
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · Urban
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16 Chs

3. Revival Of memory

"Pheonix birthmark, You mean this? *Show her back*" Ju xian ran said.

Luna and sciffero nod,

"Now that we show you the proof, do you want us to revive your memory, when your in ling wei?" Luna said.

Ju xian ran was Thinking until, she Say yes and Luna start her magic.

"Wait a sec. You mean You'll revive my old memory, will my current memory will be erase? *scared*" Ju xian ran stopped luna just to asked.

"Your current memory will be there, and your life in Dong ling city will be Fine. Your old memory will just added because you need it to practice your old skills *sigh*" Sciffero said.

Ju xian ran nod and Listen to Luna.

Luna started her magic and ju xian ran suddenly wake up. She saw xiao yue Sleeping beside her.

"Xiao yue... Xiao yue wake up" Ju xian ran waking Xiao yue up because she slept.

Any later Xiao yue Wake up ,she was shocked and immediately called Doctor Huangfu.

"Ran ran are you okay? Is anything hurt. your fore head is it hurt *worried*" Xiao Yue said.

Ju xian ran was kind'da dizzy and some scenes are flashing in her mind.



"I ordered, Crown Princess Xian Ran, To marry The Crown Prince Of beijing. Ordered by His Majesty The Emperor"

"you Know I dont really loved You, Your just a path for my Throne To make me The emperor Of Beijing."

"I Lei Cheng Yi, Will love you forever, Even the heaven is disapprove of our Love, I will fight and Die Just to be with my love."

"Yi'er In our next life, I hope you still meet me and marry me. And we make a happy family, With many children *smile*."

"Xian'er You will Live.... You will live, I will get the best doctor for you. Hang In there, Dont leave me. *Cry*"

"Yi'er Dont worry, My soul Will never Be apart from you. Heaven and earth, Till my last breath Make my soul alive and Find a new Body to reborn. And be with My love, Rich or poor, Young or old as long as His on my side. I will be happy...."


"Ran ran? Are you okay?" Xiao yue said.

"Miss Ju why are you crying? *confused*" Doctor Huangfu said.

A sec later, She go back from his sense. She looked at xiao yue and the doctor and wipe her tears.

"doctor?.... Xiao...yue...?" Ju xian ran said.

"Ran ran, are you okay, Is somewhere hurt, just tell Me. Are you okay? *So worried*" Xiao yue said.

"Miss ju, your body is weak and you need to rest for more than 2 weeks for full recovery. The blade is kind'da deep so it heal long" Doctor huangfu said.

Ju xian ran Nod and didn't speak. Xiao yue Excuse herself to Ju xian ran to Buy some Lunch, Ju xian ran Nod and xiao yue left.

When xiao yue is outside she saw lin ze, She called him and asked him to take a look for Ju xian ran.

"Fine, but are still angry with me *smirk*" Lin ze said.

"Shut up you annoying bastard, Your the only one i trusted in here so i hope you'll gave me a hand. Ran ran's kind'da Silent when she wake up so you shouldn't scare her *warn*" Xiao yue said.

Lin ze nod and go to the clinic. He go to the door and knock*.

" come in " Ju xian ran said.

Lin ze came in, "Xian ran? Are you okay? Xiao yue go buy some lunch for you, and she told me to take a look for you.... *suddenly stop*" Lin ze.

"If you dont want to talk to me, Just leave. i dont need a Man like you to cheer me up *ignore*" Ju xian ran said.

lin ze was shocked and sit.

"uhm...Xian ran? Are you okay? *scared*" Lin ze said.

"Dont call me xian ran, Your should call me Ju xian ran, That's my name *annoyed*" Ju xian ran said.

Any minute later, Xiao yue came back with lunch, She go inside and see lin ze was Shivering from fear because Ju xian ran staring at him coldly.

"Xiao yue, Your here *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"Yes, Ran ran are you okay, Why lin ze's scared? *confused*" Xiao yue said.

"I dont even know him, He doesn't have right to know me. What if he want to do something Unforgetable to me? My husband will kill him" Ju xian ran said.

Xiao yue Was shocked that Ju xian said that she has a Husband..

"Ran ran, Are you really okay? You dont have a husband, Who is your husband if you have!? *shocked-cry*" Xiao yue said.

Sciffero was laughing inside of Ju xian ran.

"Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect that you can still, remember Prince Lei ha ha ha *laughing*" Sciffero said.

"Stop laughing, Look at master missing her beloved husband heh heh *smiled*" Luna said.

"Can you two stop, Yes i admit. I miss him and We promised each other to marry in another life, maybe I can meet him in here *humph*" Ju xian ran said.

Xiao yue was looking at Ju xian ran, talking in the air, She was worried if her best friend was posessed by ghost or evil spirit.

"Ran ran? Here's your lunch *hand over the box*" Xiao yue said.

"Ohh my favorite *happy* Thank you Xiao yue for Getting this for me *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

Xiao yue Smiled and Eat with Ju xian ru, lin ze excuse himself and go to there classroom. When his leaving Xiao yue Got a Phone call, She answer it and it's the gangster who captured Ju xue.

She excuse herself and go outside, Ju xian ran was suspicious of her bestfriend because she just excuse herself and rushed to the doors without a second.

"Luna, sciffero what do think my besty will do? *smirk*" Ju xian ran asked the two god beast.

"For me, I would answer. It's from the gangster who kidnapped your twin sister" Sciffero said.

"Well yeah, Sciffero is right. She's answering the gangster" Luna said.

"Well im a kind princess, so i will investigate her for a while. I dont want to be suspicious of my best friend in this world *smile*" Ju xian ran said.