
Reborn in the Warring States Period

Warring States Period is chaotic and accustomed to war. The shinobi are expendable mercenaries utilized by the various powers to compete for land and wealth. In order to protect themselves, these shinobi developed clans. Amongst those clan's are the most prominent-- Senju and Uchiha. Pit against each other, these two clan's deep seeded hatred was known to all. ============= Ohayo Gozaimasu! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, please be gentle! I am not a native japanese speaker but I'll try my best when it comes to deconstructing the culture based on the anime/manga of Naruto and historical records of the Sengoku period. Thanks to Zetsuai89 for the beautiful cover!

Pengincognito · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Search and Rescue

The way Natsume called him made the corners of his mouth turn up. It was very subtle, but she had become very good at reading expressions. Since her mission was set to start soon, Sahiro didn't use up anymore of her time and let her go on her way. Natsume fixed the sword scabbard to her waist and decided to inspect it later.

After throwing on a set of unmarked, plain robes, and tying up her hair with a red chord, she headed toward the meeting point. The convenience of body flicker was quickly made apparent. Natsume was able to cross the clan complex in a matter of seconds.

Although using Jutsu in the clan was forbidden, body flicker was one of the few exceptions. Since every shinobi gave off a unique chakra signature, one was essentially flashing their identity when they body flickered. Anyone that attempted to hide their chakra would be considered an enemy.

Natsume was the first to arrive at the rendezvous point. Since she was waiting anyway, she decided to draw the sword and inspect it. It was essential that she understood her sword before trying to use it. This was what Hinako had taught her, and she had faith in those teachings. The sword slid out of the scabbard without a sound.

The internal space of the scabbard was made with a softer material than the hard leather exterior, muffling the sound of the sword being drawn. The handle was made very well, however, it was a bit big for her current small hands. If she held it in two hands, it was more stable. However, it was not a two-handed sword, and it was only a problem that could be solved after growing. She could also hire a weapon craftsman to attach a new handle, but she ultimately decided against it.

If the sword was unusable, she would store it and pass it down to Kono's child when the time was right. For now, using the sword two-handed was fine and she would only use it if absolutely necessary. As for the composition of the blade, it was a very dark alloy. Based on the description she has read in the scrolls; it should be chakra metal.

Typically, wind and lightning nature are the best for utilizing chakra metal weapons. However, her father only has a Fire nature affinity. Although any chakra can be imbued into it, as well as any chakra nature, none are as powerful as those two. 'I wonder what happened that made him never use this sword…' Natsume wondered.

Although she also did not possess those two natures, earth was probably the third best affinity to channel into a sword. Also, she could channel earth nature through the blade itself, and then coat it with fire! But she decided to save the experimenting for when she left the village, lest she cause another incident. There was also the issue of using a chakra nature with a chakra weapon. It was different than weaving hand seals to do Jutsu.

"Good sword." A familiar voice was directed at Natsume.

"Saki-san, I didn't expect you to be one of the members." Natsume sheathed the sword and turned to her comrade. Saki wore a similar unidentifiable outfit as Natsume, but her hair was down and danced around as she walked.

"En." She affirmed and nodded. Natsume wasn't offended since she already knew that Saki was a woman of few words. The next to arrive was someone she recognized among Tajima's guards.

"Hello Natsume-san, Saki-san. I am Ryunosuke."

"Hello Ryunosuke-san, lets have a good cooperation." Natsume greeted him. The three of them waited for a while without talking when two people came running from down the main path.

"Apologies for being late!" Natsume could tell the two were brothers, and they were young, likely around fifteen or sixteen. Compared to Saki and Ryunosuke who were in their mid-twenties. And then of course, Natsume who was eight. 'Such a strange group of people.' Natsume thought.

"I'm Seiji and this is Reiji." Everyone exchanged greetings, while Ryunosuke took out a lightly marked map.

"I will be leading this expedition. Like any missions outside the clan complex, you must hide your identities to prevent the leaking of information. Saki-san is the main attacker with Natsume-san as support. Seiji and Reiji will be in charge of scouting and detection.

As you know, this region is known Kyuubi territory. But since Kyuubi often doesn't bother with wild animals, it is also a breeding ground for strange and dangerous beasts. Do not wander off on your own."

"What if we encounter Kyuubi?" Reiji asked.

"You better hope that doesn't happen. None of us are top-rank warriors. I am specialized in genjutsu, so your only hope is to sacrifice me." His response was cold and unfeeling. Ryunosuke talked about being a sacrifice without any change in his emotion, as if it was a matter of fact. Seeing everyone look at him strangely, he clarified.

"I am at the end of my potential. You young shinobi are the hope of the Uchiha. Surviving is the best thing you can do for me in the face of death."

"Ryunosuke-san, if you are proficient in genjutsu, can't you deter Kyuubi?" Natsume still wasn't convinced even after Kono bragged about it. And seeing Ryunosuke's expression, she realized her assumptions were true.

"It is not the three tomoe sharingan that Kyuubi fears, but the potential it represents."

"Potential? Isn't that the fully matured form?" Natsume hadn't heard anything about a higher rank sharingan than the three tomoe. However, Ryunosuke shook his head.

"One day when you earn enough merit you can exchange for this forbidden knowledge. But just know that Kyuubi cannot be easily fooled. Although I have a small chance, it is better to assume failure."

"I see. Thank you for enlightening me, Ryunosuke-san."

He nodded at her and rolled up the map. Since the formation and roles were decided, they started their journey south. They would approach the danger zone from the east to avoid the Senju clan. They traveled quickly through the dense forest until they arrived at a natural cave. After ensuring it was clear, the group took a moment to rest. The sun had already risen, and they were halfway to the entry point.

Reiji and Seiji came over to Natsume's side and directly asked what was on their mind. "Can you teach us that Jutsu you used to destroy the training ground?"

Natsume shook her head, "Sorry Reiji-san, Seiji-san, but I don't know how to teach that Jutsu. It just… happened."

Just as Seiji was about to ask more, Reiji's expression turned serious. "Shh. We have company. Three mid-rank, one civilian, one high-rank coming from up ahead. They seem to be getting chased. I can't get a read on the pursuer."

"Lion Formation, Fire variant." Ryunosuke immediately called out a command and the group of five formed up. Fortunately, Natsume learned a lot about military strategy from Hinako, so she wasn't a novice in this scenario.

"How close?" He asked, keeping his eyes trained on his designated angle.

"Two hundred meters… One hundred fifty… One hundred… They will appear from that line of trees in 3 seconds, maximum!" And just as he called, the group penetrated past the foliage and into the rocky opening.

Getting closer to the truth of her 'dreams.' Do people like this shorter approach to the reborn trope or would they rather it be first chapter?

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