
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs


"You haven't still seen her?" Lydian asked, referring to Madison.

That was right, for two days now Kontas haven't seen Madison, and he won't say that he wasn't worried because he was.

That was so unlike her, she was always the one to knock on his door first and for Kontas, these two days haven't quite been the same.

"I don't know where she is, I just hope she is out of trouble "Kontas replied trying to hit his target with his arrow, but just like for the eleventh time, he missed.

"You are distracted, that's why you keep missing" Lydian pointed out.

He knew Kontas very well, and him missing his target wasn't something he knows how to do.

And even though he denies it, Lydian knows that he was distracted because of Madison.

Lydian has seen how close prince Kontas has gotten with Madison and was happy.

For many years, he hasn't seen his master talk and laughs freely the way he does around Madison.

Whenever he was around her, he was always himself, laughing and not being too sensitive.

Even though Kontas kept denying the fact that he enjoys Madison's company, Lydian, and everyone who has eyes, can see how happy he was with her.

"Ain't you worried? You haven't made any attempt of looking for her"

"Of course am worried, but that's because I don't want to deal with any complicated issue she is going to get herself into"Kontas replied.

And about looking for her, he knew two days ago, she went to the library, but that was all he knew.

He intended to follow her into the library, so he will know what exactly she was looking for.

But when he heard her tell Nazim that she loved him, he lost it. Why on earth will she say that to him? And that was one of the reasons he was constantly missing his target.

" What about prince Nazim? I haven't also seen him for the past two days too" Lydian said. He wanted to get a reaction from his, and what he said did the trick.

Kontas finally dropped the bow with the arrow and faced Lydian,

" are you trying to say that for the past two days, Catelyn has been with Nazim" Kontas asked using the name he calls Madison, but only when he was around people that he trusts like Lydian.

"Am just stating a theory, I mean both Madison and Nazim went missing right after Madison told Nazim that she loved him. Isn't that suspicious" Nazim asked, but instead of answering him, Kontas just glared at him.

At that moment, he felt like hitting Lydian.

Did he need to remind him about something he desperately wanted to forget?

Lydian knew he has closed the line, the glare alone he was getting from prince Kontas was enough to tell him how annoyed he was with him. He should have just kept quiet.

As Lydian was trying to find a way to get out of the situation he was in, Rei suddenly ran into the training field, falling to her knees in front of prince Kontas with tears all over her face.

"Who are you and how dare you come into the training field?" Lydian asked, placing his sword on her neck.

The training field wasn't just anywhere anyone could enter, only the warriors and anyone permitted by the prince were allowed to enter. Do, what was a lonely slave doing inside?

" Lower your sword Lydian, she is Catel… I mean Madison's friend I guess" Kontas said.

"You guess? You are not even sure?" Lydian asked unbelievably.

"I have seen her with Madison a lot of times, so I don't think she is a threat" he assured her as he stood in front of the girl, making Lydian lower his sword.

"Why are you here and not with your master?" he asked her.

Kontas knew all the slaves with the prince they serve, and he knew that Rei was Hezra's slave, and she is always by his side, unlike Madison who goes and comes as she liked.

"He is the one who sent me, Madison is, Madison is being punished by the command of the king in the front of the throne room" she stammered barely holding herself from sobbing.

Lydian couldn't explain the type of energy he felt at the moment, it took him down on his knees.

He has never seen his master lose his cool before, and he wished he never did because it wasn't funny.

He looked calm and composed outside, but inside, Kontas was filled with rage.

How dare they touch his own? Before Lydian could say a word, Kontas has already teleported himself out of the training field, leaving both Rei and Lydian marveled.

Madison suddenly regretted why she came out from prince Nazim. Maybe if she hasn't come out, then she won't be receiving the punishment she was receiving for going into the library.

The last thing Madison remembered that day was falling unconscious in Nazim's arms and being carried away by him, then suddenly waking up to see herself in Nazim's room with him staring at her.

She didn't feel the pain of the injury she got from her fall in the library, and the injury was completely closed.

She didn't feel like someone who was hurt or anything. So, when prince Nazim told her not to go anywhere and wait for him, she just nodded, but immediately he left, she also left, making her way to her master Prince Kontas's quarter.

But she was stopped on the way by the royal guards and taken to the throne room where she was tied outside to her seat and she was being beaten.

The white colored gown she was wearing that has the spirit beast of her master on it which let anyone who sees her know who she was serving, was already stained with her blood, making the once appealing gown look dirty and unappealing to the eye.

"I will ask once again Madison slave to prince Kontas, what were you doing in the library two days ago?" an old man with a bald heir who oversaw her punishment asked for the tenth time.

Madison said nothing, she just kept mute and received the beating without making a sound.

She just wanted them to get her punishment over and done with. She didn't want Kontas to see her looking all beaten up, but faith never stands by her side because as she was about to receive the next beating, she heard the voice she wished won't come.

She wished at that moment that she was invisible.

"What do you think you are doing," Kontas asked with venom.

He couldn't believe all this was going on, and he wasn't aware of it, he felt so disappointed in himself.

For how long was he going to watch her suffer?

"How dare you interrupt a royal punishment?" King Varog roared.

Someone going against him was one thing he can't tolerate and Kontas has been doing it lately which was beginning to piss him off.

" Why is she being punished?"

"And since when do I answer to you Kontas? Must there be a reason before you decide to punish a slave?" King Varog asked.

"Of course not, you are the king. But I'm her master, and I deceive to know what the sin of my slave is for her to be beaten"Kontas said, not moving his eyes from his father.

"You are right, you need to know. I will tell you. Your slave broke one of our rules by going into the library, not only that but taking one of our most valued books from where it was meant to be. That was the sin of your slave committed. Now tell me Kontas does she not deceive to be punished?" King Varog asked, knowing very well that there was no way Kontas was going to defend his slave, and Kontas knows that too.

Madison knew what King Varog was trying to do, he wanted to put Kontas in a tight spot, and that was precisely what he did.

Madison didn't like the fact that Kontas was in a mess he didn't create, she didn't like the fact that he was getting involved.

So, when she received the next beating, she couldn't hold her sob again. The cry came out before she could stop it.

"What's this? You didn't make a sound since and now that you saw your master, you are suddenly acting up"Queen Xavia said mockingly.

Madison hates her so much, not only her but all of them that were laughing. She wished she could just slap that smile off their faces.

"I apologize on her behalf, and I promise to be responsible for her actions. So, you could just let her go, she has already taken enough beating"Kontas begged, bowing his head.

Kontas begged. That was news that was going to spread like wildfire all over Begtuok.

Nobody has ever seen or heard Kontas beg anyone before, and seeing him not just begged, but now in front of thousands of gods, was news that was never going to be forgotten.