
Reborn Into A Fantasy World, But I'm Setup to be the Villain?!(Remake)

This story follows Alex, someone who was your typical nobody. However one fateful day, he had a encounter with truck-kun and got sent into a Fantasy world. However before he was reborn he met a goddess. She explains how he died and now tells him he will become this worlds villain". Now he must navigate a world he knows little about, meeting heroines, monsters and even the supposed Hero of the World.

Alex_Blackwood · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three: Leaving the Blackwood Estate

Night fell on the Blackwood Mansion. The day had been eventful, with Raven leaving the estate and heading to the Tarren household. Edward, during this day, headed towards the Goldburn family to confirm Alex's marriage to Sophia Goldburn. He left Edmund and his mistress Ava alone with only a few guards, making it the perfect time to make a move.

Alex was in his room changing his clothes; he wore a black hooded outfit and black pants. He wanted to become completely invisible in the night. As he changed, he heard his door open.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Alex turned his head and saw Kaede standing there.

"I am. "Are Eve and Mary ready?" Alex asked.

"They are. Your mother is packed and ready as well. We're just awaiting your word." Kaede said.

"Alright. Kaede...thank you for agreeing to this." Alex said. "I know you maids are risking a lot with this plan of mine.

"It's not a problem, Alex. Each of us is loyal to you and your family; we'd do anything for you." Kaede said with a slight smile on her face.

"I know. Kaede, no matter what happens tonight, just make sure Mom is safe, and if something happens to me tonight, please save Raven."

"...Of course, Alex..." Kaede said with her head down.

Kaede clenched her hands and ran up to Alex, hugging him to the shock of Alex.

"Just stay safe...please." Kaede pleaded.

Alex didn't know what to do, so he returned her hug before saying "I will try my best."

Alex and Kaede separated, and Alex was about to leave the house before being stopped by Eve and Mary.

"Please be safe, Alex." Mary said it with worry in her expression.

"Make sure you come back no matter what." Eve said.

Alex smiled before walking out of the door and started to walk towards the Blackwood Mansion.

Alex ran to the mansion under the cover of darkness. There were only three guards outside patrolling, making it easy for Alex to slip in. He moved to the side of the house and opened a window that led to the house's kitchen. The kitchen light was off, making it easy for Alex to slip in undetected.

Alex moved through the mansion and moved up the steps in the main hallway. Once arriving on the 2nd floor, he spotted a guard standing in front of a door. He was wearing the typical black metal armor that most of the guards wear.

"This will be easy." Alex thought.

Alex manifested a small ball of lightning in his hand and sent it at the guard, whose armor conducted the electricity, shocking him inside and causing him to pass out. Before he fell, Alex ran up to him and stopped him from slamming into the ground so his armor wouldn't cause a loud noise.

Once Alex let the guard down, he turned the knob of the door he was guarding, opened it, and walked inside. He saw someone lying down on a fancy bed. Alex snuck up next to it, being as silent as he possibly could. He saw Edmund asleep peacefully.

"Well Edmund...while we've had our differences you don't deserve this fate...yet it's what necessary." Alex said to himself.

Alex took out a dagger and walked up to Edmond. Alex put his hand on Edmund's mouth, which woke him up in a panic. Edmund's eyes opened wide with fear in them. Alex looked at him, showing no emotion, and slit his throat, and his life slowly left his eyes as he bled out in his bed.

Alex sighed before covering Edmund up with his blanket.

Alex walked out of the room, headed further down the hallway, and walked inside the bedroom further down the hall. He knew exactly who's bedroom this way. He walked up to the bed and saw Ava sleeping peacefully, just like Edmund was.

"I showed Edmund mercy with a quick death. You Ava will not be so lucky." Alex said to himself.

*A few minutes later*

Ava slowly opened her eyes and went to stretch; however, she couldn't move her hands. She looked and saw her wrists tied to her bedposts, as well as her feet.


Ava looked around and saw a figure standing in the corner of the room—a boy she was all too familiar with.

"Well, look who's finally awake." Alex said it with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" Ava said.

Alex walked up to her, and Ava noticed the blood on his hands. "Oh, Ava, have you forgotten? You sent killers after me and my entire family. Did you think that wouldn't come back up?"

Ava's eyes widened.

"You're mistaken; that wasn't me!" Ava pleaded.

Alex smiled. "You can't try to lie all you want; it won't work. I already know everything. There's no use in wasting your final few breaths."

Ava instinctively tried screaming, but Alex ran over and covered her mouth.

"Nice try there, but you see, while I wish I could take my time torturing you, I'm kind of on a schedule here, so this will have to be quick." Alex removed his hand but stuffed her mouth with a sock, leaving her screams to only be muffles.

Alex then walked over to the fireplace in her room and grabbed a firepoker. He heated it up using the lit fire and walked over to the bed before placing the firepoked at the bottom of it, lighting the sheets of it on fire. Ava panicked as she saw the flames get closer and closer to her before finally reaching her as her skin started to burn.

"This is goodbye, Ava; rot in hell." Alex said before placing a chair against the doorknob of the room, then going towards the window and jumping out of it, leaving the mansion. 

Ava burned alive in the room as the remaining guards struggled to get into the room. Alex was leaving the mansion for the last time, and his real journey is now beginning.


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