
Reborn Into A Fantasy World, But I'm Setup to be the Villain?!

This story follows Alex, someone who was your typical nobody. However one fateful day, he had a encounter with truck-kun and got sent into a Fantasy world. However before he was reborn he met a goddess. She explains how he died and now tells him he will become this worlds villain". Now he must navigate a world he knows little about, meeting heroines, monsters and even the supposed Hero of the World.

Alex_Blackwood · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter Three: Life As a Baby

It has now been two weeks since Alex was reborn into the new world. He has been, well, a baby. They don't do much besides give their parents a headache and don't allow them a peaceful night's sleep. However, Alex's consciousness was still as developed as it was when he was a fully grown adult. He is still able to hear and listen to the things his parents and family say, and he tries to keep himself entertained while being stuck as a baby for the next few years. However, there is one benefit to being a baby.

"Aw, is my little boy thirsty? Come here, and I'll feed you." A stunning woman said

This woman was Alex's new mother. Anna Blackwood. Alex can only compare her beauty to the goddess who gave him this second life. She, like the goddess, had perfect curves, combined with a bountiful chest that would make men drool. Along with her beautiful features, she had long black hair that went down to her waist and awe-inspiring purple eyes. She also had a very graceful air to her with how she approached everything. Alex never saw her overcome by emotion, as she always had a calm look on her face.

All Alex could do was make baby sounds as his mother picked him up and sat him down on her lap. This was Alex's favorite moment of the day. When he was alone with his mother. Since Alex never grew up with affection from a mother figure until he was older, this was completely new to him—to know a mother's love. It also helps that she's one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen.

After his mother sat him on her lap, she pulled down her black dress to reveal her beautiful, perfectly shaped breasts. Which no man has ever seen except for her son, whom she treasures dearly.

Now you're probably wondering, "How does she have a child without anyone seeing her undressed? That is a tale for later. Moving on.

'Come on, drink up, my beautiful boy." His mother said this while she was propping him closer to her breasts to feed.

Alex grabbed her left breast and put his lips to her nipples to feed. While Baby Alex needed this to feed. Adult Alex was just enjoying life at this point.

After his feeding, his mother quickly fixed her dress and carried Alex out of his nursery. She was then greeted by her most trusted maid, Mary. Anna and her "husband" never got along, so she had a small house built on her "husband's" property where only her, her children, and three maids she personally handpicked would live. These three maids were personally assigned to each member of her household. However, the maids would serve them all if asked. Mary, the oldest of the maids, stayed by Anna and Alex's sides most of the day, helping her lady when needed.

Mary was in her late 20s with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore black glasses, which helped her otherwise terrible eyesight. She was plenty beautiful, but she couldn't be compared to Anna or the goddess in terms of beauty.

Anna asked Mary, "Where is my daughter? I want to have a family meal this morning to start the day off."

Mary answered with a voice filled with nothing but respect and admiration. "The young lady is currently playing outside with Veronica watching over her.

Anna nodded her head and asked Mary to go get her daughter and bring her inside for breakfast, which Mary agreed to do as she bowed and left for the garden where Alex's sister was.

Anna, still carrying Baby Alex, went to the kitchen, where a young maid was preparing breakfast. This maid was Alex's personal maid, Eve. Eve was in her early 20s, serving the household. Her mother was a maid for the Blackwood household, so she was born into following in her mother's footsteps. Eve had shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She was also very attractive, something that, to Alex, seemed to be a requirement to live at this house considering all the maids were beautiful.

Whenever Anna needed to take care of personal business, Eve would watch over Alex with everything she could. Sadly for her, she didn't get much time to be around Alex, as Anna would rush to get done with her personal business just to get back to Alex's side. Her children were everything to her, after all.

When she sat down at the kitchen table, Eve brought a plate for both her and Alex. For Anna, she had an omelet with a side of sausage. Alex, since he couldn't chew, had scrambled eggs. After they sat down, Mary came in, followed by another maid, this one with blue hair wrapped up in a ponytail and gorgeous amber eyes. This was Veronica; she was beautiful, which seemed to be par for the course. Following both of the maids was a little girl, around two years old. She had long black hair reaching the center of her back, along with purple eyes, just like her mother and her brother.

This was Raven Blackwood. Alex's older sister and Anna's only daughter As she came in, she ran up and gave her mom a hug while also saying hello to Alex. Raven adores her baby brother and loves to make him smile.

Raven sat down at the table with her scrambled eggs and sausage, and the family ate their meal together. Meanwhile, in Alex's mind, there is only the purest of smiles. All he can think about is how happy he is to have a real family for the first time in his life.

------------------------Authors Note-----------------------------

So for the Prologue of this story, there will be time jumps until Alex turns 16 years old. The next chapter Alex will be a bit older, but still very young. Just a head's up for future reference.