
Reborn Koi, I bring hundreds of millions of supplies to counterattack

Author: July Rabbit Classification: Rebirth Through Status: Ongoing Source: https://www.xxdingdian.com/book/273866/ In order not to be cheap, Xu Yunlan scattered hundreds of billions of family wealth, hoarded supplies frantically, and decided to support the disaster area. Who knew that just after the inventory was completed, an accident occurred. Open your eyes again and be reborn to 1960. She was eight years old at the time, her parents were alive, and she had all siblings. Hundreds of millions of materials have become upgradeable portable space. She helped her parents avoid the tragic death of her previous life, and she also helped her parents get out of poverty and become rich, and became a scholar together with her brothers and sisters. Meet him with a new attitude to make up for the regrets of the previous life. In this era of scarcity of materials, I am speculating, and I am like a fish in water, and I will go to the top of my life ahead of time? Tips: dual life of male and female protagonists + sweet pet without abuse Notes: 1. This novel is not mine. 2. Google translated. 3. This is reprinted here for the sake of reading purposes and promotion of this novel and author. 4. Happy Reading. All Rights Reserved

Dragonian91 · Fantasy
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Disaster relief supplies are in the portable space

Xu Yunlan was overjoyed and drank the bowl of water that the barefoot doctor didn't drink.

It was this bowl of water that made her sober that she was still alive.

Not only alive, but also reborn to 1960.

She is eight years old this year.

She is an old bookworm for many years, and is no stranger to rebirth and crossing this bridge.

I just didn't expect it to happen to me.

Although there have been countless fantasies about how he will change the fate of his family after he is reborn.

It still made her little old lady excited.

My parents are still alive, my younger brother is alive and kicking, and my elder brother and elder sister are all doing well.

Although her mother was swollen because she could not eat enough for a long time, such a fresh mother made her feel warm.

She choked up instantly, and shouted at the figure who was thinking day and night: "Mother".

Mother Zhang Huifang walked to the head of the kang and said, "Xiaolan, if you bear it any longer, it's not time for dinner."

Xu Yunlan nodded, "I know, mother."

She just wanted to call her "mother".

It's hard to live without a mother, especially when my mother died in such a tragic way.

The elder brother Xu Yunqiang, elder sister Xu Yunli and younger brother Xu Yunlei sighed in unison and lay side by side on the kang.

Not only Xu Yunlan was hungry, everyone was hungry.

Lying on the kang still can save some energy.

It is still the era of big pot rice, and it is early spring again.

Even when the commune cafeteria opened, I could only make some radishes, a porridge that was so thin that I could count the grains of rice.

The canteen of the commune divides meals according to the dosage, and each labor force can make four taels of radishes a day, and only 2 taels of radish sticks for those who do not work.

It was thick at first, and then it was as thin as drinking water.

There is a famine in the whole county, and no one can do anything about it.

It's good to have a stutter.

The excitement of rebirth goes down, but we still have to face the reality.

She couldn't help but think of the huge truckload of relief supplies, how good it would be if she was reborn with her!

It's a pity, she doesn't have golden fingers such as the space bracelet and space bracelet of the time-travelling woman.

Did God let her be reborn just to let her watch the tragedy happen again?

No, she is not reconciled.

She wanted to change her life against the sky.

Suddenly a strong light flashed, and the scene in front of him quickly changed.

She went back to the place where the relief supplies were counted.

The difference is that she is not the old lady she used to look like, but an eight-year-old child with yellow face and thin skin.

There is only her and a truckload of supplies here.

And of course her big jeep.

There is nothing in the car.

Although her cell phone had no signal, it was still on.

It was as if those drivers never existed.

But the driver's personal items are still there, and there are still a lot of things.

She took a cursory look and saw that the cabs of these drivers were like small homes.

The display of each cab is different from that of each cab, but there are cookers and personal supplies.

It seems that it is not easy for truck drivers to run long distances.

Following the aroma of the food, she found the car loaded with cakes.

Can not help swallowing saliva.

He pulled a large piece of bread from the car and ate it in a few mouthfuls.

I opened another bottle of mineral water and drank half a bottle of water before I felt some strength.

She didn't know how she came here, but she did feel full after eating.

I thought how great it would be if this could bring back reality!

Even a bun is fine.

Suddenly back to reality, she found herself still lying on the kang.

Xu Yunqiang, Xu Yunli and Xu Yunlei all fell asleep, and she struggled to sit up.

He was surprised to find that he was holding a bun in his hand.

? ? ? ? ? ?

She just casually said okay, but a steamed bun really appeared.

What about bread?

Get some bread.

There was an extra piece of bread in his hand.

Like magic.

She was a little flustered, and quickly looked around, but luckily they didn't wake up.

Heart silently: put it back.

This year, steamed buns are all luxury items, not to mention sweet and delicious buns.

The steamed buns and bread in his hands disappeared at the same time.

After several attempts, she was sure that Xu Yunlan also had room.

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, she was thinking again, she can't get enough to eat alone, she has to make sure the whole family is full and not hungry.

As for the others, she is sorry.

After living such an old age, she still understands the truth of "every man is innocent and guilty".

The human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and she also disdains to be a Virgin.

However, how to let the family eat these things has become a big problem.

Space cannot be exposed.

Even to parents and brothers, she can't be careless.

My father still doesn't know that the uncle and grandma have evil intentions, let alone how cruel the grandma's family was to their mother after his death.

I will cry if I continue.

The mother and father have a good relationship. If the mother knows, the father will probably know too.

Parents are not good, brothers and sisters have to be more cautious.

Now that they are all young, which one of them suddenly misses the point.

What can they do to allow them to accept the unexpected food, but also to keep their secrets resolutely?

As soon as Zhang Huifang entered the door, she saw the eight-year-old Xu Yunlan sitting on the head of the kang, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Yunlan, why are you so fascinated?"

Xu Yunlan asked her mother, "Mother, what day is it today ?" Zhang Huifang

thought for a while, "It seems to be the fifteenth, February fifteenth. Look at my memory, you Otherwise, I forgot to buy incense. Burning incense on the 15th day of the first day to worship Bao Jiaxian, no matter how poor the mother is, she has never stopped."

Xu Yunlan groaned in her heart.

Back then, the family couldn't get enough to eat, and my father had no choice but to go to Lizhuang with his uncle and cousin to dig carrots, and was accidentally discovered by the Lizhuang patrol.

The uncle tripped over his father in order to buy himself time to escape.

The cousin also took the opportunity to steal a few radishes.

My father sprained his foot and was caught on the spot.

Let the people on the patrol be beaten to death.

The father struggled to crawl home, bled to death.

It happened to be February sixteenth.

That is tomorrow.

Hastily asked, "Where's Dad?"

Zhang Huifang said angrily, "I haven't seen him all afternoon. Mostly I

went to help your uncle's house repair the roof." Going to help your uncle's house again?

It's not that the uncle has no hands or feet, and the eldest son is in his early twenties, and he can only call his father in rhetoric.

He is really his father's "good brother".

Xu Yunlan was stunned, and Zhang Huifang hurried out.

The commune canteen is open, and it's time for the members to be happiest.

Thirteen-year-old Xu Yunqiang and ten-year-old Xu Yunli scrambled to get food, and younger brother Xu Yunlei followed behind them.

Before the change, Xu Yunlan would also go.

But now she is looking for a place to put the steamed buns.

After thinking about it, only steamed buns are the most suitable.

In order not to scare them, she racked her brains.

The time in space is constant, and there is no need to worry about deterioration.

Speaking of which, it seems that their family hadn't eaten white flour steamed buns since the famine.

As soon as the place was chosen, the meal came back.

Father Xu Guohua also stepped back.