

I don't know why but from the past one week I am dreaming about a lady in my dreams who have silver hair and is wearing silver dress and have pale white sking. I can't see her face but she is always telling me to let the fate takes its course and is indicating me that I should not meet my mates just because I know they will be there. She is telling me that my meeting with my mates is decided and I should not go there as they will find me.

And now I have decided that I will not go there because I want my mates to find me if we are destined this time because I have that feeling that lady in my dreams is not simple and that she has the power to write my destiny.

I was thinking about this when my mom came to my room and said

"Steela!You are still not asleep?You know we have to go to an orphanage tomorrow."

"Yeah mom. I was just about to sleep."

"Okay. Just sleep and no more awaking."My mom said and then she went back to her room.

Tomorrow me and my mom will go to the Livefree Orphanage to check upon the children over there and also donate. We will also do free halth checkup for them.

I am just sad that I don't get to meet my mates . But I have a deep secret which I can't tell anyone except my mates because if that secret comes out then I will be the new target of hunters. Now I am feeling drowsy and I can't change the destiny but I will prepare for the future. Me meeting with my mates is not what I can plan but me protecting them from the sidelines is not wrong. I will do that.