
Chapter 1752: Her Grandma's Talk With Her Friend

Yu Qi and Long Hui went to see Ma Xiurong. Tobias Mathew wanted to establish a business deal here. So, they decided to return here for a few months. 

Ma Xiurong invited Yu Qi to meet her at her house. She told Yu Qi that she had something to tell Yu Qi.

Remembering the time when Yu Qi heard Ma Xiurong say something similar to someone, Yu Qi decided to meet Ma Xiurong. 

However, she did not want to go alone. So, she asked Long Hui to tag along. 

They had been welcomed by the maid. The maid then asked them to follow her.

The villa was very beautiful. Ma Xiurong liked nature. So, her interior design of the villa matched her likeness. 

The maid brought them to the back of the villa. Yu Qi could see Ma Xiurong was sitting at the gazebo drinking something while looking at nature.

"Mrs Mathew." Yu Qi greeted the old lady.

"Oh, you are here. Come and sit with me." Ma Xiurong smiled while welcoming Yu Qi and Long Hui to sit together.