[Story is being edited]
Looking at them, I asked Mr. William, "are these many knights necessary?"
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "The route to the capital is dangerous; Hedil's Forest houses frightening monsters."
"Still, I think 8 knights is a lot."
"That might be so, but we are not taking any chances for your safety."
"Is that so? Thanks a lot," I replied.
I didn't believe the butler saying that he was sending these many knights for my safety, but I don't have any information for now. I went ahead, and the head of the Knight's party greeted me.
"My name is Anna. I will be your guardian and head of all your guards. You can inform me of all your needs."
"Hi Miss Anna, I am Jake, and I'll be in your care," I politely replied to the lady, who seemed surprised to see a five-year-old act so mature.
And we set off to Ethos, we won't reach there directly, but we have to first reach Ishara, as there is no direct road to the capital from our town.
As per the introduction, Anna was at the seventh level of magic core, just one less than my dad, which means she is decently powerful. Two other girls were in my party, Emily, who was pulling my cheeks at every possible opportunity. And Ari, who was a silent type.
I was seated inside the carriage with Anna and Emily, who insisted she would sit beside me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be in a carriage with two beautiful girls, one of them incessantly pampering me.
-- -
[Baron Robert's POV]
As I saw the carriage moving away from my mansion, I asked my butler, who had just arrived in my room after seeing off the Silver talent.
"What do you think of him?" I asked him, genuinely curious what he might say
"He acts mature, way too much for his age," he replied
"Do you think 'they' will show up?"
"I think so. They have been making a lot of moves in the shadow."
"Lord, do you think making him the bait is right? He could die. That would be a waste of talent."
"Can he be our dog? My instincts tell me he won't; what do you say."
"Um, that seems… difficult to control him."
"Best for us is he dies during the journey without us getting our hands dirty," I said
I don't want a commoner to become so powerful that he rebels against us, nobles. If he becomes like that, and word got out that I recruited him, I'll be beheaded. No one wants a dog that barks at its owner.
This seedling should be uprooted before it sprouts or before he can raise his voice.
- -
[Jake's POV]
I was sitting inside the carriage with two beauties, and the third one, Ari, was acting as a leader and guiding the rest of the group.
After a while, we reached Ishara and Anna instructed the group to buy the travel supplies necessary to pass the Hedils Forest.
After an hour, we set off on the road towards the capital. It will be a long journey. I can't help but be excited about the things I will see along the way.
After traveling for a few hours, we were about to enter the Hedils Forest. The smell of nature and trees permeated the atmosphere as we went on the roads surrounding the forest. After taking a good look at the vegetation around us, I asked Anna, "is there something special about this forest?"
"Yes, there is"…"This is one of the oldest forests in the entire country. This forest is recorded through ancient times as the forest on the foothills of Scorch Mountain Range, which is said to be the home of a Scorch Dragon."
I was surprised by the amount of information that Anna gave me. Shaking my thoughts, I asked excitedly, "Is there really a dragon?"
"Yes, nearly all the historical discoveries say that. As a matter of fact, the mountain pass which we are about to travel is made by the Dragon Breath of that very dragon. That's how it got its name, Pass of Scorch."
I was again surprised, "Are all dragons this powerful to flatten a mountain? Can we humans do that too?" I asked her; she looked at me as one looks at an excited kid and answered
"I think I have heard about humans being as powerful as dragons after they reach level 12, but no one has ever seen it. It's more like a myth."
I grew silent. In my thoughts, I was excited to know that I could be that powerful. Doesn't that mean I'll become free of all the schemes and rules? Doesn't that mean if I become that strong, no one will be able to control me?
- - -
Sitting up for a camp, there were minor monster attacks knights was not having any troubles killing them, although they were level 5s they were vastly experienced than me, now I know what father was talking about not picking fights with older men.
As I was eating, one wolf-like monster tried to jump me. I instinctively stepped back and stabbed the wolf's eye with one of the icicle shards I had made, instantly killing it.
"Nice one, kid," one of the knights said
"Are all silvers like this?"
"Whew! I thought you were dead."
- - -
As we were about to exit the Hedils Forest, there was a noticeable frown on her face. Emily noticing the solemn atmosphere around Anna, asked her, "What is wrong, Captain?"
"I don't know. I have this premonition that something's bad gonna happen."
"Monsters?" She asked
"I don't know," and then, popping her head out of carriage windows, she shouted to all, "stay on guard. I have an ominous feeling."
The plot is starting now, the story will pick up pace. Last chapters were just intro to the new world as I have now set up the world I’ll gradually edge towards the main plot of Vol 1.
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