
Chapter 557: Have A Nice Punishment.

Meanwhile, Yu Qi brought out the camera and its stand from the bag that she had brought along. Long Hui glanced at his beloved Qi Qi without saying anything. 'Turns out it is a camera inside the bag.' He was wondering what she wanted to do with that camera.

Yu Qi put the camera in front of the men who had already finished swallowed the pills. Mr.Lu glared at the girl that steady setting up her things. 'Wait until I am released. I will make sure that you begged me to let you go.'

"That will never happen." Yu Qi turned to Mr Lu and suddenly spoke those words.

Mr Lu was surprised. 'Is this girl able to read another's mind?' 

"I can not." Yu Qi spoke again. "But your expression has told me so."

Mr Lu was speechless. Even others were speechless.

"The pills are about to show the effect." Yu Qi said. 

"Sister in law, what is the effect?" Ren Qian Yi asked.

"You will see it later." Yu Qi clicked the camera to take the video.