
Reborn Origins

What happens when you put reincarnated people altogether and make them fight? Pure and utter chaos is what happens. Now, what happens when Earth's oldest and most broken soul is thrown in? A Cake chock-full of mass genocide is what you get. *Cover is not mine*

Cloned_Mimic · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Out The Door

As the door opened and Paul's calm and cheerful voice seeped in, I didn't even think fully. Giving the bricks one last yank and pulling them free, I jumped backward while swinging the end of the chain around towards the door and unraveling its length from around my arms.

Feeling an impact and hearing a crash, my eyes tried to catch up with the rest of my body.

Glancing at the aftermath of my attack, I saw that one brick had hit Paul in the head, while the other brick was firmly planted in his chest cavity.

Seeing Paul lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, I suddenly remember what the other priests were capable of. Not wanting to fight and chance reinforcements coming, I took off towards the door with the thought of trapping Paul in the room and leaving him.

It was then though, I realized I still had the chains connected to my legs and could only move to the chair in the room. Annoyed by this problem, I changed my plan from leaving, to quickly killing Paul so I could free myself without worry.

Running up to the chair in the middle of the room, I scooped up the bloody knife sitting amidst my severed limb on the floor and launched it at Paul.

Stabbing towards the top of his head, I intended to end him as quickly as possible. But it was right then that Paul's eyes snapped open, glowing an eerie golden shade. Shifting his head to the side, Paul avoided the death blow, with the dagger bouncing off the stone behind him.

Feeling something crash into my side and fling me away, I felt two of my ribs break on my left side.

Rolling back onto my feet, I glanced back at Paul, who had launched me away with the brick that was previously planted in his chest.

Watching Paul rise to his feet, it was then I realized why the other priest let someone so inexperienced in torture be my jailor.

Standing double my height Paul was almost as tall as Richardson when he transformed and looked quite similar too. The only difference between the two is that, while Richardson seemed to have his muscle just tear parts of his skin to reveal the bloody flesh underneath, all of Paul's skin appeared to have fallen off, and underneath was just dark, red, throbbing flesh.

Yanking the chains back towards me and wrapping some of the lengths around my arms, I knew in this fight they would be my only weapons.

Dashing at me with an enraged expression, Paul tried to tackle me. Narrowly dodging to the side, I let Paul slam into the wall behind me.

Getting right back up like nothing happened, Paul started lashing out trying to grab me. After a couple of seconds of me dodging, I started to spin the chains around, building force.

Right after leaning back and avoiding one of Paul's grabs, I swung the chain with the brick at the end full force at his head.

Hitting Paul clean in the temple and knocking him to his knees, there was a pause before I saw Paul reach out and grab the part of the chains connected to my legs.

Realizing what he was about to do, I tried to swing the brick around again. But yanking the chain, Paul made me miss and hit the ground beside him.

Falling on my back, I saw that Paul was standing back up glaring down at me, with both the chains grasped in his right hand.

Seeing his angry face, something in me couldn't help but taunt him with a smile.

Watching as the muscles in his arm bunched up, and knowing what was going to happen next, I couldn't suppress my laughter at the thought of all the ways I was going to kill him.

Feeling myself being lifted up, I heard a small bang and looked over to see the bricks connecting my legs and the wall were pulled out, along with a couple of others. Right after, I saw the room flash past my eyes, before I felt the pain of my head beginning to cave in, and then darkness.

Coming back to, I saw Paul had me hoisted high above his head with blood dripping on the floor.

Quickly taking in the scene, I looked at Paul getting ready to slam me again, and got an idea.

Yanking the chain up on my right arm while making a circular motion, I managed to get the end wrapped around Paul's neck right as I was being slammed down.

With the chain growing taunt seconds before I was squished again, I felt a sharp sting in my shoulder, and as I looked over I saw my arm start to tear away from my body.

Distancing all of my stray thoughts, I focused solely on the pain in my arm. And as I felt myself enter a trance, I watched as the muscles kept healing and tearing at a visible rate.

Shifting my gaze away from the interesting process, I stared at Paul, thinking about the quickest way to kill him. It wasn't until I glanced at the chain around his neck that a wild plan popped into my head.

Breaking my trance, I let my arm be torn off so my body would continue its descent. Turning my body at the waist, I use my remaining arm to brace for the impact.

Landing on the ground, I saw my entire arm crumble in on itself and break before my head met the stone floor.

Luckily I only landed with enough force to cause me some pain, and not knock me out.

Feeling on the verge of passing out, I sharpened my focus and stayed lying unmoving on the ground.

After a short pause, Paul lifted up my body and I felt his gaze examine me before tossing me away.

It wasn't until I heard his steps walking away, that my plan started to take shape.






Just as my conscience was fading, I entered my trance and felt all my wounds start to heal.

It was when I heard the gurgling sound of someone choking, that I opened my eyes and saw that my right arm was regrown and as I thought, my chain was attached. What brought a smile to my face though, was the sight of Paul, lying on the ground with the end of the chain tightened around his neck, choking him to death.

Glancing at Paul violently pulling at the chains tightly coiled around his neck, I started to walk towards the door, Pulling the chain as hard as possible.

When I thought up the plan, I had a guess that the chain didn't just magically appear on my arm when I healed, but moved towards it whenever my limb was regrown.

The idea was formed when I noticed that it never changed length. I had the thought before, but it was earlier that I remembered, the chain always grew taunt when it reconnected with my limb.

So, working my plan off that, I wondered if I got far away enough from the disconnect chain, which was loosely wrapped around Paul's neck, and reconnected it, would it pull itself towards my arm and tighten around his neck or would I be pulled towards him and get thrashed again?

Glancing at the struggling giant I was pulling, a raspy chuckle escaped my mouth before I pulled even harder and turned to watch the life fade from the eyes of this monster.

Seeing the last of Pauls's struggles stop, I waited a few moments, before approaching his corps.

Checking and making sure he was dead, I walked across the room to where the knife had fallen and pick it up. Making my way back to Paul's corps, I knew if the chain was wrapped tightly enough that even he couldn't remove it, I wasn't going to stand a chance.

So going for the next best option, I decided to just remove the head.

Trying to pierce the flesh was hard, but after spending years watching all the different ways Richardson had cut me up, I had learned a few tricks to work around that problem.

Finishing up the task by severing the spine, I had kept my eye on the door the entire time, wondering why no one had come to check in on Paul.

Shaking my head and deciding to worry about that once I got out of my prison, I wrapped the chains connected to my legs around my calves and thighs, before tying the ends around my waist.

Moving on to my arms, I had wrapped the length of the chain around my forearms making a sort of makeshift vambrace, and tucked the knife in between two of the chains.

The years of harsh treatment and filth had turned my previous clothes into unwearable rags. I stopped caring about my clothing situation years ago, so at this point, I was back to how I was originally created.

Walking to the door I took a breath and, make the first step out of my prison.

I will give you BLOOD!!!

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