
chapter two : Meeting the 'family'

Rozinah reached the sitting room and looked around but no one was there. She sat down and requested for snacks. While waiting,she heard voices from the door. Her step mom and dad were coming in through the main door. Looking at their happy faces,she lost her appetite. Still she smiled at them and greeted.

"Mom, dad, you are back?"

"Yes dear, I see you are feeling better today." Her step mom Amanda said.

"What of your sister Joyce, she stayed back to look after you." Her father asked

Rozinah looked confused. Since she woke up only the servants were around taking care of her. Especially aunt lily who used to be her mother's maid. She had been taking care of her and tried warning her. Even in her previous life but she didn't heed to her words. Looking at it now,she has always been right and in this life she will protect her. She had died in her previous life trying to save her. Lost in her thoughts, Rozinah heard her step mom talk.

" She might have been tired taking care of her and decided to rest."

" She loves her sister so much that she missed her classes today." Her father added

This reminded Rozinah that her sister was still sixteen years old and she was now eighteen years old. She still had time to play with this villains. She would enjoy seeing them fight. Now she had a plan in her mind. Smiling to herself,she replied,

"Yes dad my sister is the best."

Just as she finished talking , she had a pair of high heels clanking on the floor coming from the front door. Her so called sister was back. She had always liked going out to play. She had started going out with different types of men. She was still young but her mom didn't care so long us she brought her expensive gifts.

"Dad, mom , sister!!!" She sounded shocked as she called out.

"Where are you coming from?" Asked our father .

"After taking care of sister for two days I decided to go out and relax before coming back to continue taking care of her but now I see she is fine . Sister am glad you are okay." Said Joyce.

Rozinah just looked at her smiling.

"Lily bring the lunch to the dining." Commanded Amanda

"Honey am so hungry, let's eat before we catch up with Rozinah on this two days she has been unconscious." She added.

"Yes mom am famished." Joyce added.

My father just looked at Rozinah and proceeded to the dining without a word. He always agreed with the mother and daughter duo.

"Sister you need to eat nutritious food, you have been unconscious for two days without food ." Joyce said

"You are always the reasonable one yet you are still young." Said Mr . Johnson's

He dotes on his younger daughter more than anything.

Rozinah just sat there looking at their performance with little interest. They always did this, she had been blind not to see through them. But now she will just play along with them as she plays out her own plan.

Lunch was silent as usual with the three people putting food on each other's plate forgetting about her existence. She had been really blind. Now she began thinking if her father married her mother just to get her wealth. Since her mother came from a well to do family and she was good in business management. Within a few months of marriage she had started a company and it was doing well. But now from the look of things her father didn't know how to run the business and now the company was at the verge of collapse. That is why they needed her inheritance. She looked at them with deep eyes and smiled evilly. She was prepared to fight for her property in this life. Nobody would reap where they did not show.