
Reborn into MHA as an AJIN

A young girl suffers a tragic fate, but was given a second chance at life.. as one of the immortal Ajins. This will be an Action and Romance oriented fanfic, The auxiliary chapter will explain the book in more detail. This is the first fic i have written, i am open to criticisms as long as they are valid. P.S english is not my first language :) P.S again. This will be a slight AU.

EliJahChainsaw · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Then would you be my reporter girl?

- Location: Japan, at a certain middle school gate

[POV: Third-Person]

A few months had passed.

Jihye walked out of the school, wearing a black tracksuit jacket with a white crouching tiger design on the back, layered over her uniform. "Let's go get some milk tea!" Henri said to Jihye, walking backward and facing her.

"Sure," Jihye responded in sign language, as the school gate buzzed with people coming and going.

"I can't wait to graduate middle school," Henri exclaimed while waving at Liam, who was standing beside an expensive-looking car. "We've barely started junior high," Jihye pointed out, rolling her eyes and using her voice since there were fewer people on the sidewalk.

"I know, but aren't you excited to go to UA with me?" Henri grinned at Jihye. "We're not even sure if we can get into UA," Jihye reminded her, as Liam opened the car door for them.

"There's no way we won't! There's nobody out there that can beat us if we work together!! Not even All Might--" Henri was cut off by a sharp sting on her forehead, and she touched it with both hands.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Henri exclaimed, slightly annoyed, as Jihye flicked her forehead. "Your ego is getting so big that you're starting to look like that blue alien Gigamind guy from the movie we watched yesterday," Jihye commented, her gaze drifting out the car window.

Henri pouted, looking away. "Then, will you be my reporter girl?" Henri mumbled, blushing slightly, while Jihye glanced back. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing! It's none of your business!" Henri retorted, crossing her arms and averting her gaze. This caused a faint twitch at the corner of Jihye's mouth...


Jihye and Henri strolled through the shopping district, enjoying their boba tea. "Hey, this isn't bad at all!" Henri remarked as she sipped her strawberry boba. 'It's okay, I guess,' Jihye commented, sipping her blueberry boba.

"Move, nerd!" A loud voice echoed in the distance. They saw a kid pushing another, around their age, with sandy blonde hair that seemed explosive.

"I'm sorry, Bakugo, I didn't mean to get in your way," the glasses-wearing kid apologized as he got up from the ground.

"Do you think you can bump into Bakugo like that without paying up?" One of Bakugo's friends grabbed the glasses-wearing kid by the collar.

"Stop," a quiet voice intervened, freezing everyone in place. A girl in a black jacket walked up, prying the aggressive kid's hand open and releasing the glasses-wearing kid.

"Leave now," Jihye commanded, and the glasses-wearing kid swiftly fled.

"This is a bit much..." Henri remarked while holding two cups of boba tea. Suddenly, the affected individuals were free to move as the girl let them go. "What did you just do?" the aggressive kid demanded, backing away.

"I suggest you leave now before you end up on the ground, wetting your pants," Henri taunted with a chuckle.

"You're crazy," Bakugo spoke up, veins popping on his forehead. "Why should I listen to rich kids like you who don't know what's good for them?" Bakugo glared at their uniforms.

"I'm telling you this for your own good. Just leave!" Henri mockingly urged, which clearly agitated Bakugo.

"In the alley!" Bakugo shouted, leading his friends toward an alleyway.

"Let's ignore them, Jihye..." Henri suggested, her gaze shifting to Jihye's straw, and she blushed. "I have to teach them a lesson," Jihye declared, heading for the same alley.

"Hey, wait for me!" Henri followed after Jihye, her voice fading as she muttered, "It really does taste like blueberry."

"You made a mistake entering this alley," one of the kids threatened, punching his palm to appear intimidating.

"Let's get this over with," Jihye stated, her gaze fixed on Bakugo, seemingly indifferent to the others.

"Hah! Where'd you get that confidence?" Bakugo's palms ignited explosively as he launched an attack on Jihye before she could react.


A substantial explosion occurred where Jihye had been standing, and Bakugo grinned. "Really?" Bakugo heard a voice from behind him, and he instinctively threw another explosive attack.

As the smoke cleared, he found Jihye standing there. Though her sleeve was torn, her arm appeared unscathed.

"Why aren't you using your quirk?" Bakugo demanded, exploding his palm again and using it as a chance to flee.

"Because that would be too easy!" Henri remarked from the sidelines. "That girl is so annoying! Get her!" One of Bakugo's companions yelled, prompting them all to charge at Henri.

"Oh no! They're after me!" Henri feigned fear, stomping her foot, causing her Converse shoes to glow.


In an instant, her leg moved with precision and speed as she incapacitated each of them with well-placed kicks, ensuring they passed out briefly. Not a drop spilled from the cups she held. "Combat Boots, Model: Achilles," Henri explained, as the assailants crumpled to the ground.

"Damn it! Those idiots!" Bakugo's irritation grew as he accelerated. "Die!" Bakugo unleashed an explosive attack, his palm glowing with an impending explosion.

Jihye smiled, adopting a stance. "Vanishing Dragon!" Jihye moved at high speeds, executing an axe kick to deflect Bakugo's charged hand.

"Renewal!" Jihye's grin widened as she pivoted to deliver an inverted roundhouse kick to Bakugo's chin.


Bakugo collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

"Did you hold back?" Henri asked, her concern palpable. "Of course, I did. He's just passed out," Jihye reassured her, taking the blueberry boba from Henri's hand, which only deepened her blush.

"Do you have a marker?" Jihye inquired, checking on Bakugo. "What for?" Henri questioned, puzzled, as she opened her bag.

"I only have one with permanent ink," Henri noted, passing the marker to Jihye. "I just wanted to ensure they get a taste of their own medicine," Jihye explained with a sinister grin.


"All set," Jihye declared, standing up and returning the marker to Henri. "Hahaha, all right!" Henri burst into laughter, gazing at Bakugo's face.

"Let's go," Jihye said, walking away, and Henri followed, still giggling.

Good dayy!!

I really liked how this chapter turned out.

Since we hit the 10 reviews mark goal

I will be posting 4 more chapters later when i'm done writing them!

The next goal is to hit 600 Collections as we are currently sitting at 530.

If we hit the goal by tomorrow, i will be releasing 5 chapters again!

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

If you wanna be updated for when i release a new chapter,

Add my book to your library!

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