
Chapter 13

The two of them were awakened in an instant." Gabriela's eyes were still a little puzzled when she saw the two of them, but when she saw them clearly, she was shocked, her eyes regained a little clarity, and she looked very flustered.

But the man standing next to her looked very calm, with one arm still around her shoulder, with a smile on his face, and even licked his tongue unsatisfactorily.

George Harris was furious instantly, rushed up and punched the man in the face, causing "Gabriela to scream in fright.

Florence Hail quickly pulled Gabriela over, "Sister, let's go first." "

"Gabriela was obviously taken aback, didn't think too much about it, and was pulled away by Florence Hail without even having a chance to explain.

After leaving, George Harris became even more angry, and the two fought.