

After an hour Xing and Jinning entered into one of Moon and StarsJade jewelry shop.

"Hello miss,call your manager and tell him that I have come to take the rings I ordered". Xing told the sales lady.

"OK madam I will hurry up and let him know". the sales lady left to bring their manager, meanwhile another friend of Xing entered the shop.

"Hello Ladies,Su Ning is in the house!!!".

"Ningning, must you always make noise to present yourself". Xing asked her.

"Xiao Xing,am hurt because what you said. you just called me a noise maker, if we were not friends I would have had you arrested for slandering the daughter of the president of B country". Su Ning faked a angry face when she was saying that.

"Am sorry Su Ning,for it won't happen again". Xing apologized.

"Anyway enough of this drama,did you guys see the news that is going round social media?". Ning asked her two friends and they both said no.

"You both are lost in your own world when the LU family heir has just said something that leaves many people in heart break and the world in choas".

"What did he say that made everyone unhappy?". Xing asked.

"You all know that since fives years ago they have been fights among the elite of B country for whose person's daughter will get married to the LU heir". Ning helped her friends remember.

"Yes we know about that, but what does it have to do with the news going around,has he finally chosen the one he wants to marry". Jinning asked but was scared to know the outcome,only her knew what she has been doing for years trying to get his attention.

"No Jin, choosing a woman to marry is far from what he did". she paused, put her hand inside her purse and brought out her phone.

"See it here,and am going to open the conference so you all can hear".


"Ladies and gentlemen of the press,am holding this press conference to announce to all the family and woman, that am no longer looking for a wife. And that the day I will see any woman at my family house or infornt of my company wanting me to check her out,that day she will be found dead with her legs cutoff".

End of conference video.

"OMG, that man is something else. I thank God I didn't even pay attention to him because of my love for brother Yan". Xing said so proudly with a happy voice not knowing that Jinning beside her is about to bust with anger and is trying to hold on by clenching her hands until it starts to bleed.

"You can't blame him Xiao Xing, we all know that his family is the number one in Asia and also are heavily ranked among the old money family in the world and every girl wants him without even wanting him,so I do not blame the man for busting out. he has tried for five years and I mean FIVE GOOD YEARS". Su Ning told her friends.

Meanwhile Jinning mind is in chaos, for the past five years she has always presented herself to Young master LU, but he always didn't acknowledge her and now he has stopped taking a look at women, this was hard for her to digest.

"Am sorry for keeping you waiting Miss Liam" Manger Wang made his presence known.

Hello readers what do you think of the story so far.

Everything I use and write here does not exist from the characters to the jewelry they are all my imagination.

So don't bother looking for it on the internet or try and correct me about what I said.

Enjoy your read love Celine.

celine2467creators' thoughts