
Chapter 127 Expose the scandal

"I don't have any evidence," replied Ann Balton.

"If you don't have any evidence, you shouldn’t dismiss them at will. Do you really think that this is your family? That's right. This is indeed your family's business. What do you want to do? If you are unhappy one day, you can even fire me. If that's the case, you’d better let me leave now. I don't want to work so hard for your family." said Kit Comer with righteous indignation.

When belittling her, he didn't forget to show off his greatness.

Looking at Kit Comer, Ann Balton said, "I think you're too partial to Zane. Is he your relative?"

"What are you talking about?" Kit Comer raged.

It was a kind of an embarrassment of being exposed.

Even if it disappeared in an instant.