
Reborn on her wedding night,kissed madly by a bigoted bigot

[Revenge + vest + cool text + high sweet mutual favor] After the rebirth, when Jiu Nian looked at the handsome in front of people can not close the legs of the husband, gulp spittle, her last life is how blind, put so absolute absolute son of the husband do not want, prefer to believe in the scum of the lowly female, fell into the family broke the end of the people! In this life, she picked up her beauty and intelligence, and started the road of abusing scum and hugging thighs!Just, accidentally, actually became a big brother! There's a lot of armor! There's a lot going on backstage! A dreadful assassin organization: who dares to mess with my boss, I'll go and shoot people into holes! A certain rumored four great families: who dares to bully our small group of favorites, the cannon blasted him! A mysterious top family: Welcome back Missy! The extremely demonic man hooked his lips in a smile and wrapped his arms around the little woman's waist: "Introducing, this is my wife!"

Kinmi_uu · Urban
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17 Chs

Madame is on the hot seat

At night, Shijiu Nian lay on her bed, took out her cell phone, and opened the video sent to her by her bodyguard.

The autumn night was cold, Jiang Wenrui, Jiang Rouyou and Jiang Ying were kneeling in front of the tomb shivering and freezing.

The two bodyguards were standing behind, holding sticks, and as soon as they fell towards the ground, they slammed them over with a stick, ordering them to kneel well.

Shi Jiu Nian smiled very pleasantly and opened WeChat, her hand stopped for a moment when she saw the family groupings.

After hesitating for a moment, she opened the WeChat of one of them.

When she hesitated to send a message or not, a WeChat call was flung over from that end.

Shi Jiunian hurriedly pressed the answer button:" Uncle ..."

"What's not to say, is entering five minutes now."The warm male voice on the other end had a light indulgence in it.

Shi Jiunian did not expect to be seen by him, a little embarrassed, and thought of the previous life, grandfather died of a cerebral hemorrhage, uncle's family in prison, suddenly choked a little.

Shi Shouzhi immediately noticed, "What's wrong?Someone bullied you?Is it mother and daughter Jiang Rou Rou?"

"No, just miss you guys ..."

"Silly girl, since you miss us then come back to us."Shi Shouzhi tone helpless: "Pick you back to the capital and you do not come back, have to stay in Haicheng, you ..."

Shi Shouzhi said halfway and stopped, he did not want to fight with Shi Jiunian again because of this matter: "Niannian, your grandfather and I and your brother are in M country, preparing for the team competition, it is a fully closed training, about two months, can not reply you in time, you have any need to give your aunt and uncle call, we will come to see you after the competition."

"Uh-huh."At the mention of aunt and uncle, the smile on Shi Jiunian's face faded for a few moments, but she still obediently answered, "Uncle, you guys prepare for the competition well, don't worry about me.The weather has cooled down recently, you guys have to take care of yourselves."

"Don't worry don't worry, we're fine."

Being concerned about his own niece, Shi Shouzhi was happy, ouch, Niannian seems to understand things, will care about him!

Shi Jiunian chatted with her uncle for a while longer before hanging up the phone.

Then a transfer message was received.

Uncle: transferred five million dollars to you, spend it first, not enough to find uncle again, or find your brother, don't be embarrassed, we make money to come is for our family little princess to spend.

Time Jiu Nian smiled up, clicked to receive.

Taking advantage of the months that Grandpa is closed for training, she wants to clean up things here.


The next day.

Nine o'clock.

Shijiu Nian got up, washed up, and went downstairs to eat.

Fu Jing Chen sat on the sofa, saw her come down, closed the computer and put it to the side, walked to the table, poured her a cup of hot water, and ordered the servants to bring up breakfast.

"Master ..." when the two were eating, Fu Huo took the tablet and hurriedly walked in, "Madam is on the hot search."

Fu Jing Chen took the tablet and looked at it, his eyes slightly converged, tinted with a few chills.

Seeing him react like this, Shi Jiu Nian raised her eyebrows, "Show me."

Fu Jing Chen handed her the tablet.

Shi Jiu Nian took it, and to her eyes were several hot search terms.

#Luxury family millennium gold Shi Jiunian#

#Shijiu Nian kicked her parents out of the house #

#Jiang Rou Rou scandal is really a frame-up by her own sister#.

Shi Jiunian randomly clicked on one.

It's a long post from a big V blogger.

Angle: Originally, I did not want to make a sound, but Shi Jiunian did too much, framed his own sister, let his reputation is just, actually even gave birth to their parents, are able to drive out of the house.A few days ago, the pure little flower Jiang Rou Rou made a scandal, the whole network is abuzz, in fact, all because of the time Jiunian ...

Shi Jiunian look indifferent, roughly scanned a paragraph.