

Twenty Years Later.

Knock... knock...knock.

"Jiejie open the door, father is requesting for you to come to the family room this instant". Meng Xuan called her sister.

"Brat let me be!!!. you have come this early morning to disturb my peace in the name of family meeting". Xing was not happy being disturbed by her sister.

"Am sorry if am disturbing you,but I only came to tell you about father's call". Meng Xuan was already used to her sister cold attitude towards her but she can't help but feel hurt by it.

Xing stood up from her bed and decided to go and see her father to know why he was calling her so early in the morning.

"That girl will be the death of me!!!.

I tell you Qing if my daughter xing doesn't kill me,not even death can touch me".

"Father am here, why are you calling me?".

Mr Liam looked to his daughter,no matter how much she annoyed him,he still loved her and wanted the best for her. She was very beautiful and it was her hair and eyes that he loved the most she had a brownish black long hair and a grey eyes like her mother,she was an entity of beauty,if only he can find the source of her anger towards them then he will be happy.

"What is this?, you are taking a leave from work today of all days". Mr Liam told his daughter

"Yes father where does it state that am not allowed to take a leave from work" Xing answered her father in a arrogant voice.

"Nobody says that you can't take a leave from work,but as the president of the company you know that the investors from country Z are coming to take a look on the Gold Violet Jade that was discovered and were going to pay after negotiation". Mr Liam talked to his daughter in a calm matter like he was trying to teach a child.

"So?. What do you want me to do". the family were all shocked about what she said.

"Do you all want me to leave the important thing am doing to see your investors?. No dad I won't move this thing I want to do to another day. my suggestion is for you to go to the meeting yourself or tell them to come another day".

"Tell me Xiao Xing, what is so important that it needs your full attention than the company". Yang Qing asked Xing.

"Well if you all like to know, am going to buy a ring for brother Yan and mine engagement". She said with a smile why her whole family were all looking at her like she has lost it.

"You are leaving a two billion yuan deal just to buy a ring for the boy that we all know that is a gold digger".Mr Liam said with anger.

"I suggest that you mind the way you talk about brother Yan if you still want me to be your daughter". Xing spoke with her father with raised voice.