
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The white robe with the Phoenix on it

Madison couldn't believe she was done with the second trial and was still alive.

She looked at her dead partner on the floor, and suddenly felt the urge of puking. She felt irritated with herself and at the same time exhausted, and she looked like a mess.

"Congrats ladies. You have completed your second trial successfully.

Now you can move to the next room" the introducer said as the ones that survived which were only four girls including Madison which made them five, moved to the room that was already opened

down for them.

Madison thought the room will be another creepy room with lots of strange weapons and dangerous kinds of stuff, but it turned out to be a nice well-furnished room with five different royal robes all hanging up on the wall in a glass vase displaying its glory.

Despite that, the room showed no threat whatsoever, Madison didn't let her guard down because those crazy gods were probably somewhere watching them and waiting for them to let their guards down but shame on them.

"Ok ladies, welcome to the third and final

trial. Now, this last trial will be the one to determine who you will serve. This trial is a simple one, all you have to do is to pick any royal robe that attracts you and then match right out to the auditorium, simple. You can now begin"

Moving, so she could have a better view of the robes, she was dumbfounded.

She has never seen a dress as dazzling as the royal robes, and she doesn't even know the one to pick.

She was not the only one unsure

of what to pick, all the girls in there were unsure of where to even start.

As she was still hesitating on what to pick, one of the ropes caught her eyes and she wondered why because white was the least of her favorite colors.

Going to stand in front of the robe, she

stared at it hard, like it would review some

mystery to her.

As she was still wondering what was in the white robe that caught her eyes, she saw by the left breast side of the robe an image of a phoenix surrounded by a black mist with eyes as red as coal, with fire surrounding it.

She was so captivated by the image that she couldn't help tracing her hand on it, and it felt warm, and she felt a sense of security.

Well,that was weird because there was nothing safe about this land.

Deciding to choose the robe, she took it from the wall and went to change into it.

After several unsuccessful attempts to clean herself, it was of no use because she still looked like a mess.

She finally gave up the idea of looking presentable,when she saw the others were also as messy as she was aside from the bloodshot eyes thanks to all her crying.

"You are looking good, Madison" Rei said

with a smile on her face.

"I look good like this ?" Madison asked, waving her hand all over her body to let her see how crazy she looked. But Rei was beautiful in the silver robe she was putting on, with an image of a snack surrounded by water. It was so beautiful.

"Do not listen to her human, you look like

death itself" viper scoffed.

She was annoying, but Madison can't deny the fact that she was beautiful in her black rope with an image of an eagle surrounded by fire.

The fourth girl was on an orange rope with the image of a lizard surrounded by rocks, while the last girl was on red with an image of a wolf surrounded by air.

They all looked so breathtaking.

"Let's go Madison, I can't wait to see who I will be serving"'she said happily as she led Madison out of the room into a hallway.

They all looked so energetic and excited all of a sudden.

After a few walks down the hallway, the sounds of uproars could be heard before they could even see the people.

The place was like a full house, and that made Madison anxious.

She hates stepping into the unknown.

"Relax Madison. You are shaking all over"

Rei said, grinning like it was funny.

" Is it always like this?" Madison asked her.

"No, like I told you before it constantly changes but is sure there is no more

fighting for us again" she assured.

Immediately after they entered the auditorium, Madison saw a lot of people that could easily be mistaken for human except that they were too beautiful and flawless to be human, and there were also lots of beasts in the auditorium.

The place was so huge and there was a portal-like screen that was placed high up, floating on its own.

There you could easily see everything that was going on in each of the rooms the trial took place.

Madison had a feeling that they were watching their every move, and the dead body still visible on the screen confirmed that her feelings were right.

"Congrats on your win, ladies," a voice that

was different from the introducer's voice


When Madison looked towards where the voice came from, she saw a very handsome man staring at her with a smile

on his face.

"Hello, Madison Williams. Is nice to finally

meet you officially"' he said.

Since the first day King Varog saw Madison, he knew that she would be the perfect person to turn Begtuok around, and he was going to enjoy every minute of it.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot more about you than you

think, Madison, but we still have lots of time so let's not rush".

Ok, now he was making her feel scared.

As Madison took her time to look around where the king was sitting, she saw a woman by his right-hand side and five handsome guys by his right, so she guessed he was the King and the lady the queen, she decided right then to

respect herself.

She wanted to avoid getting on the royal's bad side, and she has already gone so far as to die.

When he sat down, a colossal animal, his spirit beast which was a tiger, climbed onto his lap and he petted it.

As he was speaking with his wife, two of the princes appeared in front of Madison, surprising her.

"I told you there was a flicker of blue on

her heir"prince Hezra who was the last prince said with a triumphant smile on his face.

"How was I supposed to know that there was a flicker of blue in her hair?" Prince Tez the third prince grumped.

Madison's hair was the color of a raven which could easily be mistaken for black from a far distance, but if you get closer, you will be able to notice the blue in it.

"Can I touch your hair?" Prince Hezra asked.

"Can I hit your face?" Madison asked before she could stop herself.

"Wow," they both said as they boast out


She thought they will be angry, but it was the opposite.

Hezra and Tez had a feeling that a lot of things were going to change, especially for their brother Kontas.

"I like her already," Tez said with a grin

"Brother, can I have her? I know how much you hate girls who talk too much" Prince Hezra asked, staring up at someone

Madison hasn't seen or noticed since she walked into the auditorium.

And when she did see him, she felt naked under his heated glance.

He was so hot and his heir was as white as snow.

Madison never knew that her master was so hot.

He was the definition of perfection

"Tez, Hezra, get back up here and stop

embarrassing yourselves in front of a human" prince Nazim who was the second prince said with so much venom.

Nazim wasn't a fan of humans, he saw them as weak creatures who weren't felt to walk on the same ground as them.

And he already hates Madison for the fact it hasn't even been a day, and she was already drawing attention.

He doesn't have to worry himself much because he knows she won't last a week.

Grumping quite loudly, Hezra and Tez both teleported back to where the royals were all sitting.

"You must have been crazy to have chosen that robe human'' prince Khron hissed.

"I wonder if you will even last a week"

added. Madison didn't understand what was wrong with the robe, as far as she knows, the robe was better than the rest.

"I bet you won't even last days' prince," prince Nazim said grinning.

"So Madison, why did you choose that

robe? I mean you could have chosen any

robe, but you choose that particular one. Do you love white that much?" King Varog asked curiously, not ready to listen to his sons' argument.

When he saw Madison wasn't planning on answering,he laughed before he added,

"you don't have to be scared, you can answer but let whatever you say be the truth. I will know if you lie, and you won't like the consequences".

Oh, she wasn't planning to lie, alright.