
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

DaoistFVvNKg · Fantasy
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84 Chs


Hu Huan began his journey with full confidence. No monk can grow without suffering. This is true even for human beings.

The swamp would have looked rather idyllic, but for the occasional roar of beasts and the neighing of ferocious birds. There were pools of water, large and small, most of them lovely and clear, every four or five feet away.

The mink squeaked on Hu Huan's shoulder and told Hu Huan to go to a pool about fifteen miles ahead and kill a demon snake, saying that there was a horse chestnut beside the pool that he could not pick because of the snake.

"What kind of snake is that, and can I handle it?" Hu Huan kept talking to the Mink with his thoughts. The Mink couldn't explain, but it thought Hu Huan could kill the snake.

"Well, if the little fellow has so much faith in me, I'll go and see!" Hu Huan followed the mink's instructions and moved on. After about five or six miles of this, he caught four or five of them in front of him, but they didn't seem very strong, because they didn't smell very strong, that is, in the middle of the first order.

Sure enough, after about a mile of walking, a pool of water appeared in front of them, in which floated an alligator ten feet long. The crocodile saw Hu Huan appear, quickly came over. Hu Huan stood there motionless as if frightened. When the crocodile reached Hu Huan about five zhangs in front of him, it suddenly pounced with its big mouth open.

At this time, Hu Huan moved his hand, a fireball fast let the crocodile simply cannot avoid, suddenly accurate into the crocodile mouth. As soon as the fireball enters the crocodile's mouth, it explodes and burns. The crocodile fell through the air, rolled over, and floated dead on the pool. When the mink saw it, he jumped over excitedly, tore the belly of the alligator with his claws, quickly took out the crocodile's gall flesh, swallowed it, and then issued a satisfied slurp.

"Ah, master. It seems to me that your fireball was very powerful, but it got smaller." "Asked the Fire Spirit doubtfully.

"Fire Spirit, you are very careful. A moment ago, I suddenly thought how could a fireball of that size hit the crocodile's mouth accurately, so I temporarily compressed the fireball, I did not expect such a good effect." Hu Huan thought of the move just now, a little proud said.

"Oh, I see. The compressed fireball is not only more powerful, but also faster and stealthier, which is a real trick. But how did you do it. This fireball doesn't compress, does it?" Fire Spirit for fire, of course, is the most understanding, but also can not think how Hu Huan can compress the flame.

"In fact, it is very simple. Fireballs are formed by spiritual forces. As long as you have good control of the spiritual forces, you will not be able to knead the circles and flatten them. Hu Huan thought it was easy to do, so he casually replied.

"Master, you are brilliant. Squeezing the fireball gives it more power and speed is something every friar probably knows, but few of them can do it. You have done it with ease. It seems that you have mastered the power of the spirit in great detail. It's not easy!"

"Oh, you see, it's true. I have been trying to manipulate my psychic powers because I want to merge two different Reiki, and I didn't expect anything."

Two people communicate with each other through thoughts, which is how many times faster than the speed of speech. Almost instantly, the two exchanged a complex question. Just then four other crocodiles pounced.

Hu Huan naturally ignored the lowly crocodile, so he repeated the same trick. When the crocodile approached and opened its big mouth, he swung his hands together and hit two fireballs into the mouths of the two crocodiles. Then he quickly ducked away from the other two crocodiles. Then he leapt up and swung his fist at one of them over the head, sending the thick-skinned crocodile screaming to the ground. The last crocodile, seeing what was going on, turned and ran away. Hu Huan also too lazy to chase, let him slip.

The biggest harvest of small mink, four devil crocodile gall flesh all eat down, immediately jumped onto Hu Huan shoulder, keep rubbing Hu Huan cheek, issued a warm and cheerful squeak, Hu Huan is also in a good mood.

After slaughtering the crocodile, Hu Huan soon reached a pool about ten mu square under the guidance of the mink. A few large water lilies floating on the pool, scattered with faint fragrance. A few butterflies and dragonflies were flying over the water lilies, and the pool was quiet and peaceful. In the corner of the pool, Hu Huan named a seven-leaf clover elixir standing, rich in spirit, people love.

But Hu Huan's divine sense immediately found the snake hiding in the pool. The snake also found Hu Huan's arrival. When Hu Huan was standing on the bank, the snake suddenly sprang out of the water, opened its huge mouth and bit Hu Huan.

"Damn, it's so big! "Hu Huan exclaimed when he saw the snake's head, which was the size of a millstone. He quickly kicked off with his feet and stepped back ten feet to avoid the snake's attack. Then he shook out a concentrated fireball and hit the snake's mouth. Unfortunately, the snake is not an alligator. As soon as a dark ball of fire hits it, it shoots a jet of water to meet it. The water and fireball hit the air with a roar and then dissipated at the same time.

"Damn it, and use magic, look at my fireballs! "Hu Huan aimed at the head of the snake suddenly consecutive offering three fireballs. The first was immediately dispersed by the serpent's water jet, the second hit the serpent's head, but the serpent's power mask crushed the fireball, but the third smashed the serpent's power mask, landed squarely on its head, and quickly burst into flames.

The Fire spirits and Ferret immediately shouted out their prayers. Unfortunately, the cries of praise did not stop, the snake head shrank, suddenly sank into the water. The fireball burned for another moment in the water, then bubbled and died. But the snake, in a rage, waved its huge tail and swept Hu Huan over.

Of course, Hu Huan is not dead, he has long been locked into the snake, sensing the snake tail movement, he far away. After the giant tail swept back and forth several times, the shore was a mess. But far away from Hu Huan naturally safe and sound, but also surprised by the power of the snake's giant tail.

"Damn it, I can't get out of the pool! "The snake did not sweep the Hu Huan. After several times, the snake sank into the water and did not appear again.

"Ferret, you go and pick the elixir. We'll figure out a way to kill this snake. "Looking at the two eyes a little disappointed mink, Hu Huan hurriedly said.

This time, with no snake in sight, the mink easily picked the cure. But Hu Huan tried his best, but the snake did not come out. Finally, he had no choice but to turn back to the crypt.

But after a few steps away from the pool, a mist suddenly appeared before his eyes, and the surrounding became so grey that he could no longer tell north from west. The small sable on the shoulder immediately squeaked nervously, telling Hu Huan that the event was not good, touching the formation.

"Calm down, calm down. "Hu Huan quickly warned himself, then stood still and began to explore with his mind. But the spirit of a open, only to find that this formation can shield the spirit of knowledge, God knowledge fundamentally can not open, Hu Huan was stunned.