
Chapter 130 Enemy gone

On the top floor.

The other employees were shocked by what they heard.

It seemed that Kit was really in a mess.

Ann waited the answer of Kit.

Several minutes later.

Before Ann lost her patience.

"I did ask Zane to do that."

As he spoke it out.

It really shocked everyone again.

Mistress and abused power were nothing serious at this moment.

But this despicable method really made people question about the bottom line of Kit.

However, Ann was calm.

She said without any surprise, "I don’t know the reason for what you have done. If I jump with Zane, two lives would be gone because of you! I wonder why you hate me in such way?"

Malcolm was shameful because of the aggressive words of Ann.

"Because I didn’t listen to your opinion in the last meeting?" said Ann who was trying to make an excuse for him.

The emotion of Kit was so complicated.