
Chapter 6

An hour later, the private doctor came to the villa.

The blood of Evander Graves was drawn and stored, and other tests were done.

"Since I'm here, let me check your leg injury."

"No, there's nothing to check, it's still the same." Evander Graves' face tensed instantly, and there was a faint hostility on his body.

The personal doctor sighed, "Evander, your state is not conducive to recovery."

"Recovery? How else can I recover?"

"Believe in miracles!"

Evander Graves snorted coldly, "You, a doctor, told me about miracles?"

"We doctors all believe in miracles, and treatment requires cooperation between doctors and patients."

Seeing that Evander Graves didn't speak, he changed the subject, "Oh yes, isn't your Mrs. Graves also injured? Would you like to help her take a look?"

Evander Graves looked up at him, brows slightly raised, "You do care about her."


"It's because she's your wife that I don't want to leave sequelae." It must be explained clearly that everyone knows that Florence Hail is a thorn in Evander Graves' heart, which cannot be pulled out or pierced.

Evander Graves didn't answer, he told the butler to call Florence Hail.

"Mrs. Graves, sir asked you to go to the living room." The butler knocked on the door and heard a muffled voice coming from inside.

About two minutes.

Florence Hail walked slowly to the living room, rubbing her eyes with her right hand, probably because she was not used to the light in the living room, she was wearing a nightdress.

"Why did you ask me to come?" The voice was still a little confused.

However, when she saw clearly the people around Evander Graves, she was dumbfounded and instantly sober.

Not just Evander Graves, but a young man, and the butler.

"Ah!" She yelled in a low voice, covering her chest with one hand and face with the other, "I'll go back and change first!"

Quickly ran away.

Evander Graves' face was livid, the private doctor's face was embarrassed, and the butler had already turned away.

"Evander, you, Mrs. Graves, seem to be... a little cute!" He chuckled.

"..." Evander Graves really didn't expect Florence Hail to come out sleepily in a nightgown.

In the past, when she saw him, she always wore tight clothes, not to mention nightgowns like this, they were almost all nightgowns with long skirts and trousers.

And judging by her appearance, she was actually sleeping soundly.

Five minutes later, Florence Hail reappeared in front of Evander Graves, already dressed appropriately.

Her face flushed slightly, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"Mrs. Graves, let me check your body and see how you are recovering."

"Oh well."

Florence Hail knew him as Evander Graves' personal physician, Hank Hobbs.

Why is he here today? Showing Evander Graves the leg injury?

Florence Hail was cooperative enough to have Hank Hobbs check her body, and also had her blood tested.

"Why did you hurt your hand?"

"Accidentally scratched by a tile." Florence Hail simply explained.

"Your wound is a bit deep, and stitches will be better."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"I'm a doctor, and that's what I'm supposed to do."

Hank Hobbs stitched Florence Hail. Since there were only three stitches, there was no anesthesia. Florence Hail gritted her teeth and endured the pain. Her forehead was covered with sweat, and her other hand was tightly clutching the pillow on the sofa. Her lips were pale.

But the place where Evander Graves had bitten before began to ooze blood again, slowly staining his lower lip red.

Evander Graves didn't speak the whole time, just staring at Florence Hail.

Today's Florence Hail is too abnormal, making him even more vigilant.

Hank Hobbs left after saying some precautions to Florence Hail.

Evander Graves went out to see him off.

"Evander, your wife doesn't seem to be as miserable as you said." Hank Hobbs even found Florence Hail a little cute.

"Whatever she does has nothing to do with you."

"Tsk, crossing the river and tearing down bridges? Or jealous?" Hank Hobbs didn't seem to be angry at all, as if he was used to Evander Graves like this.

"Go slowly, don't send."

Hank Hobbs smiled happily, he was too familiar with Evander Graves, and Evander Graves was very possessive, but he felt that if Evander Graves had someone he cared about, it would be good for his recovery.

Evander Graves returned home to find Florence Hail had gone back to the bedroom, staring at the bedroom door thoughtfully.

He opened the door, only one bedside lamp was on in the bedroom.

Florence Hail saw him sit up immediately from the bed, and she had changed back into her nightgown.

"Is there anything else?" She was a little puzzled, didn't the two of them sleep in separate rooms?

Evander Graves just looked at her with dark eyes. She was wearing a suspender nightdress. When she got up just now, one of the suspenders slipped from her shoulders, faintly visible.

The bedside lamp cast a warm yellow filter on her complexion, making her look extraordinarily gentle, but also inexplicably a little lusty.

"Come here!" His voice was slightly hoarse.

Evander Graves was next to the bed, and Florence Hail crawled over and knelt down in front of him.

He reached out and put his palm on the back of Florence Hail's neck, and with a sudden force, her head was pressed against his leg.

She wanted to raise her head, but she couldn't because of the pressure on her neck, and her eyes were forced to meet his anger.

He didn't let others touch his legs, but at this moment he pressed her on his legs in an insulting gesture.

"You, what's the matter?" She struggled to speak, and although she couldn't see Evander Graves' expression, she could feel his anger, and his suppressed rage, because she was watching.

Even the tip of the nose is almost touching.

"Florence Hail, are you going to seduce my personal doctor?" His voice was slow but as if a poisoned knife was cutting her flesh little by little.

"I didn't." She struggled hard, but she couldn't struggle with his big hand, and she still maintained this position.

"You dress like this, you say you don't?"

"I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't know you had guests." Florence Hail's voice was muffled, full of anger, but more helpless.

Evander Graves sneered, "So you dressed like this to see me?"

He finally let her go, and she could raise her head and meet his gaze.

She struggled hard just now, but now her cheeks were flushed, and there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose.

"Yes!" Florence Hail replied, her breathing was a little short, and the shoulder strap that fell off was still not pulled up.

Evander Graves' face was condensed, he seemed indifferent to what she said, and there was a hint of mockery.

The dim light made his face semi-dark, and it was impossible to guess his mood at this time.

"kiss Me!"

Florence Hail froze, a little unresponsive.

"Why? Don't want to?" He had a sneer on his face, his eyes were half down, and he pressed his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair. There was a button on the armrest. As long as he pressed it, the wheelchair could help him turn around.

The moment his fingers were about to press down, Florence Hail grabbed his hand, she straightened up and leaned forward, resting her other hand on his shoulder, and kissed his lips.

These movements happened in an instant, and by the time Evander Graves reacted, there was already a soft touch on his lips.

His eyes widened slightly, with shock, anger, unwillingness, and desire.

Florence Hail closed her eyes and kissed him, putting her weight on top of him.

Evander Graves also closed his eyes subconsciously, feeling the sweetness and the faint smell of blood, but the next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly and pushed Florence Hail away from him, Florence Hail fell on the bed and let out an exclamation.

When she got up, all she could see was the back of Evander Graves, who had driven the wheelchair out of her bedroom.

She raised her hand to touch her lips, as if the warmth and touch of Evander Graves still remained.

He clearly responded just now, why did he suddenly push himself away?

He got angry at first because she was dressed too sexy in front of other men, so he still cared about her, so she might still be able to save their relationship!

The tingling on her palms forced her to go out and change the bandages again.

As they passed Evander Graves' bathroom, there was the faint sound of water.