
Reborn: Never Again

(Coming off a long hiatus, slow updates, don't hate me) A heartbreaking betrayal from her bestfriend and fiance, who conned her out of everything, murdered her grandfather, sent her brother to prison for crimes he didn't commit and then drove her to the edge of a cliff side by the ocean. Though bleeding profusely from being shot. She would not allow them to have the satisfactory with finishing her, so with all the strength she could muster up, she jumped from the cliff. Upon reaching the water, she felt as if all her bones had shatter from the impact, before succumbing to death, she swore if she could do it all over again she wouldn't be so naive, she would protect her family so they can be happy. She was not expecting to awaken in a hospital 5 years before when she was just 16 years old. Having just been reborn, she just wants to protect her family and prevent her past lives events from happening again, she has no care for revenge as long as you don't cross her bottom line. Despite her naivety with love before, she doesn't completely close herself to love, and a certain sinfully handsome business tycoon wouldn't allow it if she did. *I would just like to let everyone know that I am new at this and started with one idea how I wanted things to proceed, but changed my mind. I will try to update the summary better, the main character, Serenity, has a very laid back, cold, kind of personality, but with people she is closed too, she can behave a little childish. She doesn't as much care for revenge as she just wants to be happy and protect her family this time around. * It's basically your cliche romance kind of novel with hopefully some unique twists and turns to keep you interested! ****PLEASE keep in mind this is just something I write when I have free time, I am a full time student and work full time as well, so everyday chapters are not easy, sometimes its once a week.******

Caity_Sylvia · Urban
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Chapter 22: Home

I woke up completely shocked to see that I was snuggled up against a firm chest.

I won't lie, but a part of me wanted to feel to see if that devil had a 6-pack too, but I didn't follow through with my curiosity.

Though it would be completely inhumane for him to be able to have that face and a super hot body.

This guy is seriously turning me into a pervert.

Seeing my situation, I quietly get out of his embrace and sneak into the bathroom.

After freshening up, I put the now dry outfit from the amusment park back on and exit the bathroom to see that sinfully handsome man sitting up looking like some sex god after just waking up and smirking at me with some kind of knowing smile.

I just humph and ignore him after I grab my stuff and walk out of the room, coming face to face with a blushing Melody.

It doesn't take much for me to assume that those devils put us through the same situation.

To get back at them, as if we shared the same thought, we both ordered a bunch of different breakfast foods off the hotel menu and charged it to Braxton's card, who was the unfortunate one to pay for the room.

After a few minutes the devils decided to honor us with their presence, but we just ignored them causing Braxton to touch his nose and Colton to raise an eyebrow as if challenging me to keep it up.

I ignored that too as I busied myself on my phone sending pinterest ideas for my birthday party to Hayden who I was unaware was extremely mad as he was waiting for me to get home.

A while later there was a knock at the hotel room, and Braxton curious opened the door as 3 maids made there way in with carts full of different flavored crepes, pancakes and french toast.

Honestly me and Melody couldn't decide so we compromised and picked like 4 flavors of each, then we got some scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and mixed fruit to feel a little healthy.

We also got some different syrups, honey butter and what not.

The maids set everything down on the table and then excused themselves as me and Melody grabbed a plate each and divided everything.

I always eat the healthyish looking food first before eating the best, but it looks like Melody starts with the best. Hmm these are serious life decisions.

"I won't ask whose paying for this." Braxton says with humor in his eyes as he looks at Melody who is happily eating his cinnamon roll french toast.

After swallowing a bland egg since they didn't have hot sauce, I answered for Melody and just said simply, "You did."

Colton smiles at me as he sits in the chair next to me.

Seeing that annoying smile, I cut a piece of a strawberry crepe and shoved it in his mouth, not thinking that it was with the same fork i am eating with.... indirect kiss, as I kept eating.

After we all finished eating and I rubbed my stomach which had a nice sized food baby, we collected our things and went to the car.

It was still gloomy out, but no longer raining so it was much safer on the road as we drove home.

When I got home and walked through the door, what greeted me was a fuming Hayden.

"Where have you been Serenity Hunter?!" he says.

"I went to school, was granted a leave so I could prepare to test out to graduate early, then me and Melody were bored so we went to an amusment park and then it rained so for our safety we went to a hotel." I say rolling my eyes.

"You went out with Colton again didn't you? You are to young for love, focus on more important things and your birthday party is coming up soon. When is your test?" he says with a sign and I can see he decided to let me off easy, though I am sure Braxton and Colton won't have it so good.

"It wasn't a date, he was uninvited and I know, but since your planning the party, all I really have to do is have my dress designed." I flash my best smile and continue, "My test is this Friday."

"Okay well stay home and study since this is what you want, just tell big brother if you need anything." he says with a doting smile as he pats my head.

I go to my room and wipe the little sweat off my forehead, I didnt think he would let me off with just a tiny lecture.

I sure overestimate the little sister powers I hold.

I decide to take a quick shower first before doing a quick review for the questions since it has been some time since I have been in highschool, it was a coma in reality, but for me it was 5 years.

After showering I through on some comfy sweat pants and cropped tank top and then got down to buisness as I played some music in the back ground.

I studied about 30 minutes which was all it took for my to skim through and memorize the necessary subject books.

I then picked up a sketch pad and started drawing out the design I wanted for my birthday dress.

It has to be perfect since, in this lifetime, I will be introducing myself to the world a year earlier.

The Hunter heiress is known, but a mystery, there is only speculations as to who she is, but she is known to be heavily doted and protected by her grandfather and brother.

This will be more than my birthday since we will have all the public eyes on us through different paparazzi that we picked out who are professional and won't step out of line and we have also invited the most extinguished characters of society as well as some less important people.

Basically everybody who is anybody is invited and they will all probably show up since no one wants to miss out on seeing who I am so they can either scrutinize me or cozy up to me for some reason or another.

another late chapter because of life Haha. I had work and then I didn't feel good thanks to a migraine from the all the cleaning at work. I will probably upload a couple more chapters today since I am off ???

Thank you to everyone who has been reading! I am new to this writing thing so it means a lot!

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