
Reborn in Wakfu: An Adventure Begins

Kairos never expected to find himself in a fantasy world, let alone one that was animated. But that's exactly where he ended up, thanks to the infamous Truck-kun and its habit of transporting characters to alternate realities. Upon his reincarnation in the world of Wakfu, Kairos's soul was damaged, and he lost all memories of his previous life. To his surprise, Kairos was reborn as the brother of Percedal, his closest friend and companion. However, during a fight between the two brothers and a dangerous foe, Kairos's latent power awakened. He called upon the power of shadows and darkness, a force that was associated with a hostile nation. Fearing for his brother's safety, Kairos fled from his home and those he loved. As he journeyed into the unknown, Kairos began to remember bits and pieces of his previous life. The memories were hazy and fragmented, but they helped him to understand who he truly was. However, circumstances forced him to leave his past behind and embrace the adventurous world of Wakfu. Kairos had to learn to control his newfound powers. Would he join the ranks of the Tofu Knights and fight for justice, or would his powers lead him down a darker path? The decision was his to make, but one thing was certain: an adventure had begun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well lets see where this is going, its my first FF ever, english is my second language so don't expect it to be perfekt. It can be that this will be more of a tak-along sort of thing (i'm sorry) but i have some ideas in wich direction to go if u want something special, you can right it down in the comments below and no it will not be a harem, i don't know if i should do a love interrest and if who? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wakfu Series as well as the characters in it, besides my Oc, belongs to its rightfull owner. The picture is also not mine, so if you want me to take it down i will do so.

Herr_Spinne · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

You beat gravity? Wow amazing!

Hi and hello everyone, please correct me if any fact or multiple facts are wrong, completely pointless or confusing, just write it in the comments... anyway, have fun reading the chapter, I hope you like it. (Since there is no information about Percedal's parents, I made something up... correct me if I'm wrong, oh and what should Percedal's nickname be? I've read Dally and Percy...)


"… and when the thief tried to escape, I knocked him out with a swing of my sword!" Said a boastful and cheerful voice.

"Wow, Dad, I didn't know you were that strong. I want to become a knight like you, Dad, ... a much better one than you," said the child as he jumped out of his blanket and imitated sword swings with an imaginary sword.

"Huh? What the thief used was much cooler than a sword. You can only swing a sword back and forth, so boring. With the thief's weapons, you can even hit someone from a distance. What were the metal stars that the thief threw at you called, Dad?"

"Hah! Huaa!!" Sir Knight on the bed still beats his opponents to a pulp with his air sword.

"Hmm...I'm not sure, but I'll try to draw them for you tomorrow morning," the father replied after a moment's thought.

"Swords are even cooler than throwing things!"

"Yeah, yeah, go wave your toothpick around!"

"Papa is much cooler than a bandit."

"Papa is a knight, not a thief," agreed the second child.

"Haha!" A proud and cheerful laugh came from the father, who was used to such interactions.


"Adam of Sadlygrove, is this how you put the kids to bed?" came an angry voice as the door to the children's bedroom flew open.

"Urgh!" The mother punched the father in the head.

"Mom is angry again, quickly," both children hurried to their beds like two.

"Good night, Percy (Percedal), good night, Kai (Kairos), sweet dreams to both of you."

Both mother and father go downstairs.

"What do you think, honey, are the two of them ready for training?" asked the father in a slightly serious yet cheerful voice.

"They're only 4 years old!"

"My father trained me at that age."

"Okay...but only light fitness exercises, no training fights, got it!"

A big broad grin appeared on the father's face, I promise.

---> time skip <---

*knock knock*

"Percy, Kai, come out to play," called a child's voice that was muffled by the relatively thick wooden door.

"Good morning, Fin (Finnegan), El (Elian), and of course, you too, Leo," the mother greeted the children who were at the door. "We came early today to celebrate Kai's and Percy's sixth birthday, and the weather is perfect for playing Boowolf in the woods." A broad grin on his face, the other two children nodded approvingly and energetically.

Finnegan was dressed in a simple farmer outfit, he had a straw hat on, overalls without a T-shirt, and the pants were tied at the bottom of his feet. He was not wearing any shoes. His brown hair hung in a bushy braid like Kairos' (reference: Goultard in child format -> hair). Leo had a similar outfit, but he wore an orange shirt and one of the buttons on his overalls was missing. He had short brown hairand was the smallest of the bunch), Elian wore a pot as a hat and a simple shirt and pants, all in shades of brown. A rope served as his belt, and his hair was not visible. Kairos and Percedal wore the same outfit, a long sleeveless white shirt with a red cross on it and black pants. Both went barefoot, but they could only be distinguished by their hair. Kairos' hair was orange and was tied back in a braid, while Percedal's hair, also orange, shot upwards."

"Okay, Fin, but the two of them haven't finished eating yet. You'll have to be patient," she said in a friendly and helpless tone.

"We're done!….."Burp!...oh...haha," after a loud burp, Percedal stormed out, leaving his brother behind.

Kairos just shook his head. "Bye, Mom," he said, and was about to rush out but was held back by the collar of his white shirt.


With a questioning look at his mother, he wanted to know why she was holding him back. "I assure you we've cleaned our rooms," he said. "No, it's about Leo. He's a year younger than you. As the more responsible one of you two, I'm entrusting you with the task of looking after Leo and Percy, especially Percy. Do you understand, Kairos of Sadlygrove?"

Kai nodded quickly. 'The full name has been mentioned... she means business,' Kairos thought.

"Oh, and don't go too deep into the woods, also, don't climb too high in the trees. Even the strongest Iop-warrior can be knocked down by gravity," she said in a serious and instructive tone.

"Okay, Mom, I'll do my best," a broad grin appeared on his face.

The mother held her free hand in front of her face and shook her head, then let go of Kairos.

'Percy is like his father. He always goes into situations without thinking when a plan is needed. Luckily, Kai is better at that. He takes after me,' the mother thought proudly to herself as a warm smile appeared on her face when she saw Kai, Percy, and their friends run away.

"See you tonight... or when we're hungry," Kairos called out before disappearing into the woods to never be seen again...





Oops, sorry, bad joke haha.

When all the kids were in the woods, Finnegan, obviously the current leader of the group, said,

"Let's play Boowolf. I'm the Boowolf, and you have to run away from me, or you'll be the Boowolf if I catch someone. The whole allowed forest is our playing field, and I'll give you a 10-second head start." (the name BooWOLF, say's everything)

"We know the rules," Kairos, Leo, and Elian said simultaneously.

"That's right. We did it the day before yesterday, and... um, the day before that, and... before that," Percedal tried to count on his fingers but didn't get far before...

"8... 9... 10, here I come," Finnegan called out.

"Oh, I think we should run away quickly, guys," Percedal turned around only to realize that everyone was already gone.

The five children ran through the dense forest, branches and twigs flying into their faces as they fought their way through the undergrowth. The air was filled with their excited screams and laughter as they tried to escape the Boowolf.

They realized Finnegan wasn't with them anymore. "Phew, I think we lost him for now," Leo whispered, slightly out of breath.


Suddenly, they heard a loud snapping of branches behind them. Finnegan, the Boowolf, emerged from the underbrush and grinned widely. "I caught you!" he exclaimed triumphantly.

"woaa" the children groaned in alarm, but they knew the game was far from over. They had learned that there was always a way to escape the Boowolf. So, they got ready for round two of beeing chased.

They ran through the forest again, jumping over rocks and fallen trees, climbing over overturned logs, and rolling under branches. They had learned how to navigate in the wilderness, and that made them real heroes. At least that's what Elian always says. He likes the heroic stories of Goultard, the strongest of all Iops, and Percedal wants to defeat him someday.

They continued running until they emerged from the thicket and came upon a clearing with tall grass. "Huh...huh..." Leo, still catching his breath, said, "I think we can hide here for now."


Finnegan had hidden himself in the tall grass.

But Kairos had already figured that out. It was too quiet before. Finnegan always plays such games where he waits until the others take a break or hides in or near clearings.

"Split up!" he shouted and ran in the direction he came from.

The others quickly chose a direction and ran away again.

"I hate it when they do that," Finnegan said and started chasing Leo.




"Aw man," echoed through the forest as Finnegan caught Leo.

At the same time, Kairos and Percedal found themselves at the beginning of a small hill.

"Hey, Percy, I think Leo is the Boowolf now. He can be pitied," Kairos said, giggling.

"Haha, Leo just needs some training then he can keep up," Percedal said with a broad grin.

While Kairos was already sweating a bit, there was no sign of exhaustion on Percedal.

Kairos looked up the hill and saw a tree with a broad trunk, and an idea came to him.

"Hehe," he chuckled to himself. "Hey, Percy, I have a...hehe...funny idea. Listen to me carefully."

--> A few minutes later...<--

"Huh...where are they now? I thought I heard something," Leo said.

"HUHU!" a voice called out from above him. "Ha, there you are, Percy. Just wait, I'll get you." He came up the hill as...a hand waved from the other side of the tree. "What? How did you do that? Even Dad can't hug the tree."

"Hey, Leo," Percedal still waved his left hand to his left, the tree was on the other side, and the hand on the other side of the tree. "But how?" Leo was still confused.

"Hey Percy, is that magic? Why do you have such a long arm?"

"Oh, Kai put...uh, I mean, I put my hand in the hole, and now I'm stuck here."

"What? And your arm has become so long," Leo said, fully confused.

"Haha," laughter came from behind the tree. Leo quickly looked behind the tree and saw Kairos leaning against it, laughing.

"Haha...huu...we should run brother," came the words from Kairos as they ran down the hill.

A frustrated Leo called out, "Hey!" as they shook him off and found themselves at another large tree.

"Grooar," they both heard.

"Ahhh, a Crackler!" Percedal exclaimed in shock. (a living tree,or rock)

"Where?" said Kairos, startled until they heard Finnegan and Elian laughing in the tree above them.

"Quickly climb up, I see him coming," whispered Elian.

"Wow, that was really creepy, Fin and El," whispered Kairos, who had climbed the tree, with Percedal's help, followed by Percedal.

"Haha," both laughed quietly.

Leo had arrived and heard the others' noises. "Where are they now?" he said to himself.

"Hey, I wonder how high you can climb from here. You should be able to see the entire forest," Percedal whispered suddenly.

"No, Percy, Mom said we shouldn't climb too high because of gravity. It can knock out even the strongest Iop-warrior," Kairos replied.

"REALLY!" a whispered outcry came from Percedal. "That means if I beat gravity, I'll be stronger than the strongest Iop-warrior?" Without waiting for an answer, he began to climb the tree...

or at least tried to....

"Krack," and a branch fell closely followed by Percedal.








With the sounds, Percedal landed roughly on several branches until he landed on the soft grass and forest soil below.

"Hey, brother, are you okay?"

"Huh?!" Percedal sounded confused. Everyone came down from the tree to see if Percedal was okay, Leo also looked concerned.

"Hmm... he seems to be fine... the question now is... did you conquer gravity, Percy, brave Iop-warrior?" Kairos asked him.

Percedal, still on the ground and confuced, raised his right fist and gave a thumbs up.




"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Everyone laughed together, only Percedal looked a bit confused.

Leo tapped him and said, "You're now!" Everyone paused.




"HAHAHAHAHA!" This time, everyone, including Percedal, laughed loudly.

Some villagers who were working in the fields heard the laughter from the woods and had a small smile on their faces before continuing to work. After this eventful day, they all went home, and the Sadlygrove family had dinner.

Percedal still looked a little shaken.

"Hey, Mom, Percy conquered gravity today," Kairos said with a smile on his face as Percedal tried to explain himself. "I wanted to see if what you said was true, Mom."

She raised her hand and held it to her forehead.

"HAHAHA," his father just laughed.

"Sigh," the mother couldn't understand why,

"shouldn't you be looking out for your brother?" "Ah," Kairos paused his eating. "Well, Percy was too fast for me," he tried to get out of the situation. "Is that all, Kai?" "Um... well, I don't think Percedal will learn any other way?"

"Sigh, never mind. Go wash up and then go to bed, NO bedtime story."

"BUT..." all three wanted to protest.

"No buts, hurry up now."

Later in bed, "That day was epic!" whispered Kairos, and Percedal agreed with him.


"Hi again, it's a little boring, I think, at least I don't know how you feel about it. Anyway, next up are a few fight scenes... that's enough spoilers for now. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, bye."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Herr_Spinnecreators' thoughts