
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

3zy · Sports
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth and Awakening

Lee Jae-Hoon woke up gasping, his heart pounding against his ribs like it was trying to escape.

The cold concrete beneath him was a stark contrast to the warmth he remembered... the warmth of his own blood pooling around him.

"What... where am I?" he muttered, his voice hoarse and unfamiliar.

As he pushed himself up, a flood of memories crashed over him. The alley.

Yong-Soo's face, twisted with contempt. The glint of the knife. The searing pain. Then... nothing. He died. He knew he died.

So how was he here?

Jae-Hoon looked down at his hands, expecting to see the calloused palms of an 18-year-old. Instead, he found the smaller, softer hands of a child.

Panic rose in his throat as he stumbled to his feet, nearly losing his balance. His body felt wrong, too small, too weak.

A reflective shop window caught his eye, and he froze. Staring back at him was a face he hadn't seen in years – his 10-year-old self, wide-eyed and confused.

"This is impossible," he whispered, touching his cheek. The reflection mimicked his movement.

Suddenly, a translucent blue screen appeared before him, floating in mid-air. He blinked hard, but it didn't disappear.

[Taekwondo System Activated]

[Host: Lee Jae-Hoon]

[Age: 10]


Strength: 8

Speed: 10

Endurance: 8

Flexibility: 7

Spiritual Energy: 12]

[Skills: None]

[Main Mission: Reach Elite 8 Status]

[Punishment: Termination of System]

[Side Mission: None]

"Taekwondo System?" Jae-Hoon read aloud, his mind reeling. "What is this? A game?"

But as he looked around the familiar streets of his childhood neighborhood, he knew this was no game.

Somehow, he'd been given a second chance at life, thrown back in time with... whatever this system was.

A bitter laugh escaped him. "Elite 8? I couldn't even make it past the local tournaments last time."

The memory of his failures stung, but not as much as the betrayal that ended his life.

Yong-Soo's words echoed in his mind: "You don't deserve to stand among the elite. Know your place, orphan."

Jae-Hoon's fists clenched at his sides. This time would be different. This time, he had knowledge of the future, a mysterious system, and a burning determination to prove Yong-Soo wrong.

"Alright, 'Taekwondo System'," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "Let's see what you can do."

Jae-Hoon made his way back to the orphanage. He had a long journey ahead, but for the first time in years – in this life or the last – he felt hope.

The orphanage loomed before Jae-Hoon, a weathered building that held both comfort and pain in its walls.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. It had been years since he'd seen this place, yet here he was, about to walk back into his childhood.

As he pushed open the creaky gate, a familiar voice called out, "Jae-Hoon! Where have you been? We've been worried sick!"

Jae-Hoon turned to see Mrs. Kim, the orphanage caretaker, hurrying towards him.

Her face, younger than he remembered but still lined with worry, softened as she reached him.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, the words feeling strange in his mouth. How could he explain that he'd been dead, that he wasn't really the 10-year-old she knew?

Mrs. Kim sighed, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Come inside, dinner's almost ready."

As they walked in, the smell of kimchi jjigae filled the air, bringing back a flood of memories.

Children's laughter echoed from the dining room, a sound Jae-Hoon had forgotten in the years of struggle that followed his time here.

[Side Mission Activated: Adapt to Orphanage Life]

[Reward: Increased Spiritual Energy]

The blue screen flashed before Jae-Hoon's eyes, startling him. Mrs. Kim didn't seem to notice, continuing to guide him towards the dining room.

"Are you alright, Jae-Hoon? You seem... different," she said, her brow furrowed with concern.

Jae-Hoon forced a smile. "I'm fine, Mrs. Kim. Just... thinking about some things."

As they entered the dining room, familiar faces turned to look at him. These were the kids he grew up with, now young again. His heart ached, knowing the hardships some of them would face.

"Hey, Jae-Hoon!" a boy called out. It took Jae-Hoon a moment to recognize him - Min-Soo, his childhood best friend before Yong-Soo came along. "Where've you been? We saved you a spot!"

Jae-Hoon made his way to the table, sitting down next to Min-Soo. The chatter around him felt surreal, a stark contrast to the solitude he'd grown accustomed to in his previous life.

As Jae-Hoon ate, he couldn't help but think about the system and what it meant for his future. How could he use this knowledge, this power, to change not just his fate, but maybe the fates of those around him?

[Spiritual Energy increased by 1 for empathetic thoughts]

[Current Spiritual Energy: 13]

The screen flashed again, and Jae-Hoon nearly choked on his soup. This system seemed to react to more than just physical training.

"You okay?" Min-Soo asked, patting his back.

Jae-Hoon nodded, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, just went down the wrong way."

After dinner, as the other kids headed off to play, Jae-Hoon slipped away to the small backyard.

The familiar sight of the old punching bag hanging from a tree greeted him. It was more worn than he remembered, the stuffing threatening to spill out from a tear in the side.

He approached it, running his hand over the rough canvas. This was where it all began, where he first fell in love with martial arts.

A memory surfaced - Mrs. Kim finding him here late one night, tears streaming down his face as he pummeled the bag with his small fists.

"You can't change the past, Jae-Hoon," she had said, "but you can shape your future."

Those words hit differently now. Jae-Hoon had been given a chance to do just that - to reshape his future, armed with knowledge of what was to come and this mysterious system.

He took a stance, centering himself. The movements came naturally, muscle memory transcending even death and rebirth.

He threw a punch, feeling the satisfying thud as his fist connected with the bag.

[Skill Acquired: Basic Punch - Level 1]

[Experience Gained]

A small smile tugged at Jae-Hoon's lips. It wasn't much, but it was a start. He continued his impromptu training session, losing himself in the rhythm of punches and kicks.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the yard, Jae-Hoon heard Mrs. Kim calling everyone in for bed.

He took one last look at the punching bag, making a silent promise to himself.

This time, he wouldn't let anyone or anything hold him back. He'd reach the Elite 8, and he'd do it on his own terms.

But first, he needed to figure out how to navigate this new-old life, how to be a child again while carrying the weight of his past experiences.

As Jae-Hoon headed inside, wiping sweat from his brow, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. This was his second chance, and he intended to make the most of it.

[Side Mission: Adapt to Orphanage Life - Progress 20%]

[Daily Training Complete: Speed +1, Endurance +1]

The system's notification was the last thing Jae-Hoon saw before he closed his eyes.

The morning sun filtered through the dusty windows of the orphanage dormitory, rousing Jae-Hoon from a fitful sleep. For a moment, he was disoriented, the unfamiliar-familiar surroundings jarring his senses.

Then reality crashed back – he was 10 years old again, with a second chance at life and a mysterious Taekwondo System to guide him.

Jae-Hoon sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The other boys in the room were still fast asleep, their soft snores filling the air. A quick glance at the old clock on the wall told him it was just past 5 AM. Perfect.

In his previous life, he'd developed a habit of early morning training. No reason to break that habit now.

Quietly, Jae-Hoon slipped out of bed and changed into the only set of workout clothes he owned – a threadbare t-shirt and shorts that had seen better days.

As he tiptoed out of the room, a notification popped up:

[Daily Quest: Complete Morning Training]

[Reward: +5 Stats]

A grin spread across Jae-Hoon's face. Looks like the system approved of his initiative.

The backyard was silent and still in the early morning light. Dew clung to the grass, soaking his worn sneakers as he made his way to the old punching bag.

Jae-Hoon took a deep breath, centering himself, then began his warm-up routine.

Stretch. Breathe. Focus.

As he moved through the familiar exercises, Jae-Hoon could feel his body protesting. It was young and untrained, nothing like the finely-tuned instrument he'd honed over years of dedicated practice.

But that was okay. He knew what this body was capable of becoming.

Jae-Hoon started with basic forms, moving slowly and deliberately. Each punch, each kick, was a reintroduction to the art he'd devoted his life to.

[Skill: Basic Punch leveled up! Now Level 2]

[New Skill Acquired: Basic Roundhouse Kick - Level 1]

[New Skill Acquired: Basic Front Kick - Level 1]

The notifications came in rapid succession, spurring him on. Jae-Hoon lost himself in the rhythm of the workout, pushing his young body to its limits.

By the time he finished, the sun had fully risen, and he was drenched in sweat. His muscles ached, but it was a good pain – the kind that promised growth and improvement.

[Daily Quest Completed!]

[Reward: +5]

[Stats Increased:

Strength: 8 → 13

Speed: 11 → 16

Endurance: 9 → 14

Flexibility: 7 → 15

Spiritual Energy: 13 → 18]

Jae-Hoon couldn't help but smile at the progress. It was small, but it was a start.

As he caught his breath, leaning against the old tree, he heard the back door open. Mrs. Kim stepped out, her eyes widening as she spotted him.

"Jae-Hoon? What are you doing up so early?"

He straightened up, suddenly aware of how odd this must look. "Just... exercising, Mrs. Kim. I couldn't sleep."

She approached, concern etched on her face. "Is everything alright? You've been acting strange since yesterday."

For a moment, Jae-Hoon considered telling her everything – about his death, his rebirth, the system. But he knew how crazy it would sound. Instead, he opted for a partial truth.

"I've been thinking a lot about my future," he said slowly. "About what I want to do with my life. I want to be strong, Mrs. Kim. I want to be someone people can rely on."

Her expression softened, and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Jae-Hoon. You're just a child. You don't need to worry about such things yet."

But he wasn't just a child, was he? Not really. Jae-Hoon managed a smile. "Maybe not. But it doesn't hurt to start early, right?"

Mrs. Kim chuckled, shaking her head. "I suppose not. Well, since you're up, why don't you help me prepare breakfast? We can talk more about these big dreams of yours."

As Jae-Hoon followed her inside, another notification popped up:

[Side Mission: Adapt to Orphanage Life - Progress 35%]

Looks like opening up a little had its benefits. As they entered the kitchen, the familiar scent of rice and soup filling the air, Jae-Hoon couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose.