
Reborn Online

Raishaun Inkosi was dying to play the hit VRMMORPG, Reborn Online. He eventually plays the game but little does he know the name Reborn means more than what he bargained for... In this game, you don't get to choose your race or class. The system chooses that for you using your genes and brainwaves. Once complete, you are reborn with the race and occupation you were always meant to have. I will be posting this story on Royal Road.

EssenceOverlord · Games
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22 Chs

First blood

I clicked on the [Yes] then suddenly the dirt in front of me turned into stone stairs. On the side of the walls were torches lit by fire. They illuminated the dark stairs so I could see as I walked. Demons could see well at night, but the torches added to that adventure feel so I liked them.

After calming my excitement, I walked up to the stairs until I reached the last stair. On top of me was dirt, so I touched it with my hand and then a square hole appeared above me. I looked out of the hole and I could see the blue sky with white candy floss in the air.

Seeing this, I took a deep breath and I walked out of the hole. As soon as I was out, the stairs disappeared and the grass like land returned as if it was always there. I was wowed by how real it looked. Then I looked around at my surroundings.

I was in the middle of a forest. The trees were tall and thick, the grass was up to my shin which was quite high. I'm 188 cm tall so I'm taller than the average male. I inherited my genes when it came to height.

After confirming my location, I walked around the forest. I was looking for prey to kill but at the same time, I was being cautious of my surroundings. I held my sword tightly in my right hand ready to kill anything that moved. I was ready for the unexpected.

At least that's what I thought, in the next moment. A system message was sent to everyone.

[The Fifth Demon King has immerged!]

Then I got a personal message from the system.

[Congratulations for coming to the surface. Your identity will be hidden for as long as you want it to or as long as you don't reveal yourself. ]

[Every other King or Lord in this game was given loyal subjects whether they are NPC's or players. However, you have none. To equate for this difference you have been awarded the Domain builder and the ability to swap system points to create demons of your own. You are a wild card. You can use it or you can live an ordinary life as a demon. This is your life; you can do as you please whether that's world domination or world peace.]

Reading the message, I smirked evilly. This was just perfect! And as for how I was going to move forward, it was obviously world domination! I will be the supreme ruler of all the lands under this heaven or would the word hell be more fitting. Hahaha, cough, cough, cough. I really needed to work on my evil laugh.

And yes, I know I have no subjects at the moment. I know, in terms of Kingdoms every King was leaps and bounds in front of me but if I played my cards right, I could do it!

I've always been the poster boy for the defiance. Show me the tyrants, I'm coming in silence. David, Goliath, I'll take down the giants!

With my newfound resolve, I continued to look for creatures to slaughter. My feet drifted through the grass making swish like sounds as it touched the fabric of my pants. I continued to walk at a steady pace until I heard rustling noises from the bush that was three meters away from me.

I stopped and inspected the large bush that was several meters wide. However, there was only movement in one place. Seeing this, I gripped my sword and stood in a fighting stance. I pointed my sword horizontally and lowered my point of gravity. This was one of the stances I used when wielding my katana.

While I was in a fighting stance, the bush rustled even more. Then it stopped and a creature walked out of it. It was a white fluffy bunny. I rolled my eyes when I saw the bunny. I was on high alert for a bunny. Nonetheless, cautiousness was warranted. I had no idea where I was or what level monsters were in this forest. I didn't think the game would place me in some mystical forest with level 100 creatures sprawling about but you never know...

Anyway, I looked at the white rabbit that was minding its own business eating the grass in front of it. It looked cute and fluffy. Too bad it couldn't stay like that as I was about to die its fur in red. Even if it was just a bunny it would be my first kill.

I slowly approached the bunny making light movements. I was now a meter away from the bunny that was eating by the bush. Then I heard the sound of twigs snapping in two inside the bushes. However, it was on the far right of the bush, not where the bunny first emerged.

Seeing this I jumped back twice and peered into the bushes. That's when I heard two solemn slaps landing on skin. The slaps were followed by a shout in a language I did not understand.

Then all the bushes began vibrating as thirteen small bipedal creatures immerged from them. These creature's skin was dark green like the cover they were hiding in and in their hands were swords. Their eyes were blood red and their teeth looked sharper than their weapons.

As I looked at them, I knew they were goblins. Also, the name goblin and lv 4 stood above their heads in red so there's that. I knew goblins are crafty and cunning creatures, but I didn't expect this. They tried to lure me in with the rabbit and had I gone further, they would have ambushed me.

Unfortunately, one of their teammates stepped on a twig which alerted me. If I had to guess which was the stupid one it was definitely the one on the right rubbing his scalp with two solid red hands on his scalp and cheek.

Then the goblins looked at me and they all charged at me. Seeing this I shook my head. They clearly didn't know who I was. I'm not some random character or some passer-by. I'm a holder of a secret class, I'm the fifth Demon King. I'm the guy who had battled them countless times before, the guy who knew their weaknesses.

I grasped my sword tightly with my right hand leaving my left hand free. Then I stabbed downwards with my sword piercing a goblin's throat. The hole caused the goblin to choke on its own green blood as it fell lifelessly on the floor.

Then I swiftly retracted my sword to my chest and then slashed horizontally but downwards cutting deeply into the flesh of five goblins. They screeched loudly as the blood dripped from their chests.

Tsk! I clicked my tongue because I couldn't do more damage to them. Had I had my katana the wound would have been much deeper. Then I looked at the goblins that were now a lot more cautious than before.

But it was too late to be cautious. The tables had turned, they weren't the ones doing the hunting, I was. I summoned my mana as blue lightening hummed and flashed around my body, Then I charged in using, <Lightning Step> which increased my speed by 20%. Once I was in front of the group, I decapitated 6 goblins with one slash using the momentum of my speed.

Now there were only 6 left so with, <Lightning Step> still active, I ran around them so they revealed their backs to me. I then pressed my left hand against the back of one of the goblins. When I felt its rough yet oily skin, I activated, <Lightning Palm> the lightning surged from my hand and into the goblin sending it flying at rapid speed. That goblin was flung into the air only to stop once it collided into a thick tree. The sound of bones breaking was heard accompanied by a loud thud as the goblin cadaver fell down on the ground. I repeated the same thing with all the other remaining goblins. I could have used my sword but I was looking to level up my move. That was one of the multiple paths to getting stronger skills.

Once all the goblins had died, I flicked my sword clean of the green blood. Then I looked at the combat log to see what I had earned from this battle.

[Lv.4 Goblin killed

8 system points obtained

150 Exp obtained]

[6 lv. 4 Goblins chain killed

84 system points obtained

2000 Exp obtained]

[You have levelled up!]

[Lv.4 Goblin killed

8 system points obtained

150 Exp obtained]

[You have levelled up!]

[Mastery with <Lightning Palm> has increased!]

Looking at my combat log, I saw that killing multiple creatures with a higher level than you at once granted you extra system points and Exp. I knew this already and purposefully exploited it. I had to if I wanted to catch up to the other players, furthermore, more system points mean a bigger domain!

After looking at the combat log, I called up my improved stats.

Name: Raishaun Inkosi

Title: Demon Lord

Level 3: (1550/1600)

Health points: 700/700

Mana points: 635/635


Active Skills: <Lightning Step> ,<Lightning Palm >

Passive Skills: <Loved by mana>,< Hardened Skin>,< Mark of strength>

Affinity: Lightning, Ward magic, Time-space magic.


System points: 140

Attribute points: 8

Bloodline: Sealed

Hi, guys author- san here please vote for my story to keep me motivated so I don't feel my fear of failure crashing down upon causing me to drop this book. Also comments on how I'm doing is greatly appreciated even if they aren't kind, they help me to grow.

Oh and of course last but not least thank you for reading!

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