
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

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Fierce fighting ghost-faced snakes

Continuing along the deep cave, the cave became more and more gloomy, and the more it extended underground, Lu Yuan estimated that he was now at least a hundred zhang underground. He was fully aware and guarded, but there was no hesitation or hesitation, but he did not take it lightly, but still cautiously kept exploring forward.

In this way, about a moment of walking incense, there was a ticking sound of falling water in my ears; At the same time, I feel that the soil under the ground is a little damp.

"Fuck, what kind of relic is this, it's a deep underground hole. Nothing! This dead Cao Rong shouldn't be so boring, right? Lu Yuan walked for so long, found nothing, and began to be a little suspicious. But Cao Rong had made so many preparations that it was impossible to find something to do, so he still chose to continue to walk forward.

The sound of ticking water became more and more dense, the underground soil was more damp, and under the scanning of the divine sense, he found that there were actually some small grasses growing here, and many places were covered with moss, and there was a trace of fresh air circulating around, and the whole environment was obviously different from before. "Hey, why is there fresh air moving, it's not reasonable?" Lu Yuan was a little confused

With doubts, he walked forward about fifty zhang again, and suddenly his eyes suddenly opened up, and a wide cave appeared in front of him. The cave is extremely high, with water droplets dripping from the top, forming a small pool on the ground. Coiled by the pool was a huge hideous black snake.

"Fuck, what a big snake! Could this be the demon beast ghost-faced snake that the dead ghost Cao Rong said? Lu Yuan was taken aback, and after taking a closer look, sure enough, the snake's head was a bit like a person's face, but this face was too terrifying, no wonder it was called a grimace.

The big snake saw Lu Yuan come in. Staring at Lu Yuan, he hissed threateningly, but did not attack Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan saw it, kicked his feet, and quickly pounced on the big snake, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, a fireball with a large fist quickly smashed into the big snake. Strike first to be strong, and then suffer, this is the attack plan that Lu Yuan has long thought of along the way.

The fireball is condensed by spiritual power, and once it is sacrificed, the speed is quite fast. The ghost-faced snake obviously stayed in the deep cave for a long time, and the reaction was not so agile, and the fireball with a large fist suddenly smashed into its body, and Lu Yuan was overjoyed when he saw it. But before he could rejoice, he saw that a light mask suddenly appeared on the big snake, and the fireball was actually blocked, and then it was quickly extinguished, turning into sparks of Mars, which suddenly dissipated in the air, and could not threaten the big snake at all

Lu Yuan's secret path was not good, and he quickly sacrificed a flying sword to kill the past. At this time, the big snake had been enraged by Lu Yuan, swung its body, stretched out its huge head, and opened its big mouth to bite Lu Yuan like electricity. Lu Yuan hurriedly retreated, and at a glance, he felt that the face of the big snake seemed to be hideous, and it looked more and more terrifying.

However, at this time, Lu Yuan did not have time to admire, and while retreating sharply, he controlled the flying sword to stab the head of the big snake. The big snake suddenly spit out a yin wind from its mouth, and the yin wind rushed towards the flying sword, blowing over the oncoming flying sword at once, and fell to the ground with a "bang". Lu Yuan hurriedly smashed another fireball, but at this time, he couldn't do both, he could only watch the flying sword fall to the ground, but he couldn't recall it. However, the fireball still blocked the attack of the ghost-faced snake at a critical moment, leaving a trace of buffer for Lu Yuan.

Just as Lu Yuan was about to recall the flying sword and continue to attack; The huge long tail of the ghost-faced snake had swept over fiercely. The long tail had not yet arrived, and it had already brought a fierce wind and threatened Lu Yuan first. Lu Yuan knew that if he was swept by the snake's tail, the battle between humans and snakes would be over immediately. Of course, it ended with Lu Yuan's death.

Faced with the threat of death, Lu Yuan could only quickly retreat, and there was simply no better means to stop the attack of the snake tail. The snake's tail swept away with a fierce momentum, and Lu Yuan was still swept by the strong wind that he brought up, but in the end, he narrowly avoided the death blow of the ghost-faced snake

The ghost-faced snake missed the blow, its body shook, and it immediately opened its mouth and pounced. At this time, Lu Yuan's distance from the ghost-faced snake was already more than forty zhang. But the ghost-faced snake was too fast, and it almost pounced in front of Lu Yuan in the blink of an eye. The terrifying mouth was full of fangs, and Lu Yuan would definitely not be able to survive if he bit him.

At this critical moment, Lu Yuanyi gritted his teeth and decided to risk his death, so as not to dodge or dodge, he sacrificed a fireball with all his strength and smashed it into the mouth of the ghost-faced snake. At this time, the big mouth was less than two feet away from Lu Yuan, and the fireball was instantaneous, and the ghost-faced snake was caught off guard, and was immediately smashed into the mouth by Lu Yuan's fireball. The ghost-faced snake is protected by spiritual power shields in other places, and Lu Yuan's fireball is not a threat to him at all, but the snake's mouth is different, and there is no protection, as soon as the fireball enters the snake's mouth, the ghost-faced snake reacts instinctively, and immediately closes its mouth, just swallowing the fireball into its abdomen. Lu Yuan hurriedly took advantage of the moment when the ghost-faced snake swallowed the fireball attack and suddenly stopped, kicked his feet, and quickly fled the danger, but his body was already soaked with cold sweat, looking at the ghost-faced snake, he gasped for air.

The fireball burned in the belly of the snake, and the ghost-faced snake kept hissing, and its body continued to roll in pain. Lu Yuan took the opportunity to recall the flying sword, and another sword stabbed at the ghost-faced snake seven inches. The ghost-faced snake was in severe pain, and did not open the spiritual power shield at all, and the flying sword pierced in, penetrating seven inches and one foot deep into the snake's head. The ghost-faced snake struggled, and immediately the snake's body spasmed, spread out on the ground, and soon there was no breath, and the dead could no longer die.

Lu Yuan looked at the dead snake, afraid for a while, plus the exhaustion of the spiritual power of the whole body, he immediately sat on the ground, and could no longer stand up

About a tea time, Lu Yuan finally recovered four or five percent of his strength by absorbing spirit stones, he stood up, took out the flying sword, broke the snake's belly, and took out a snake gallbladder with a large fist. The snake bile was hot, as if it was still squirming, he walked to the corner, swallowed the snake gall, and immediately ran to refine the snake gall. This is a big supplement, which is conducive to improving cultivation, and he also listened to the unlucky Cao Rong on the road, and he knew this.

According to Cao Rong's arrangement, if Lu Yuan killed the ghost-faced snake with a talisman, he would immediately kill the snake to obtain gall, then unload the mill and kill the donkey, and then kill Lu Yuan. Unexpectedly, the world was fickle, and in the end everything was cheap for Lu Yuan, but Cao Rong became a dead ghost, and at this time, I am afraid that Cao Rong, who is under the Nine Springs, has burst into tears and regrets.

The snake bile entered Lu Yuan's body and immediately turned into a stream of heat that filled Lu Yuan's qi sea. Lu Yuan slowly ran the exercises, guiding the heat flow to the meridians. The meridians continue to absorb the energy released by the snake gall, becoming more and more full. When Lu Yuan completely absorbed the energy of the snake gall, his cultivation had actually reached the initial perfection of the second layer of Qi training.

Standing up, Lu Yuan felt that the spiritual power of his whole body was not only completely restored, but also increased, and there was an indescribable joy. The whole already embarrassed crown. Then he walked directly to the corpse of the ghost-faced snake, took out the flying sword, and spent a while to remove the snake skin and snake fangs and put them in a storage bag. The cultivator hunted the demon beast and obtained the valuable parts of the demon beast, which was clear even to the rookie Lu Yuan, and of course he would not let go of the results of the first hunt in his life

After cleaning up, Lu Yuan looked around. The huge cave was empty, and the so-called ruins were not found at all, but there were three small grasses full of spiritual energy growing where the ghost-faced snake was coiled. The grass is no more than a foot long, but it is emerald green and lovely, and it exudes a faint fragrance. Although Lu Yuan was a rookie, he also knew that this must be the spirit grass that the sect disciples usually said. At that moment, he stepped forward unceremoniously, carefully dug out the three spirit grasses, and put them in the storage bag.

After carefully searching along the cave, Lu Yuan still found nothing.

"No, how so?" Lu Yuan muttered secretly. This Cao Rong not only cultivated higher than himself, but his insight must also be much higher than himself, and it was impossible to blindly enter the cave and venture without discovering it.

"Did I miss something?" Lu Yuan stood in the cave, carefully recalling the exploration of the cave just now, a slight breeze gently brushed his cheek, and he immediately realized.

"Since there is wind, it means that there must be a passage to the outside here. Follow the direction of the wind to find this passage, and perhaps this is the path to the ruins. Fuck, I am a person in two lifetimes, and it is not as good as Cao Rong to die. When Lu Yuan discovered this situation, he immediately locked the wind direction with his divine sense, and then followed the wind direction to the front