
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

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Receive the fire spirit

Lu Yuan just left the fire lake, not out of the desert, behind the sound of everyone excited: "You see, Xuanzong war hall Lord arrived." He looked back and saw, high up in the air, a friar in his forties with a powerful air.

The monk has a resolute face, wearing a new black robe of you now, and the evil in front of the black robe is ferocious, as if to devour everything on earth. They could not bear the pressure he radiated and kept backing away.

"The disciples of the Battle Hall of Moxuanzong did as they were ordered, quickly arranged the battle and forced out the fire spirit. The rest of the irrelevant personnel please leave immediately or face the consequences." The voice of the Lord of the war rolled out like thunder.

For a moment the lower friars scattered. Less than ten percent of the monks in the desert remain. Lu Yuan saw this, but also increase the strength, run away.

He had just stepped out of the desert when there was a loud boom behind him and the earth shook. Looking back, I saw the fire lake magma into the sky, and then flying around, some of the lower order monks were not to avoid the magma hit, issued endless screams.

Lu Yuan took a lucky chance, desperately continue to fly forward. The rumblings grew louder and louder, and the earth shook more and more. Lu Yuan felt as if the earth was about to crack under his feet. He looked down and was shocked. The earth had really cracked beneath them, and billows of lava were roaring in from beyond the lake of Fire.

Not far behind, some of the slower monks were swallowed up by the lava and disappeared in a flash. Lu Yuan now wish to have wings, can fly, as soon as possible to escape the dangerous land.

"Ha ha, the Fire spirit appeared. Stop it quickly." "Cried the Lord of the Battle Hall.

Lu Yuan was no longer in the mood to even look back. He only felt as if the lava was approaching, because he felt the heat flowing behind him. While running away, Lu Yuan offered a clay wall symbol behind him.

Relying on the barrier of the earth wall, the heat flow can not roast Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan had to quickly out of danger. Feeling no more magma coming behind him, Lu Yuan looked back. I saw thick smoke billowing in the center of the fire lake, the flames flickering in the smoke, as if a fiery dragon dance, about four to five miles behind, the magma formed a stream like red magma flow, constantly emitting steam. The whole fire lake is thousands of miles around the sea of fire, the sky to the Lord of the war hall of demons, in addition to the assistance of seven friars, and a huge fire dragon launched a fierce battle.

The dragon may have been the legendary Fire spirit, roaring through the air and storming the lords of the war. The master of the battle kept turning, and a powerful spell came out at random, constantly killing the dragon, the fierce battle, the fierce power, Lu Yuan immediately looked dumbstruck.

All of a sudden, the dragon shrank back and quickly fled into the lake of fire. The Lord of the war hall shouted: "Where to go!" Hand appeared a huge tower to the dragon, the dragon was a huge tower hit, immediately collapse, into filar silk flame, flying around.

"No, Fire Spirit to escape, intercept." War hall master drink a loud, followed by the other seven people immediately stood into the seven positions, all of a sudden to escape the flame surrounded, the flame rushed to the right, but the method as if the iron, the flame is unable to break through.

"Fire Spirit, I know you have consciousness. Do not want to fly ash annihilation, surrender quickly, let the old husband refine you." "Said the Lord happily, probably thinking that the whole situation had been decided and the victory was assured.

As soon as the Lord spoke, the scattered flames suddenly gathered in a great flame. The fire, which had just gathered, grew rapidly and violently.

'No, the fire spirit will explode. Use your mana to destroy it. "Seeing the sharp change in the fire, the Lord of the Hall quickly ordered.

But as soon as he had finished speaking, there was a great noise, and the fire broke apart in the battle, and a great explosion flung seven monks into the sky, and the Lord of the war hall was wounded and discomfited by the flames.

The explosion wave spread rapidly, all of a sudden to Lu Yuan's position, Lu Yuan was affected by the aftermath, a stumble, almost fell down. When he looked up, he saw that four of the monks fell from the sky into the lake of fire, and in an instant they were reduced to flying ash.

After the fire spirit exploded, the scattered flames turned to dots and were scattered in the wind. Lu Yuan just turned to leave, suddenly feel a flash, ghost like into their own knowledge of the sea.

He had had the experience of diving into the sea with a broken sword. He looked into the sea at once and realized that there was a flame flickering and burning in the dark sea. Lu Yuan was surprised, was about to mobilize the sword for destruction, but saw the sword was automatically buzzing, constantly emitting burst breath to the fire. The flames seemed to be very afraid, and fluttered and dodged in the air.

At this time, Lu Yuan Shihai suddenly heard a milk sound milk gas voice: "human friar, forgive your life! "

The first time Lu Yuan encountered such a strange thing, he was surprised and asked: "Who are you and where are you? "

"I am in your sea of knowledge, I am the Fire Spirit, running from the big bad, you tell the sword to stop, please. "

"How can I forgive you for breaking into my sea of knowledge without my permission? "Lu Yuan said threateningly.

"I didn't mean to. The big bad guy chased me, and when I got worried, I blew up. This is just a wisp of my soul, do not hide into your knowledge sea, I will soon die. "

Lu Yuan looked at the sea and saw the flames turn into a child, naked, but a little light in color, as if it would go out with the wind at any time.

"I did not expect the remnant of the fire spirit to enter my sea of knowledge. This is a great opportunity." Thinking like this, he immediately passed on the divine knowledge: "If you let me know that I am Lord, I will save your life. "

"I am the spirit of heaven and earth, how can I regard you, a little human friar, as the Lord? 'said Milk angrily.

"Well, then, I won't embarrass you. Go away! Lu Yuan simply play hard to get, no expression said.

The light red body of the fire suddenly rose red, and kept flashing across the land and the sea. He hesitated for a moment and said, "That's fine, but I can only recognize you as the Lord for one hundred years. In 100 years you will set me free. Also, I need you to provide me with a constant supply of inspiration for my recovery."

Looking at the chagrin of the flames, Lu Yuan was a little proud. "A hundred years is fine, but how can I supply you with aura when you are hiding in my sea of knowledge?"

The small flame despised Lu Yuan and said contemptuously: "I have my own way to supply Reiki. You will listen to me then. Now you swear that you will set me free after a hundred years."

"Well, I swear by heaven, the Fire Spirit has made a hundred years contract with me. One hundred years later, I will keep my promise and return the fire spirit to freedom. If I break this oath, I will not be allowed to advance on the path to immortality. As early as nine days ago, the God of Heaven will die." Lu Yuan solemnly made the oath, and then quickly imprinted on the small flame.

Small flame does not resist, let the brand of Lu Yuan God knowledge. When the contract between master and servant was completed, the little flame immediately called to Lu Yuan kindly, "Master, my name is Fire Spirit. You can call me as such from now on!"

Lu Yuan is also very happy to give his name.

Now he felt that the small flame was connected to his own flesh and blood, and he could not speak kindly. The remnant sword seemed to see the breath of Lu Yuan on the fire Spirit, and he stopped attacking the Fire spirit