
Reborn Into A Fantasy World, But I'm Setup to be the Villain?!

This story follows Alex, someone who was your typical nobody. However one fateful day, he had a encounter with truck-kun and got sent into a Fantasy world. However before he was reborn he met a goddess. She explains how he died and now tells him he will become this worlds villain". Now he must navigate a world he knows little about, meeting heroines, monsters and even the supposed Hero of the World.

Alex_Blackwood · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: A Painful Betrayal

"Now where to start with you, Edmund." Alex said, looking at the terrified man.

Edmund thought Alex was done with him; he was very wrong, however. Alex doesn't forgive and forget.

Alex had tied Edmund's hands to the bed frame with the blankets he found in the closet. He was never going to touch those sheets on the bed. Goddess knows what's going on with those.

He had also stuffed a clean sock inside Edmund's mouth to mute him.

"I have been waiting for this day for awhile, Edmund." Alex said, smiling.

"Let's begin." Alex grabbed Edmund's arm and started to send his lightning coursing through Edmund's body, making him attempt to scream out, but it was all muffled.

Even after Alex stopped send lightning through Edmund's body he kept trying to scream out but with no one to hear

"No one is coming to help you; that's a promise. So just stop your crying; it's useless after all." Alex taunted.

Edmund's fighting spirit slowly died out as he realized no one was coming to help him. He was alone, bound, and trapped by Alex.

Alex then took out the sock in Edmund's mouth, but gave him a look, saying, Scream and you die.

"Now, Edmund, you see, before you were my number one priority, but I learned some important information regarding a certain someone. Now I have one question for you: what do you know about his?" Alex said before he showed Edmund the piece of paper he found in Edwards office.

Edmund knew this was his last chance to hopefully make it out alive, so he squealed like a pig.

"That yeah, I can tell you about that; Dad found this poison made from a special kind of plant. I don't know how he found it or anything, but it can cut off the magic from a person on consumption. I know he intended to use it on your mom, but I don't know how."

Alex smiled. "I know he did, but I just needed confirmation. Lucky for me, you snitch pretty hard when you're in a tight spot. I'm afraid that's all the time you have thought." Alex said as he walked towards the wooden chair at his desk.

Alex placed the chair under the door handle, like he's seen in movies from his previous world, in order to block it.

"Now, Edmund, I wish I could say I'm sorry for this, but I don't like lies." Alex said.

Alex walked over to the window and opened it.

He had jumped down from the window and walked away from the house.

Alex walked to a small hill nearby and generated some lightning magic in his hand in the shape of a ball.

"Time to unleash my magic without limits." Alex said.

Alex held his hand up and shot a black lightning bolt into the clouds.

There was a calm silence for a few seconds, but that changed quickly.

Soon a curtain of black lightning spawned above the house, releasing endless lightning strikes targeting the house.

The sounds of the strikes were deafening. There was no sound but the lightning. The strikes continuous assault on the house started causing fires throughout the house, which soon burst into a blaze.

After the lightning ceased, the only sound you could hear was screams. The guards and the servants who worked during the night were the only people there besides Edmund. Alex watched the front of the house just in case of Edmund's unlikely survival. However, he never came. Only a few guards, including two black armored ones and a few maids and butlers, made it out of the inferno alive.

Alex, knowing he had completed his first task, headed towards the waterfall, where he knew everyone was waiting for him.

However, he made one final pit stop. He unleashed another strike of black lightning magic on his childhood home, knowing there was nothing left that had value in the house thanks to Veronica and Anna packing it all up.

Alex walked towards the waterfall and saw Anna and the maids sitting nearby. Everyone greeted him; however, he nodded to Veronica, who immediately restrained Mary and put her in a hold she couldn't escape from.

"What are you doing, V?" Eve yelled out.

"Veronica, stop at once." Anna yelled as well.

"She won't; she's listening to me about this; after all, what I want also coincides with her goals as well." Alex explained.

"What are you talking about?" Eve said.

"You see, Veronica is a very loyal maid; her one goal is to stop any possible harm from coming to this family. Now tell me, why would she restrain Mary given that's her one goal?" Alex asked rhetorically.

"Simple, Mary intended to bring harm to our family."

"She wouldn't. What are you saying?" Anna asked.

"Read this, mother, and you'll understand." Alex said as he handed her the note he found.

"It's a recipe for poison, and it was instructions given to the person making it, it even names Mary right in the writing." Alex explained.

"No, this can't be true. Mary, tell me the truth right now." Anna asked with tears in her eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry, My lady." Mary said while crying.

"Mary...why...WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" Anna yelled out, asking Mary.

"He promised he'd find my sister." Mary said she as she was still crying. "Edward said he could find my sister, who went missing a decade ago. I didn't trust him, but it's my sister...I'd do anything for her."

Mary was sobbing her eyes out.

"Mom, you were the target of this poison attempt. It's up to you what we do." Alex said.

Anna sighed and looked at Mary.

Surprising everyone, including Mary, Anna hugged her.

"All you had to do was ask me, and I would've done all I could to help you, Mary. You're family to me, and not just me but to all of us." Anna said she hugged her.

"Im so sorry, Anna." Mary said while crying into Anna's shoulder.

"However, Mary, I can't forgive this betrayal. You endangered not just me but everyone here; what would've happened if you succeeded? Edward would've killed us all, or worse. So as punishment, you are released from my and my family's service." Anna said still crying.

Mary cried harder but also understood why this must be done. Anna and the maids started to walk away; however, Alex had a few more words to say.

"Mary, you not only betrayed me but also my entire family. Like my mother, I can't forgive you. If it were up to me, I would have killed you as a result of this."

After hearing that, Mary's eyes went wide. She could hear the coldness of his voice.

"However, I will obey my mother's wishes. If you ever try to harm me or anyone else I care about again, I can promise you, I will kill you."

Alex then threw the dagger Mary had given him for his birthday on the ground and started to walk away with the others.

"I'm so sorry, Alex...I'm sorry..." Mary repeated herself as she disappeared from everyone's sight.


AN: Wow a lot happened in the past two chapters. Not gonna lie I rewrote this chapter specifically twice. In the first edit It was going to be very dark but I decided not to go down that road and make it a sad but not dark ending to the Chapter. In the Second Edit it just didn't come out in a good way at all. So third attempt I'm happy with. In both previous endings yes Alex killed Mary, however I just decided to keep her alive and for the possible future.

also shoutout again to niznet who dropped another 3 power stones on the previous chapter, you a real one



