
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Her encounter with prince khron

"I know what you want to say, Madison, and it isn't the sort of pain you felt during the selection. Kontas didn't even punish you, he just stroked you with his pain and everyone was aware of that" he signs.

" The sort of pain I am talking about is the sort that burns from inside out, it kills you, brings you back again, and kills you again" he whispered.

"I didn't know that," Madison mumbled.

"You don't know many things about my brother Madison" Hezra let out.

"I will be right back". Hezra didn't know what was going on outside the library, but he was aware of the uproar, so when Tez said he would be right back, Hezra knew where he was going.

Only Madison was the only person lost in everything that was happening.

"Where did he go without finishing the story?" Madison asked, annoyed.

She wanted to hear everything about Kontas and his stopping halfway was not sitting well with her.

"He will be back soon, he just went to sort out some things outside" he grinned, but Madison still wasn't satisfied. She wanted him back right away.

After a few minutes of waiting for Tez to no avail, Hezra also left without saying anything,

" Tez needs my help. Stay down and don't move, so you won't be sighted" he warned.

Just like that? Were they leaving her? They better not if they don't want their nightmares to be hunted.

Madison was getting anxious, she doesn't like being kept in the dark. If it turned out that both Hezra and Tez hurled her to the wolves, they better be ready because she won't be going down alone.

After several minutes of waiting, she decided to go find out what was going on by herself. She wasn't going to just sit still like a bunch of potatoes.

As she stood up to walk towards the director both Hezra and Tez took, she came to a halt when she saw prince khron resting on one of the bookshelves like he owned the place with his wife clinging onto his hands like there was no tomorrow.

Can't she give the poor guy breathing space?

" Prince khron" Madison gasped, what was she going to do now? She had a feeling that prince khron doesn't like her and will use any opportunity he has to torture her to make Kontas look bad in front of the whole gods.

" Who do we have here? A slave and a human for that matter in the library. What an unforgivable sin" prince khron said with a deadly smile

"Is not really what you think, I was actually…"

"Save it. I don't care for the reason you are in here, its none of my business, but let me warn you" invading her private space he whispered,

"If I were you, Madison, I would forget everything about Kontas. You want to know about him?" He asked as he snickered.

"Now, let me tell you. There is nothing worth knowing about Kontas. He is nothing but a monster" he murmured.

Madison didn't know what came over her, but she felt an urge of protection that she had never felt before, and before she knew what she was doing, she found herself holding prince khron on his shirt with a deadly glare on her face.

She heard khron's wife whom she had forgotten her name gasped with Hezra and Tez looking at her with both their mouth wide open.

" Listen up here firstborn, if you want to be able to take over from your father, you better watch your mouth because if you utter one more offensive word against Kontas, I will make sure you never get to get on that throne" she promised.

God!! What was she saying? Please shut up!

But she didn't, no matter how hard she tried to stop talking she couldn't.

Madison didn't know why, but she felt, deep down inside, she could do what she just said.

"Are you threatening me?" Prince Khron asked, not a bit surprised at her change of character.

"No, I am not, I am just warning you, so you would be more careful in the future so as not to provoke me again." she snarled.

"I knew it. I knew you were anything but human" prince khron said, still not making any attempt to free her hold on his robe, he was not bothered.

"And what do you mean by that"

"My spirit beast has never feared anyone before, the way he fears you. And for him to be like that, it only gave me two theories, either you are a demon pretending to be human, or you are a spy" prince khron said without taking his eyes off her.

He wanted to see her reaction, but her laughter wasn't what he was expecting.

"I don't care about your theory, but you better pray I am none of those two because if I am, you will be the first person I will make sure to kill," she bit out.

Madison doesn't know why, but she wanted him to know how much she wanted to hurt him.

How dare he call her master a monster? He better watch his back at night.

"Hmm brother am the one that brought her in here, so please don't tell father" Hezra begged, breaking them from their eye war.

"Honey, why don't you just let this be"khron's wife whose name Madison hasn't still remembered said, yanking on her husband's sleeve

"Am not the one holding someone's robe, she is" he reminded.

"Madison let him go, we can't have people walk in on us and see you holding a god, a royal for that matter"Tez added trying to talk sense into her because it seems like she wasn't planning on leaving him anytime soon.

After an endless eye war between Madison and Prince khron, Madison reluctantly left his robe with a promise to make him pay for his comment, she backed away.

"Even as much as I would love to punch you right now, you should be glad that I can't," Madison said as she went back to her seat.

"I thought Kontas was the most dangerous person in the whole of Begtuok, but it seems like you are more dangerous than him,'' Khron said, fixing up his clothes.

"That's right, so you better avoid me" she warned as she turned her back on them, not giving him or anyone else room to talk to her again.

When Madison finally calmed down and everything she did and said came rushing back to her, she couldn't do anything but cover her mouth, so she wouldn't scream.

What got into her? Who did she think she was to have talked to a prince like that? Was she tired of living?

Did she think she was James Bond and can't be touched by anyone? What on Earth got into her? What was that she said again?

'I'm not concerned about your theory, but you better pray am not one of those two because if I am, you will be the first person I will make sure to kill'

Why on Earth did she say that?

All those questions kept going through Madison's head like they were on a marathon race. She was really mad, really very mad.