
Chapter 38

Everyone in the shareholder had 25% share in their hands, he always wanted to buy them, however, those people were like leeches. There don't like to sell their share to him. But now it's just something wrong they sell their share. They even sell them at a low price. Daryl cursed and hated them. "Diaryl, what should I do? If those shares are in the hands of outsiders, what shall we do? Mrs. Li was worried.

"Dad, I remember you said that Erica has 15% share in the company, and her mother has 30% of the share. If we take them back, you will have 75% of the share. You don't have to worry if some of the shareholders sell their share." Rachel suddenly suggested.

Daryl's eyes brightened of what Rachel said, "You are right. Now we have to be quick to take back the shares of Erica and her mother, according to the current situation. I'm afraid it won't be long before we go bankrupt."

Daryl looked at the face of Rachel's red and swollen face. Finally, there was a trace of guilt in his eyes. "Does it still hurt? Dad was just impulsive, can you forgive that?" Daryl said while looking straight to Rachel. "Dad, I don't blame you..." Rachel nodded her head.

Nighttime, school dormitory. "Sister, can you come home? Dad missed you." Rachel said to Erica once the phone was connected, and heard Erica's voice on the other side of the line. Did she heard right, <missed her?> she knows it's about her and her mother's share of the company.

Erica raised a smile at the corner of her lips, but her tone was worried and asked, "sister, is dad ok?" I just saw the news that our father bribed officials and was detained. What's the matter?" Rachel was stunned, listening to her worried tone, she doesn't seem to fake it. It seems that Lloyd has done something wrong. This fool still thinks it is true that she came to tell her.

"No one bribe officials, they were framed. Do you remember what you told us about the land? You said that it was Lloyd who told you about Mr. Williams that he loves money than his wife. He lied to you, and our father was implicated. Lloyd is really too much, Erica, you must not tell him about our family in the future," Rachel said to Erica. "

"When Dad came back, he was very worried about you. He was afraid that Lloyd will do something bad to you because you help our family. SO he wanted to let you come back. Let's talk about it together and help you divorce him!" Rachel added.

"Really!" Erica put an excited tone on her voice. "Yes, come back quickly. Be careful. We will be waiting for you to come home." Rachel was excited to hear that Erica was excited about being divorced from Lloyd. "Ok, I will come back home soon..." Erica hung up the phone, her expression was somewhat meaningful.

Meanwhile in Lloyd's office. "This is what happen to the Li family recently. Our people said that they found out the young miss told Rachel about the land being on the market," his assistant doubt the way he looked, <how could that woman wait for that land to be sold before telling to her family about it?> the assistant doesn't know what to think at the moment.

<And she gives them fake news.> The assistant can only shake his head. And he continues to report, "some people secretly bought some of Li's shares. According to the investigation, it was done by the Lou entertainment company, the youngest son of the family. There was also a small company called Weiwei entertainment, which also participated in buying the shares. However the company was not long ago a new owner bought the company, and a new boss was no information, so it was impossible to find out who is the new boss of the company." the assistant continued reporting.

"Weiwei entertainment?" Lloyd's eye looked at the siling, and he said coldly to his assistant, "check it..." When the assistant hears what his master order. He is going to continue his report when the phone ring, and he read the message. "Honey, I'm going to take care of my family for a while!" Erica sends a message to Lloyd. Lloyd looked at the message, and smile, 'I take care of my family.' he knows what it means.

At the Li resident.

"Sister, you're here at last." Rachel said, "Dad is waiting for you." Erica just enter the house, everyone is welcoming her with warm gestures. While entering the house Daryl stands up and is about to give a hug to Erica, but Erica dodges it, "Sorry, I'm not used to it." Erica looked at the people in the room, and not even one person in the room is a true person. Everyone is a greedy person.

"It's okay. Dad understands that, because I'm was busy with my work, I often don't have time to accompany you. I was really sorry. Erica, after that, I would never be like this, I promise you that." Erica looked at him. <ofthen do not accompany me, no company at all>

<He doesn't have time to accompany her but lots on Rachel. Coming to her piano practice, find a dance teacher for her, and take her to travel abroad. That's a good one he doesn't have time for me because of his work.>

Seeing that Erica didn't speak, the scene suddenly felt a little awkward. "Oh, Erica is here, come and sit down. Your aunt made your favorite sweet and sour spareribs." In the kitchen door, there was Kate with a warm smile.

"My aunt? When did I have an extra aunt?" Erica asked. Veronica's smile got stiff. "Erica, what do you mean, she is your mother's sister. How can you say that?" Lily said, "and you are? How dare you shout at me! Where's the housekeeper? Dad, did you see where the servant came from? How care you talk to me like that?" They should drive them out of Erica's original plan to play.

Veronica's face turns pale. However, Daryl was dressed today and he should not be angry with Erica. Otherwise, at this time, they might directly rush up and slap her. "Don't you remember me? Did I come here a lot? Veronica said with puzzled on her face.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see it for a moment..." Erica suddenly covered his mouth for a surprise. Veronica has come several times, but it's all done secretly. Few people know it, and they hate it when people say that she has plastic surgery. Her face is red with anger.

But erica also pointed to her surprise and said, "look! That nose job is flat. It's terrible," that she hide behind Daryl and said with fear on her face, "when eating, will your chin suddenly fall down?" Daryl looked at veronica with awkwardly looked ad said, "you go upstairs first."