
Reborn In Tower Of God

Volume 1"Axes"COMPLETED I was reborn in the Tower Of God As A relative of Urek Mazino. Volume 2 "A new Beginning" A teenager named Julius was suddenly transmigrated from Earth to the world of Tower of god as a Regular. not an Irregular. He is the weakest regular in tower and is afraid to die he tries every mean available to survive in this harsh world as the weakest. But is he really the weakest or is his fear hindering him from becoming stronger.

DaoistOeHtln · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Hidden Floor (1)

When Uraz and everyone else reached the exit of the floor of death where they saw White floating in the red sea like his soul had left his body. And Urek and Gustang were talking about something while they floated in the air.

"Hold on Urek Mazino. I am going to have to correct what I said before. There may be one more of those people. People worthy of standing in the same position as us. I mean.. Welcome. Son Of Arlene. Now I have finally gotten to see your face. I'm Poe Bidau Gustang. I have been waiting for you for a long time- I came here because I have a favour to ask of you."

"..." baam.

"..." Uraz was completely ignored because Gustang had never expected anything to go against his calculations and Urek Mazino was also smart he knew how scheming these Family Leaders could be, So he showed no signs of having any relationship with Uraz Mazino. And thanks to the anklet, not much but he seemed to be an average strong regular.

Uraz Mazino was standing on the ground with Khun, Yuri and Androssi Zahard. He felt like an Extra in the tower of god.


3 days later.

On the Hell Train.

Five people entered the train after Urek Mazino left. The people on board were not surprised to see the four people at the front. But there was an extra person behind them. They had not entered the floor of Death so they did not know Uraz. Yes, it was Uraz he had decided to leave with the rest of the regulars because he was planning to sit back and watch the only historic fight.

Between Baam and Young Data of Zahard. Whose outside version is The King of the Tower and the person who is in 3rd rank in the overall ranking of the tower? Despite being the King he is not the strongest.

"I am tired guys I am going to find a room for myself." Uraz walked away from everyone not bothering to introduce himself. He was super sleepy right now he had not slept for almost 2 days.

Uraz was in deep sleep in his room.

The next day.

Two O'clock

In the Afternoon.

The Hall In Front Of The Sleeping Car.

Khun and Baam were waiting for the others. They did not know how many would come. They had asked for their help because only people who had the KEY could enter the Hidden floor. Baam had also asked someone completely unrelated to come today.

4 hours later

The Hall Leading To The Room Of The Past.

They were suddenly attacked by multiple giant Fishes at once Baam turned around in a hurry to protect Rachel who was sitting on a lighthouse. But some monster-like thing appeared for a split second and killed the monster. Nobody was able to detect its movement because of the disturbance but there was someone there who was even stronger than the high rankers.

It was Uraz Mazino but he ignored it as he was not interested in such a weak monster. What was considered weak for him was a deadly monster for even High rankers.

Inside the Room Of the Past.

Baam and the team had met with Yuri's Group.

They were waiting and eating snacks because would open at Nine O'clock. When Hockney voiced out his worries about Rachel that he had on his mind.

"Baam, Khun. Could we talk a bit while we wait?"

"What..?" Baam

"I'd Like to talk about Rachel..."

Hockney told Baam and Khun all about the strange feeling he had been feeling from Rachel since she had entered the train. He said it was the same feeling as death.

"What are you staring at? Are you shooting lasers from your eyes or something?" Yuri said to Endorsi while she continued eating snacks.

"No reason. I am just keeping an eye on her."

"What are you worried about? You see that monster standing there in the corner, even if she somehow managed to defeat us all she would not be able to win against him." Yuri said while pointing at the location where Uraz was. Uraz glared at Yuri for calling him a monster. He had a name...

9 O'Clock

Everyone in the team entered the room. He heard a shout from Yuri when he entered and suddenly metal tapes attacked us and Yuri confronted him. Baam went to rescue Miseng who was trapped in Metal Tapes. But it was a trap set by Karaka to attack Baam. Before he could act. The key in Beam's pocket appeared outside and started shining so bright that it blinded everyone in the room.

When Uraz opened his eyes he was standing in front of Young Date of Zahard. He knew from the tremendous pressure that was being emitted by him.

"Tell me who are you?" Zahard said in an authoritative tone and exerted more pressure but it seemed to not affect Uraz as he was gazing at him with an excited look.

"Are you the Younger Data of The King Of This Tower? My name is Uraz and I want to challenge you for a battle but not physical, let's make it interesting..." Uraz for the first was so excited because he was standing in front of the person who claimed to be the king of the tower.

"That's right. I am the one destined to rule over the very top of this tower. The first and greatest adventurer in this tower. With the red third eye on my forehead and a crimson cape wrapped around me... I AM ZAHARD."

"So, do you accept my challenge?" Uraz asked impatiently.

"You dare to challenge you..." Before Zahard could complete his sentence a fist came flying towards him. Zahard felt danger from that fist he hurriedly conjured up a shinsu barrier, it managed to successfully stop the attack but it started to crack after the impact and disintegrated after some time.

Zahard felt his adrenaline running through his body, 'How long has it been since I have met A worthy opponent? Finally a decent competitor.'