
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

DaoistFVvNKg · Fantasy
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84 Chs

There is no return for all demons

Hu Huan stared at the burrow he dug yesterday, depressed and almost wanted to cry.

"How can this happen? After walking for two hours, I still come back to the same place. No wonder the evil Lord's criminals are banished here. There is no escape from the Jedi!"

"Don't be sorry, Master. Make haste to finish your crypt for the night, and don't be buried alive as you were last night."

That's right. It's better to do something than get upset here. According to the Fire Spirit, I was supposed to be executed on the spot, and now I'm alive, which is pretty good. Why bother? Hu Huan has always been a person easy to satisfy, so thought, and soon relieved.

"Don't tell me you're clever, master. You've fortified the cave with earth walls and made it look like a room." Fire inspiration by Hu Huan newly dug cave, can not help but appreciate.

"It was inspired by the renovation of cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi. In fact, there are still many basements, which are very comfortable to live in." After hearing the praise of the fire spirit, Hu Huan was also a little proud. He laughed at the memory of being buried alive last night.

"Master, what do you mean by cave dwelling in northern Shaanxi?" Fire spirit see Hu Huan has jumped out of the baffling new words, curious asked. Hu Huan is about to introduce the cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi. Feeling the sky suddenly darkened, he looked up and saw a huge eagle about to swoop down.

He ducked into the newly fortified crypt, but the eagle was too fast. As soon as he hid in, the eagle's two iron claws, which were as long as ten feet, seized him and smashed the crypt in a flash. Hu Huan even rolled and crawled to escape the deadly claws of the eagle, but the eagle's huge aura tightly pressed him, making him out of breath, not to mention fighting back.

The magic eagle missed a claw and immediately flapped its huge wings, and a gust of wind swept Hu Huan away. Hu Huan fell from the sky to the ground, feeling that all the bones in his body would break, lying on the ground and unable to move. Seeing the huge claws of the demon eagle, Hu Huan felt desperate and closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

At this time, the fire spirit of the sea in the critical moment suddenly rushed out, into a fist only big fireball into the head of the demon eagle. The fireball is the body of the fire spirit, and his body is the spirit body. The speed of flying out is just like the electric light and flame. Before the giant claw catches Hu Huan, the fireball hit the head of the demon eagle hard and quickly burst into flames. The flame of the Fire Spirit was powerful enough to resist the great friar of the baby period, but the eagle was not able to resist, and was soon burned to ashes.

Hu Huan felt the sea move, immediately opened his eyes, just to see the fire spirit kill the whole process of the eagle, the heart secretly called lucky, thanks to the fire spirit rescue, or this must have died.

The fire spirit burned the eagle, immediately returned to the sea. Hu Huan looked inside and saw that the Fire Spirit's body had dimmed a lot. He knew that the Fire Spirit's attack must have cost him a lot. The heart is very moved: "Fire spirit, thanks to you this time! "

"Oh, I can't help it, who called you so weak. But I can only save you once, and then it's up to you. I'm all spent. "Said Fire Spirit, looking sickly.

Hu Huan also knew that this was not the time to be polite, so he struggled and began to heal. Not to mention, the Fire Spirit taught a set of skills called "Fire in Heaven" is very useful, Hu Huan so serious injury after half an hour of treatment, has already recovered half. He did not dare to go on healing, so he quickly stood up and forced the earth wall to repair the damaged crypt. Then he hid inside, and continued healing.

"Fire Spirit, you taught this set of" Fire in Heaven "is really useful, less than an hour, I completely recovered. "Hu Huan waved his arms and said happily.

"Well, fire is divided into all kinds of fire, earth fire and heaven fire. Sky fire is the highest flame. This skill dare to call "Heaven Fire", naturally is the top skill. It's a pity that only the skills of qi cultivation are enough for you now. But we don't know how long we will stay here. You still need to think about what to do in the future. "Said the Fire Spirit faintly.

"Yes, according to you, I used to use magic stone cultivation, and herbal aid, now these two are not, really headache. "Hu Huan answered sulkily.

"It's worse that you don't know anything. Otherwise, there's only jedi in here, so there must be a lot of magic. If you know the elixir, are you afraid you don't have the resources to practice? "

"That's right. You can teach me that fire! "Hu Huan immediately excited, can't wait to say.

"My fire spirit cultivation depends on absorbing the aura between heaven and earth, and I do not understand the elixir. But never mind, you used to be the best at making money off the dead. I don't know how many people are dead here. There must be some books left, so look around before it's dark. "

"Damn it. Fire Spirit you're saying I used to be good at making dead people rich, no kidding. "

"I am not mistaken. You are in the Valley of the Magic, and you have traveled nearly a thousand miles under the weight of countless spirits to find the storage bags of the dead. Ouch, those dead faces are as horrible as they get, and you don't even look at them, and you're grinning as soon as you get the storage bag. "

"Well, in that case, I will carry forward this glorious tradition and carry out the revolution of making people rich to the end. "

"I like it even though you talk funny. All in all, let's save our lives. Let's go! "Urged the Fire spirit.

Hu Huan looked up at the boundless swamp, hearing the roar of animals and birds, thinking that if there was no fire spirit company, do not say miasma and beast, just the loneliness and terror will soon destroy themselves.

Leaving the crypt, Hu Huan begins his journey to make money from the dead. The day before, he had been in such a hurry to get out that he had turned a blind eye to everything. This time, after a mile of searching, he found the bones of a dead man. This person does not know how long has been dead, clothes have long been rotten and disappeared, the bones because of long-term miasma infection, also turned black brown.

Hu Huan found a branch, the bones to shake open, not to mention, let him find a jade Jane. The jade Jane was rough, and he held it to his forehead and read it, as the fire spirit had taught him.

This is a piece of jade made by the Evil Xuanzong criminal himself. Jade Jane said that he was an inner disciple of Moxuanzong, who was found to have stolen the true magic Qi hidden by Moxuanzong and exiled here.

And this famous evil swamp was actually a fairy battlefield millions of years ago. Xian Xiu here no less than a monstrous giant, called "all demons no return array", trapped the demon clan, here and the demon clan launched a decisive battle. When he was first exiled, he was unconvinced, repeatedly looking for a way out and drawing a map of where he passed. The jade Jane is the map he made. Since he died here, of course, there was no way out.

Hu Huan sighed and told the Fire Spirit about the jade Jane. When the Fire Spirit heard this, he was speechless for a moment, and then said, "Master, it seems that the possibility of our going out is almost gone. Then you can practice here in peace. If we can practice enough to shatter the void and ascend to the upper realms, that will be our day of success. "

"This, this... "Hearing this, Hu Huan wanted to answer, but could not speak.