
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

His signature color


He sensed her before he saw her walk into the auditorium shaking all over, and he understood why.

He knew the way she had strived throughout the whole trial, especially the second trial where she was meant to fight and kill or be killed, and Kontas knew how she felt.

The feeling of helplessness, or being forced to do what you don't want to do.

Yeah, Kontas knows that feeling so well. He has once been like her.

He has once been like a pawn being used and controlled by the royals as they want just because he wasn't of pure blood.

But he grew to stand up against them when he knew the kind of abilities he had.

He made sure he was not controlled anymore.

"Brother seems like the human chose

your signature color"Hezra my youngest step brother said.

Aside from his soldiers, he and Tez were the only closest people he could call family.

"She looks quite small"; Tez added, which earned him a scowl from Kontas.

As he took back his attention to his slave, he saw that Tez was right.

She was small, and he was sure that if he were to snuggle her, there won't be any part of her seen by anyone, and he liked it like that.

Not knowing when his two troublemakers

brother vanished and appeared in front

of her, startling her, Kontas felt like hitting them both.

He has never felt like punching his brothers before apart from khron and Nazim, and he dislikes that feeling of possessiveness growing inside of him.

"How was I supposed to know that there was a flicker of blue in her hair?" Kontas

heard Tez murmur angrily.

During the trials, Hezra and Tez got into a disagreement about Madison's hair color because occasionally the hair was black, and sporadically it was blue.

"I am telling you dumbass that her hair has a touch of blue to it"Hezra argued, already getting pissed off by Tez's constant argument.

"Am the one that's supposed to call you a

dumbass, Hezra. And don't you dare glare at me!" Tez hissed.

They are always arguing about stupid and unreasonable things wish were funny and sometimes quite annoying

"Why don't you guys just bet, huh? Let's

see who will get Kontas slave hair color"King Varog suggested looking directly at Kontas.

He felt his father's eyes on him, but he didn't bother to look at him.

He knew that his father was taunting him, he is always doing that to get a reaction from him, but Kontas has grown to learn how to hide his emotions very well.

Not only that, but he knew what it means to be an open book for everybody to see, and he learned it the hard way.

"Dad is right Tez, let's make a bet"Hezra

said knowing full well that he was going to


Although Hezra was the youngest prince in the royal family, he acts like an adult sometimes.

While Tez being in fourth place acts like a child to the point that Hezra was able to control him.

"Fine let's do just that"Tez replied earning

a disapproving look from his brother khron.

Not being the type to back away from a challenge, he still went ahead to bet with Hezra.

Despite him knowing how mischievous Hezra could be.

"The loser will do the other person's bidding"

"Deal" Tez agreed immediately.

When it was finally confirmed that her hair wasn't all black, Hezra was proud, despite knowing that he was going to win.

Right from when Hezra was still young, he has always had a liking for humans.

He has always begged King Varog to take him along whenever he was going to the human world, but the King never did.

So, when he saw Madison, he couldn't contain his joy. He had so much liking for her that got Kontas annoyed.

So, when Hezra asked if he could touch her hair and got a nasty reply from her, Kontas was happy and proud of her.

He knew she was going to be trouble, so much trouble, and he wasn't ready to face that yet.

So, when he was asked to put his slave in her place, Kontas knew he had to do it to remind himself who she was…

She was a human,and a slave, and humans are evil.

With that in his mind, he asked her to do what she was told to do and when he got the same answer from her, he released the pain into her soul.

He knew how painful and deadly his pain was. Among all the princes his powers were the strongest, that was why his father was weary of him.

Just a touch from him can make you long for the death that won't come. And that was precisely what Madison was feeling.

When she begged him to stop, he nearly did, like he was under compulsion. But he didn't stop, he only withheld the pain a little even though it was of no use because a little of his pain can be so extremely painful.

Kontas saw the hesitation in her face before she took the dagger and stabbed the boy at the same time, he took back all the pain.

When she looked at him, Kontas let the

emotions that he was feeling show before he wore back his cold face.

After she finished throwing up, Kontas put the feeling of calmness and sleep into her, knowing quite well she wouldn't be herself if she was still awake.

Before she could fall to the floor, Kontas didn't know when he disappeared and appeared in front of her, catching her before she could fall to the floor, and he saw the hatred in her eyes before she went to sleep.


Madison woke up feeling so good and more alive than she has ever been. She felt like a bird, so free and strong…

Jumping out from where she was laying like it was on fire, she started looking around searching for what or whoever was planting those feelings into her because it sure as well not her feelings.

"Are you okay?" Rei asked, looking so concerned for someone who doesn't feel anything.

And for crying out loud, can she stop asking her that every time!? Who on earth will be okay with their feelings manipulated? Ignoring Rei's question, she asked,

"How did I get here?"

"The third prince brought you here" she


How on earth do Rei expect her to

believe that, after what he has done to her?

But come to think of it, that was so nice of him to… Those damn emotions were messing with her head.

God bless that person playing around with her feelings.

Leaving the room rushing, Madison followed the instincts that were telling her to go and find the asshole that was making her feel like a mess and kill him or her.

How much she loves that idea. Ignoring Rei who was calling for her to come back, she continued walking, not even knowing where she was going, but she continued until she reached a door and opened it…

Hello sunshine. She was finally outside.

Now where to go?

"Madison" someone called.

Turning, not caring to know who it was, she snapped with a 'how are you doing smile on her face, "What is it?"

"Why do you sound so angry, but your

face has a welcoming smile?" Prince Hezra asked.

Well, it's all because of those feelings. Not bothering to reply to him, she started walking away, but the damn prince stopped her again.

"What on Earth do you want?" Madison yelled, already pissed off.

"I'm sorry if I am annoying you, I just want to be friends" he frowned sadly, making her feel like a bad person.

Come on! Why can't those damn feelings just give her a break!

"Well I would rather not be your friend, ok"

"You know you will benefit from being my friend," he said.

Was he trying to bribe her? Because it seems to be working like fucking magnet.

Thinking about what he said, he was

right. Madison will have some advantage if she could befriend a royal.

Facing him once again, she replied, "You know you are right, let's be best of friends," she said, giving him her most charming smile.

"Really! That's so cool. You won't regret it"

he exclaimed, jumping like a child they just gave a candy.

"I know I won't. So friend if I ask you a question, you will answer right?" She asked, wanting to be sure that she wasn't just wasting her time.

"Of course, I will answer every question

you throw my way" he answered hurriedly.

"So Hezra is it everyone in these land that

has gifts?"

"Yes of course"

"Then do you know anyone who knows how to manipulate emotions and feelings? Like putting in a false emotion inside a person?" She asked.

Hezra didn't look surprised by her question, he was even expecting it.

"Yes, there is. Is my brother Kontas the best power" he grinned proudly.

Well, why didn't she think of that?

After turning her into a murderer, he still had the right to put fake emotions in her, what a jerk!

"And do you know where he is?" She asked.

"Of course. He might be in the training field.

Let me take you to him" he grinned as he turned and walked the opposite way that Madison was heading before.