
Reborn: Naruto/Boruto AU

When the Shinobi World under went various changes how will it function when a devastating new world is built under their nose's. {Greetings from the author} Hello I'm a relatively new writer, My name is Soul. I've taken inspiration from dnd campaigns and novels me and various friends have drafter over the years. I take criticism seriously and aim to enhance my writing and creative skills, so lay anything on me as long as it isn't too... destroying, as I'm a bean at heart. Releases: mon- 1 Chapter tue- 1 chapters wen- 2 Chapters Thur- 1 chapter Fri- 3 chapters sat- None sun- 1 chapter {Disclaimer} -I do not own naruto or anything to do with naruto in this story beyond what I create -Cover art is not owned by me and will be changed in the future

Soulof9writers · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


I won't be posting chapters this week, but I'll write a few. I'm going on vacation to a resort near where I live.

stay safe
