
Reborn Origins

What happens when you put reincarnated people altogether and make them fight? Pure and utter chaos is what happens. Now, what happens when Earth's oldest and most broken soul is thrown in? A Cake chock-full of mass genocide is what you get. *Cover is not mine*

Cloned_Mimic · Fantasy
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14 Chs


As I ran through the halls, I lost all sense of direction, all sense of reasoning, and any thought of regaining them.

The pure pleasure I got from the kills I made, was unlike any I had ever felt before. The feeling caused me to put myself in a trance and let loose.

Blazing through the halls and killing those in my way, I don't know how much time passed, but all I know is that by the time I broke out of my killing spree, I was standing in front of the large gates leading out of the church, soaked in blood and surrounded by bodies.

Examining myself, I noticed that the robe I had stolen was barely hanging on. Not only that, my body was on the verge of collapsing. With one arm broken and multiple slashes across my body, it seemed the priest had put up quite the fight for me to still be this injured while healing the entire time.

Healing up my wounds, I went to take a step forward when I heard the sound of something grating against the ground behind me.

Turning around, I saw a figure slowly appear from the shadows of one of the passages.

Seeing the figure move from out of the shadows, I felt a familiar fear grip my heart. An irrational and uncontrollable type of fear, one that came without reason. And due to that fear, I felt myself start to smile at the very thought of beating it back.

Gazing at the monstrous creature that was with Mr. Huna, I stopped my body from moving like my beating heart was, and gripped the chains in my hands tighter.

Stopping a couple of steps away from me, the creature seemed to smile as we stared at each other.

Just as I was about to launch a surprise attack, the creature open its mouth and dropped something on the ground, before turning around and walking away.

Watching as the creature's back faded from view further into the church, I spent several moments standing there trying to calm myself down. But as the seconds passed by I couldn't hold it in any longer.


My instincts knew it wasn't a good idea to attack whatever the creature was, but my mind was curious about what it was and I wanted to play with it and see what it could do.

I had the strange feeling that the creature was one thing that had the ability to kill me regardless of my annoying curse.

And while dying was on the list of things I wanted, I couldn't willingly try to die until my plan was completed.

Walking over to whatever it was the creature had dropped on the ground, I pick it up noticing it was strangely dry for being in the maw of a beast.

"That thing probably killed those guys in the field, if I'm smart I could- "

Stopping in my tracks, I gazed at the fruit, or rather what was carved on the front of it.

Carved into the fruit, in a language I hadn't even taught my children, was both my name, and the name of my wife, Eve. Upon closer inspection, I noticed there was a line running through my name.

Staring into the abyss-like darkness of the passage the creature went down, I finally realized why I felt so afraid of it.

Turning my gaze back to the apple, I started to put together a theory about how that creature fit into my rebirth, and my suffering.

The more I thought about it, the more my theory was seeming more and more likely, and the more certain everything seemed, the angrier I got.

Masking my barely contained anger with a smile, I was just about to head further into the church against my better judgment to find the creature, and get some answers. But just as I took my first step, I heard the creek of the huge doors behind me open.

Slowly turning around, I saw the gates open to reveal a group of four men walking inside, surrounded by a crowd of smiling people clapping and cheering.

As the gates fully opened, there was a pause in which all noise slowly stopped and everyone took in the sight before them.

Ignoring the looks of astonishment, my gaze scanned the four men and stopped on one man in particular.

Seeing this man, all the piled-up anger finally became too much.

With my vision turning red, and my hearing slowly fading out, I only had one thought, 'It's payback time.'


Getting back from the successful butchering of Gefjun's followers, Richardson was extremely joyful.

Looking at his brothers Richardson spoke, "That was just what I needed to relax from all the stress I've had lately, I even thought up some new torture techniques while out on the field."

A bald skinny man, wearing only a pair of black pants turned and replied, "who are you telling, one even looked like a little boy, I had quite the time breaking him!"

Richardson shook his head before turning to a hairy fat priest walking beside him, "what about you Yorsen, did you have as much fun as Sein?"

Slowly turning to look at Richardson, a deep voice echoed out of the fat man, "I was able to eat my fill."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm glad everyone had such a great time, but could we hurry back inside the church, all these people are starting to piss me off."

Glancing behind himself at an extremely handsome man, Richardson saw the man was furiously scratching at his neck.

"Just let me open the door Luke, then you can go back to the comfort of your scorpions."

Pushing the large doors open, Richardson smiled at the crowd of people who had heard the word of their victory over Gefjun's followers.

Completely opening the doors, Richardson expected a group of priests waiting to give him a report on the happenings of the church while he was gone, but instead, he found the mangled and broken bodies of countless men, dying the white stone floor red.

As all the people started to quiet down and stare inside at the monstrous scene inside, Richardson noticed a lone figure dripping in blood staring at them.

"What in the ever-loving great fuckery tuckery happened here?" Whispered Luke.

Just as Richardson was about to respond, the figure emitted a bloodlust so strong, all the regular people started to bleed from the nose before falling like flies.

Looking around himself, Sein asked, "What the Hell is happening?"

"He escaped, I knew it could happen, but I never thought he could do all this," said Richardson with fear in his voice.

Turning to Richardson with confusion visible on his face Luke asked, "Who the fu-"

Just as Luke was in the middle of talking, a brick flew past and caved in his head.

Shifting their gaze back forward, everyone saw that in the short time they had looked at each other to talk, the figure had snuck past their senses and stood only a couple of feet away from them, with its extended arm seemingly dislocated.

Lifting its head, the figure made a wide smile before talking in a deep raspy voice, "I've been waiting for you Richardson, an eye for an eye, right? Well, you took my eye many times, so I think it's time I take yours, HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Whipping its body back, the figure's arm appear to instantly heal before it launched itself at the group of men.

I'm busy and unmotivated, so if yall want chapters faster, somebody better start dropping that juicy dumptruck like it's hot.

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