
Chapter 4

After the call.

Ann couldn't fall asleep.

She stretched herself, got up and went downstairs.

As soon as she arrived at the hall downstairs, she saw the visit of her uncle,Kenny Balton and his family.

This family had always been hostile.

Before her grandfather died, most of the ancestors of the Balton family were passed down to her father. Her uncle hated her and came to make trouble from time to time. In order to rob the family property, he even colluded with Chris in secret, which accelerated the decline of the Balton family.

Ann quietly observed the people in the living room and saw that Kenny had brought his illegitimate daughter with him today.

If she remembered correctly, the purpose of Kenny today was to let her illegitimate daughter work in the Balton Group. The person in charge of the Balton Group now was her father, and he had to get his permission. In particular, Kenny even wanted to a good position to his illegitimate daughter.

In her previous life, her father had indeed agreed to let her illegitimate daughter enter Balton Group for the sake of Kenny. However, this illegitimate daughter was quite ambitious and made Balton Group a mess.

How could she let them succeed in her rebirth life!

She walked over carelessly.

"Cousin Ann, have some tea." The illegitimate daughter Lacy Balton served a cup of tea with great respect.

Ann stretched out her hand.

As soon as she took it, the tea slipped rom Lacy's hand, and the hot tea was about to fall into Ann's hand. Fortunately, after rebirth, Ann knew her trick clearly.

In her previous life, Lacy pretended to be innocent, cunning and setting her up everywhere, and even had an affair with Chris! As for this kind of bitch, she would tear her from head to bottom.

At this moment, Ann quickly grabbed Lacy's hand that was about to leave, and the overturned tea was forcefully poured into Lacy's hand. Her movement was so fast that no one could notice.

In the hall, they just heard Lacy shouted, "Ouch!"

Followed by the sound of the teacup falling to the ground and shattering.

"What's wrong?" Kenny was a little nervous.

"I know Cousin Ann didn't do it on purpose." Lacy said in a hurry.

At this moment, she looked so fragile with tears in her eyes.

No wonder even though she was an illegitimate daughter, she was still spoiled by Kenny.

But the next second.


Ann slapped on Lacy's miserable face.

Ann really slapped her hard, which made Lacy stunned on the spot.

Lacy looked at Ann in disbelief.

She knew Ann too well. She was a well behaved woman with gentle temperament. She would never do such a thing. She couldn't even stand her tears. As long as she cried, she would be softhearted, and as long as she cried, the whole family would be softhearted.

But now, Ann slapped her.

"Do you know this tea set was grandpa's favorite when he was alive? Now it's broken by you. Can you afford it?" Ann shouted loudly, full of authority!

Lacy's face was half red and tears streamed down her cheeks. She said pitifully, "no, it's you didn't catch it just now. You just..."

"I didn't catch it or you let it go before I caught it?" Ann interrupted her, "what? You've learned to lie now?"

"No, it's you..." Lacy shook her head with an aggrieved look.

"You are still making excuses!" Ann's face darkened. "Sure enough, she wasn't a daughter who grew up in Balton and really had bad manners. How can you break the teacup when handing a cup of tea? "

Kenny's face changed when he heard Ann's sarcasm to his daughter.

But he didn't know who was right or wrong just now. In addition, Lacy was indeed an illegitimate daughter, and it was difficult to be respected in the upper class. For a moment, he couldn't find a word to refute, so he had to endure the anger!

"Cousin Ann." Ann turned to look at Maria Balton, the daughter of the legal wife of Kenny, and said, "your sister is really not as good as you at all."

In fact, Maria didn't get along well with Ann, either.

She should be the real princess of the Balton family, but because of her grandfather, she left the family property to Ann. Ann became the real princess of the Balton family, but she became a collateral, which had been bothering her all the time.

But at this moment, she was very happy because Ann satirized Lacy!

If her father hadn't spoiled Lacy, she would have been beaten to death.

"I don't know what kind of person she grew up with. She can do nothing but pretend to be pitiful. I have persuaded my father not to take her to uncle's house, in case of making a fool of herself. Now, she broke grandpa's tea cup, it's not enough to vent my hatred even if she was beaten to death!" Maria said in disgust.

"Enough!" With a gloomy face, Kenny shouted at Maria, "shut up!"

Maria rolled her eyes impatiently.

"All right." Carney stood up from the sofa and pretended to be a good person. "Although father left it before he died, he certainly didn't want to make the family unhappy because of a teacup. As the saying goes, to break is great for next year. I'll ask the servant to clean it up."

"Exactly." Violet also tried to mediate the dispute, "Look, Lacy’s hands are swollen. We'd better send her to the hospital as soon as possible."

Although out of kindness, Violet never mentioned the swollen side of her face slapped by her daughter.

Ann couldn't help laughing.

Her mother had her own plan!

"Sorry for this. We'll take Lacy back now." Said Kenny's legal wife, Meggie Powell.

Maybe she didn't really want to help Lacy enter the Balton Group. Even if she tolerated that Kenny his illegitimate daughter back to the family, she wouldn't treat her sincerely. It was just that Kenny doted on her and pretended to be nice to her!

As Meggie spoke, she held Kenny's hand.

Kenny's face darkened. He was going to talk about the matter that Lacy entered the company today, but now Lacy was satirized to such an extent that he couldn't speak it out at all.

He shook his hand hard and left angrily.

His family also followed him and left.

When Lacy left, she couldn't hide the anger in her eyes.

She didn't expect that Ann would treat her like this all of a sudden, as if she had changed into another person. She had planned to use her weakness to scald Ann, who she had been jealous of all the time. Anyway, Ann would not care about it. However, she did not expect that she would not only be slapped by Ann, but also made her plan fail.


She would definitely enter the Balton Group!

How could she be satirized like this since she was also a member of the Balton family?!

She wanted everyone in the Balton family to look at her with new eyes, and she also wanted them to die in a bad way!


Looking at their receding figures, Ann sneered.

She knew clearly what Lacy was thinking. She was waiting for Lacy.

"Ann." "Why are you so domineering today?" Carney asked.

In the past, in order to smooth things over, they always tolerated this family, but they did not expect their daughter, who had always been gentle, to suddenly be so tough.

He even felt somehow comfortable.

Hearing that, Ann came back to her senses. With a sweet smile on her face, she said, "I suddenly understand the truth that a good horse is ridden and a good person is bullied."

"You said it was your grandfather's belongings. How could you think of it?" Carney said in a reproachful tone. Obviously, his tone was full of spoiling.

Ann stuck out her tongue naughtily.

There was no moral bottom line to deal with this kind of bitch!