
Chapter 47

"Although you have physical disabilities, they do not diminish your excellence," said George, surprising Florence that George dared to continue.

"Even though you can't play golf, you can still join us for dinner," George continued enthusiastically, as if he were granting Evander a favor.

"I'm afraid I'm too busy for that," Evander replied, not hiding his displeasure.

"That's too bad. We'll have to make plans for when you have some free time," George said, confused by Evander's words.

"Perhaps when I'm available, Mr. Harris will be too busy," Evander replied, his gaze landing lightly on George.

"What do you mean, Mr. Graves?" George asked, puzzled.

"You'll find out eventually. Dinner is over. I won't keep you any longer," Evander said coolly.