
Chapter 67

Ann had been watching the news about the wedding yesterday.

The Elwood family's awkward ending really made her feel happy.

She watched it for a long time.

There was a knock on the door.

Ann quickly stood up and opened the door.

The servant outside the door said respectfully, "Miss Ann, madam said that it's time for lunch. She asked you and Mr. West to go downstairs for lunch."

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute."

"Okay, madam."

Ann closed the door. She looked at Finn, who was on the bed, and said to him, "Get up now. It's time for lunch."

Finn did not move or respond.

Ann came closer, "Finn, wake up."

Finn remained motionless.

Ann was speechless.

Why was he so sleepy?

Could it be that the incense of lavender was really sleep-conducive?

She had no choice but to walk to Finn's side, gently pushing Finn's shoulder with her hand, "Wake up, your mom asked us... Ah!"