyone."

She goes around the table, introducing me to Hye-Jin, a bubbly girl with dreams of becoming a journalist, and Tae-Sung, a lanky boy with a passion for robotics.

As we chat over lunch, I find myself relaxing, the earlier overwhelm fading away.

When I mention my interest in the Taekwondo team, Tae-Sung's eyes light up.

"Really? That's awesome! I've always wanted to learn, but I never had the chance. Maybe you could show me some moves sometime?"

I nod, smiling. "Sure, I'd be happy to."

The rest of the day passes quickly, and before I know it, it's time for the Taekwondo team tryouts. As I enter the dojang, I'm hit by a wave of nostalgia.

The smell of sweat and leather, the sound of bare feet on mats - it all feels like coming home.

Jun-ho stands at the front of the room, surveying the group of hopeful students.

"Alright, everyone. We'll start with basic forms, then move on to sparring. Show us what you've got."

As we begin the forms, I let muscle memory take over. Years of training in two lifetimes guide my movements, each technique crisp and precise.

I can feel the eyes of the other students and team members on me, but I stay focused.

[Skill: Basic Forms leveled up! Now Level 8]

When we move on to sparring, I'm paired with a second-year student named Dong-Wook.

He's skilled, but I can see the openings in his defense, the slight telegraphing of his attacks.

We bow, take our stances, and begin. Dong-Wook comes at me aggressively, clearly trying to overwhelm me with speed and power. But I've faced far tougher opponents.

I dodge his first flurry of attacks, then counter with a combination of my own.

My first stops just short of his chest protector, a clear point. Dong-Wook's eyes widen in surprise.

The match continues, with Dong-Wook growing increasingly frustrated as I read and counter his every move. Finally, Jun-ho calls time.

"Impressive, Jae-Hoon," he says, nodding approvingly. "You've clearly had some serious training."

As the tryouts wrap up, I can feel a shift in the atmosphere. The other students are looking at me with a mix of admiration and wariness.

Jun-ho pulls me aside as everyone starts to leave.

"Welcome to the team," he says with a grin. "I think you might be just what we need to turn things around this year."

[Quest Completed: Join Seonghwa High Taekwondo Team]

[Reward: Access to Training Facilities Unlocked]

As I walk home, the events of the day replay in my mind. It's been a whirlwind of new experiences and familiar faces in unfamiliar settings.

But through it all, one thing remains clear - my goal, my path to the Elite 8.

I pull out my phone to text Min-Jae:

"Made the team. How's Hansung treating you?"

His reply comes quickly: "Nice work! Hansung's tough, but I'm hanging in there. We should meet up this weekend to train."

I smile, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. This is just the beginning. Seonghwa High, Yong-Soo, the regionals - they're all stepping stones on my path. 

As I reach the orphanage, I see Sung-Min waiting at the gate, eager to hear about my day. I ruffle his hair as I approach, my heart full of determination and hope.

"How was it?" he asks, eyes wide with curiosity.

I grin, kneeling down to his level. "It was just the start, Sung-Min. Just the start of something big."

[Name: Lee Jae-Hoon]

[Age: 15]


Strength: 23

Speed: 24

Endurance: 24

Flexibility: 23

Spiritual Energy: 26


Basic Punch (Level 3)

Basic Roundhouse Kick (Level 3)

Basic Front Kick (Level 3)

Evasion (Level 1)

Advanced Kick (Level 2)

Advanced Spinning Kick (Level 2)

Counter Attack (Level 2)

Teamwork (Level 1)]

[Special Skills:

Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae)(Level 2)

Predictive Analysis (Level 1)

Competitive Spirit (Level 2)]


Master Kang: Mentor (Respect Level: 90%)

Park Min-Jae: Best Friend/Rival (Bond Level: 85%)

Mrs. Kim: Guardian (Trust Level: 95%)

Sung-Min: Protégé (Bond Level: 35%)

Kim Jun-ho: Taekwondo Team Captain (Respect Level: 40%)

Choi Yoon-Seo: Classmate (Bond Level: 10%)

Mr. Choi: Homeroom Teacher (Respect Level: 30%)

Kim Seo-yeon: Classmate/Martial Artist (Bond Level: 15%)

Yong-Soo: (Caution Level: High)]

This concludes the introduction and background information.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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